It's a fact almost every traveler faces: The world is bigger than our wallets are deep.
And while there are plenty of tricks for squeezing the most out of every vacation dollar, one of the simplest options is to find a place that has a lot to offer but hasn't yet been hit by the price inflation that comes with big-time popularity.
Here are 10 destinations great enough to make the journey worthwhile, yet still cheap enough to ensure vacation abundance.
1. Ukraine

Its name translates to "land on the edge," and this year Ukraine may be on the edge of discovery for visitors in search of rich history on a tight budget. Visitors return from the country amazed at its cultural wealth, the warmth of its people, and the fact that travelers can live large for under $50 a day.
As yet unspoiled by the tourist masses, you can explore UNESCO World Heritage sites with locals and then tuck into a traditional meal for just a few dollars. It's the kind of travel we reminisce about once the moment has passed, which means now is the time to build those memories.
2. South Korea

South Korea's got visitor-friendly affordability in the bag. Not only can budget travelers find the basics—from hotel rooms to great meals—at reasonable prices, but the country also has a ton of free perks, discounts, and other affordable and helpful services specifically for visitors.
For instance, between March 1 and August 25, a free shuttle bus transports foreign visitors between capital city Seoul and the popular city of Jeonju. A free phone service gives tourists multilingual assistance 24 hours a day, and there are even free guide services for visitors.
3. Tasmania, Australia

Tasmania. Is it on your travel radar yet? If not, maybe it should be. Hobart, an old-meets-new harbor town on the Australian island, makes a splashy debut on not one but two major travel lists, with prime spots on both TripAdvisor's Travelers' Choice 2012 Destinations on the Rise and Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2013.
That's the sort of popularity that precedes price spikes for travelers, but a trip this year will yield the best of Hobart at a still-modest cost. Waterfront cafes and shops, a lively arts scene bolstered by the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG), and a culinary scene that holds its own against much bigger cities give tiny Hobart big chops.
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