There are people on the internet claiming to offer contract killing services for hire.
They advertise their wares via Tor, an anonymous and decentralized network of websites that exist off the grid and out of sight of Google, Facebook, and conventional web browsers.
And in an effort to keep payment out of sight, transactions all take place with Bitcoin, a digital currency that is similarly decentralized and anonymous.
Whether these guys are legitimate or not, you can use the specialized Tor browser you can find and communicate with them.
C'thulu purports to be a collection of former soldiers from the French Foreign Legion that will kill for you.

They want $10,000 in advance and $10,000 upon completion.

Anyone communicating with them will need this, their public PGP key. This is a series of characters used to encode a message such that only they can decode it.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider