![zumba exercising women]()
You're delusional.
No, it's OK, we all are.
Think about your gym, which you visit so infrequently you’re practically making a charity donation to Bally Total Fitness. Or the diet cleanse you spent $100 on ... when you could have paid $30 in healthy groceries that would have also done the trick.
Don’t kick yourself—you’re not alone in falling prey to these marketing ploys. There’s a reason that, for instance, the burgeoning “enhanced waters” beverage category (think Vitamin Water) has become a $1.5 billion industry.
By playing on our delusions and our fears, companies tempt us to shell out for needless items, and that can wreak havoc on our finances, if we let it!
Watch out for these seven industries that profit from our insecurities—and find out how to resist their ploys.
SEE ALSO: 22 products that really do last a lifetime >
1. Gyms
No industry plays on the chasm between what we do and what we wish we did better than the $21 billion fitness club industry. At the beginning of a fitness push, we are all too happy to hand over a hefty membership fee and sign a yearlong contract, hoping the sunk cost will encourage us to create whole new selves.
But the reality is that 67% of people with gym memberships never use them. Even those who go to the gym regularly are paying a lot more than they imagined: A U.C. Berkeley study showed that people who signed up for a monthly gym membership ended up paying 70% more than they could have paid on a pay-per-visit plan available at the same club.
The reason? “Overconfidence about future self-control,” say the researchers. In other words: Delusions.
Tip: If this is you, find out the best workouts for you and your budget. Even if you do actually use the gym, make sure you're getting the best deal possible: comparison shop, use a competitor's price to get a deal at your preferred gym, or sign up for a yearlong membership to get the best possible rate.
2. Health and Diet Food
In 2011, the market for vitamins and supplements was $28 billion—despite a lack of solid research proving their effectiveness. In fact, most of our food is fortified with nutrients, so once-common deficiency diseases are now rare. Most researchers say that unless you're pregnant or elderly or have an identified deficiency, you don't need supplements and that a balanced diet is the best source of nutrients.
As for the weight-loss market, which in 2010 was worth $60 billion, several studies show that dieting actually consistently correlates with future weight gain.
Tip: If you're a sucker for vitamins and supplements, don't pay a premium for packaged foods making health claims; eat these superfoods instead. And if you think your ticket to weight loss is a diet program, consider preparing meals from fresh, whole ingredients and setting up a regular exercise routine to do it on your own instead.
3. Electronics Rebates and Warranties
Electronics store ads often advertise a new gadget’s price as if you’d already received all the mail-in rebates. But a Consumer Reports survey found that less than half of people always or often cash in on rebate offers, and a full quarter never do. Even among those who sent in for their rebates, 21% said they never received them.
Additionally, extended warranties and insurance plans for smartphones sound so sensible. But they're almost never a good deal, consumer advocates warn. The extended warranty business itself generates $15 billion a year of almost pure profit, playing on our innate urge to avoid losses even if we could financially afford to replace the object.
And consider this: By the time the manufacturer's warranty ends on your phone, laptop or other high-tech gizmo, you'll probably want to upgrade to a newer model or the replacement price will have dropped, making the extended warranty moot.
Tip: Before you rush to take advantage of a deal you can only get with rebates, ask yourself: Are you going to diligently fill in every form and mail the thing in on time?
And next time the cashier asks you if you want to pay 10 to 50% extra for an extended warranty, just say no.
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