Jeff Gundlach, the brains behind DoubleLine Funds, has been right about most things lately.
He has been spot on about Apple, Japan, natural gas, and interest rates among other things.
And he's probably right about the value of a college educations.
In his presentation last night, he reiterated his point that the college education system is a broken model.
In four charts, he showed how tuition costs are exploding higher and delinquencies are surging.
And not only have wages not increased commensurate with inflation, wages have actually been falling.
"What have all these soaring tuition costs got you?" asked Gundlach rhetorically.
College tuition inflation is outrageous.

Student loan delinquencies are now worse than credit card delinquencies.

And the rate of student loans going into delinquency is surging.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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