Art Cashin, UBS's Financial Services director of NYSE floor operations, is a legend at the Big Board.
He's also known across the Street for his must-read daily newsletter Cashin's Comments.
At the end of each newsletter, Cashin includes a fun piece of trivia.
The questions are usually a piece of logic or math or history related. They're a ton of fun, but they can be really tricky. He doesn't reveal the answer until the following newsletter comes out.
We've included a round up of a bunch of Cashin's recent brain teasers in the slides that follow. Remember, Google is for cheaters!
Question: Counting Sheep

Don't pull the wool over my eyes - Mordecai the Shepherd divides his flock among his sons. Amos is to get 20% more than Josiah and 25% more than Cephas. If Josiah's share is 3600 sheep, how many sheep does Cephas get?
Source: Cashin's Comments

Answer to counting sheep - The share that went to Cephas would be 3456. If you didn't get that you probably figured out Amos' share and took away 25%. That's not correct.
Source: Cashin's Comments
Question: Etiquette in the new economy paradigm

Etiquette in the new economy paradigm - Tim and Tom are scheduled to have a "business dinner" with Todd and Brian. At the last minute Brian and Todd are called to a business meeting. They suggest that Tim and Tom await for them at the Broker's bar where they are to meet at 5:15. By 7:00 p.m., Todd and Brian are no-shows and Tim and Tom are concerned in that the ice machine and the peanut dispensers are empty. To kill time, Tim and Tom began matching coins at $1 per match. Tom won 3 matches but Tim wound up winning $5. How many matches did they have? Level II Question: How long should Tim and Tom wait - A) 2 hours; B) 4 hours; C) until the cleaning staff vacuum their fingers?
Source: Cashin's Comments
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