Facebook is easily one of the coolest places to work right now.
The social network has a ton of cash and employees enjoy luxuries like free gourmet breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Besides epic meals, Facebook employees have a high quality of life on the social network's campus. It's a mix of work and play.
For instance, each year, Facebook hosts a birthday party for itself and employees are the ones that receive gifts.
Answers site Quora has a topic where employees give a behind the scenes view of working at the world's largest social network.
Each Friday Mark Zuckerberg holds a weekly Q&A session. Employee's say that Zuckerberg shares his thoughts for the week and takes questions on any topic Facebookers want to talk about.

The most common internal communication tool is obviously Facebook, but the most used product internally is Facebook Groups.

Interns at Facebook make $25,000 more than the average U.S. citizen. Glassdoor reports that the average base salary for a Facebook Intern is about $67,000.

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