- First lady Melania Trump has unveiled the 2019 White House Christmas decorations.
- "The Spirit of America" is the theme of this year's decorations, and includes tributes to children's games, classic holiday stories, and cities across America.
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First lady Melania Trump unveiled the 2019 White House Christmas decorations in several glittering rooms on Monday, keeping with the theme of "The Spirit of America."
The White House described the theme as "a tribute to the traditions, customs, and history that make our Nation great."
CNN's Kate Bennett reported that the days of decorating the White House's main rooms took volunteers from all 50 states to hang 800 feet of garland, 15,000 bows, and more than 2,500 strands of lights.
The White House also released a video tour of this year's decorations:
See the highlights in these photos of the decorations.
SEE ALSO: Incredible photos show how the White House has celebrated Christmas through the years
DON'T MISS: 29 photos show the White House all decked out for Christmas 2018
On November 25, the first lady received the White House Christmas tree from a horse-drawn delivery.

National Park Service staff hauled the massive tree inside.

The 18-foot tree was then installed as the first decoration in the Blue Room.

One week later, the tree, along with the rest of the White House, was decked out and ready for visitors.

Just days after Thanksgiving, the first lady gave the decorations a final walk-through.

The US Marine Band played in the glistening Grand Foyer as members of the press were welcomed to view the decorations on Monday, December 2.

Boxes of chocolate kisses were waiting for visitors at the preview.

The Grand Foyer was lit up with green Christmas tees covered in fake snow and white lights that shone overhead to make "a glistening winter garden," the White House said in a release.

The first family's annual ornament, a waving American flag, dotted trees throughout the wing.

White paper stars cast celestial shadows across the glowing white East Colonnade.

Along the sides of the hall stood acrylic panels showing off some of the country's largest landmarks as "a timeline of American design, innovation, and architecture," the White House said in a release.

The East Wing also hosted the Gold Star Family tree, which honors America's Armed Forces and their families.

A small tree was adorned with the 2019 White House Christmas Ornament, which is a helicopter to honor former President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Source: The White House Historical Association
The Red Room featured a small lit tree with several playful accents, which the White House said "ignites the childlike spirit we all have at this time of year."

The name of the first lady's signature childhood wellbeing program was represented on a Scrabble-tile ornament featured in a wreath alongside dominos.

A Scrabble board in the base of the tree spelled out some key positive words associated with the "Be Best" campaign.

Trees made of playing cards and green leaves completed the Red Room's games theme.

The Green Room featured nods to "beloved and classic Christmas tales" and a Christmas countdown, the White House said in a press release.

The China Room displayed a fully set table and a holiday feast.

The artificial feast featured pyramids of fruit, a turkey, and vegetables.

A gingerbread model of the White House in the State Dining Room made for this year's decorations weighs more than 300 lbs.

"Fun fact,"CNN reporter Kate Bennett added on Twitter, "the banisters are made of spaghetti."
On one side of the gingerbread White House was a red model of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, Seattle's Space Needle, and Mount Rushmore.

On the other side stood models of the Alamo, the Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty, and St. Louis' Gateway Arch to highlight "America the Beautiful," the White House said.

The White House gets tens of thousands of visitors each holiday season.

Source: White House
Americans interested in taking a tour can contact their member of Congress.

Source: White House