The new PSY "Gentleman M/V" video has just released Saturday on the official PSY Youtube channel.
PSY, who's "Gangnam Style" video reached a billion views, instead chose to release "Gentleman M/V" without the video, which has raised some eyebrows, considering it was the video that really hooked in viewers the first time around with Gangnam.
Gangnam Style currently has over 1.5 billion views on Youtube.
Say that out loud. One point five BILLION views on Youtube.
That is just ridiculous, and sets up PSY for possibly the biggest letdown ever when it comes to the second release of what could be the biggest one hit wonder of all history.
One thing that remains the same is that in "Gentleman M/V" PSY is most definitely back up to his goofy antics, even adding in butt scratching and whiping his hand across a girls nose. Really. Elevator guy and the man in the yellow suit are back as well.
Reddit currently has a thread going with some varied reactions.
Jump right to our breakdown of the PSY Gentleman M/V video >
Check out the video.
He's back.

Back in dance form.

With some crazy hip gyrating action again.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider