When you type in the wrong web address, you end up on a 404 page.
Most companies have boring 404 pages that try to get you back the site's main page.
But some clever companies do more. They use 404 pages to have fun.
We have a round up of the best 404 pages on the web.
A few years ago, Tristan Walker set up a thread on Quora for people to find the best 404 pages on the web. After looking at those submissions, as well as 404 collections on Mashable, 404 Research Lab, and elsewhere on the web, we've put together our favorites.
Whoops! We caught TechCrunch with its pants down on this one

This Pac-Man 404 is great, you can play Pac-Man inside the 404!

This one is a lot of fun, you can rotate the cube and adjust it in and out

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