Electronics Arts has hit Zynga with a lawsuit accusing it of copying the design and game mechanics of "The Sims Social."
The lawsuit is filled with side-by-side comparisons of Zynga's "The Ville" and EA's "The Sims Social."
After looking at EA's evidence, we must say it appears as though Zynga did copy certain elements from "Sims Social."
However, cloning games — called "fast-follows" in the industry — are expected. And while the games may look alike, it's unclear if Zynga has committed copyright infringement, as EA accuses.
Still, this is the first time Zynga could end up in court against a large company of over a similar issue.
First, some context: this woman, Lucy Bradshaw, and EA's Maxis games division are the ones complaining.

The Sims Social was originally built by Playfish, but many of Playfish's executives, like The Sims Social's Catharina Mallet, have already left. That includes...

... Zynga COO John Schappert. He was formerly COO of EA. He is listed in the lawsuit as having contributed to The Ville with several other old EA executives.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider