An "Easter egg" is a hidden message or in-joke that software developers will sneak into whatever project they're working on.
There are plenty in OS X and Windows. We even found a few in Firefox.
We've gathered them here for you so you can see the secrets hidden in the software you already have.
Apple's TextEdit icon
Apple fans will recognize the text on the TextEdit icon, beginning with, "Here's to the crazy ones." They're the words used in a famous Apple commercial.
Emacs psychoanalysis
Start up Terminal on your Mac. Type "emacs" and hit enter. Quickly press esc + x. Then type "psychoanalyze-pinhead" to see your Mac have a conversation with itself. To stop the scrolling conversation, press ctl + g.
The "suck" effect for minimizing a window
You can choose between the "scale" or "genie" effect when you minimize a window on your Mac. But there's a secret third choice called "suck."
Start up Terminal and type "defaults write mineffect -string suck" and restart your computer. The new effect is activated.
See the rest of the story at Business Insider