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7 surprising men Ivanka Trump was romantically linked to before she married Jared


ivanka dating

  • Ivanka Trump is one half of the White House's biggest power couples. 
  • But before there was JaVanka, there was Bingo, and Sean, and even a Topher.
  • Read on to find out about some of her serious (and not-so-serious) suitors.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. 

Believe it or not, there was a time before JaVanka.

Yup, back in the late '90s and early 2000s, Ivanka Trump was flashing hot dog vendors (allegedly), modeling in wacky runway shows, and dating her way through the era's most eligible bachelors. 

Jared Kushner and Ivanka didn't meet until 2007, when they were set up, sort of, by a friend, intending to help the two network in the real estate world. 

"They very innocently set us up thinking that our only interest in one another would be transactional," Ivanka told Vogue in 2015. But, to use her father's parlance, she continued, "whenever we see them we're like, the best deal we ever made!" 

The couple briefly broke up in 2008 because Kushner was worried that Ivanka's religious background wouldn't jibe with his Orthodox Jewish family. But in 2009, the couple reconciled and Ivanka converted to Judaism. 

In that same Vogue interview, she spoke about Jared's favorite date night activity: Looking at real estate development sites.

"We went to this great restaurant in Brooklyn on Saturday, and all of a sudden I find myself standing on the roof of the Whole Foods in Gowanus in the pouring rain. At midnight. And he's showing me this giant site he just bought. I'm like, 'Huh. So this is why you chose that restaurant,'" she said.   

Clearly they're meant for each other.

But all that came later. First, Ivanka would date socialites, actors, athletes, and, reportedly, even a septuagenarian music mogul. Read on to see Ivanka's relationship timeline.

Ivanka's first college boyfriend was Greg Hersch, whom she met while at Georgetown University.

Ivanka spent her freshman and sophomore years at Georgetown University before transferring to the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania (the alma mater of both her father and Don Jr.)

But before she made it over to Philadelphia, she met Greg Hersch, an investment banker who later went on to launch his own money management firm, Florence Capital

The pair seemed to move relatively quickly — Trump was living with Hersch for a time in DC and the couple adopted a yellow Labrador together. They broke up in 2001.

In a 2007 interview with GQ Ivanka said that while "it's difficult being friends with an ex," she managed to remain friendly with Hersch. 

After she and Greg broke up, Ivanka started dating socialite James "Bingo" Gubelmann in 2001.

James — who most, including Ivanka, referred to as Bingo — and Ivanka dated for nearly four years. They ran in similar rarefied circles; both grew up in New York City and attended prestigious private schools (though at one point Ivanka and her school Chapin made a "mutual decision" for her to leave, and she was sent to the Connecticut boarding school Choate.)

Anyway! While dating Ivanka, Bingo traded on his wealthy background to produce the 2003 documentary "Born Rich," about his cohort, and Ivanka appears in several segments of the film. He later went on to produce a slew of films, including "The Runner" and something called "My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done?"

The pair lasted until around 2005, and then during an appearance on "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno" Ivanka did the totally chill thing of announcing their break up on air. (Hope Bingo knew before Jay Leno did). 

Years later, in 2016, Bingo made the tabloids again when he was arrested along with Maroon 5 bassist Mickey Madden outside a bar on St. Mark's Place on charges of cocaine possession. As a part of his post-arrest agreement, Gubelmann pledged to attend a treatment program. 


Ivanka supposedly rebounded from Bingo with ... Lance Armstrong.

Did Ivanka ever wear one of those ubiquitous Livestrong bracelets? Chances are, yes, because she's rumored to have briefly dated Livestrong founder and now-disgraced Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong. 

Ivanka and Armstrong met in 2006 during a trip Ivanka took to Los Angeles to film scenes for "The Apprentice" according to People— though it's unclear whether any real romance took place. 

Trump told the magazine at the time, "I have tremendous respect for Lance and all he has accomplished. That said, we are just friends."👀


Ivanka then moved on to "That 70s Show" star Topher Grace.

Yep, Topher Grace briefly dated Ivanka Trump following her split with Gubelmann, but he's not exactly proud of it. 

"Certainly it wasn't a political statement. This was a decade ago. I met her here in New York and we went on a couple of dates," he told the Daily Beast in 2018. "I wouldn't say that we 'dated,' but… I didn't do it for political reasons.

Despite Grace's protestations, observers at the time said they were spotted canoodling at Ivanka's 25th birthday party at the Las Vegas club Pure. 

The pair "danced and cuddled on the VIP bed and even shared a quick kiss during the party," reported People at the time. 


Dole heir Justin Murdock had a brief dalliance with Ivanka in 2006.

We've all gone through a bad boy phase, including, apparently Ivanka. Trump was briefly linked to Justin Murdock, heir to the Dole fruit fortune, in the mid-2000s, prior to meeting Jared. 

Their love didn't work out, and neither did Murdock's Dole career. He left the company in 2013, and is now Senior Vice President of Investments of Castle & Cooke. Murdock's been romantically linked with sad girl singer Lana Del Rey and Avril Lavigne, but settled down with Clint Eastwood's granddaughter Francesca in 2017.

In July 2019, Murdock was accused of rape by an unnamed model.

It didn't work out, so she moved on to Sean Brosnan in 2007.

Sean Brosnan, son of former 007 Pierce Brosnan, is an actor and director who's appeared in more than 20 films and TV shows. At the time he was dating Ivanka, he'd just appeared in a TV mini-series called "When Evil Calls," and was working on a couple of other TV projects. 

But alas, it was not to be, and Brosnan never even met the Donald. 

"I was too smart to bring home a date or boyfriend," she told CNN in 2016. "I was not going to subject boyfriends to the scrutiny of my father, or mother for that matter, unless I was 100% sure."

The winner for most unlikely suitor? Quincy Jones.

Motown legend Quincy Jones — father of Rashida and Kidada Jones — said in a 2018 interview with New York magazine that he dated Ivanka, and that it was her idea.

Jones expressed his distaste with Ivanka's father, calling him "Limited mentally — a megalomaniac, narcissistic" before noting "I used to date Ivanka, you know."

Designer Tommy Hilfiger allegedly connected the two after Ivanka asked to be introduced to the music legend. Jones was 72 and Ivanka was 25. 

"I said, 'She's a fine motherf---.' She had the most beautiful legs I ever saw in my life. Wrong father, though," he told New York's David Marchese. 

Ivanka later denied Jones' claims through "sources" who spoke to both E! and Daily Mail and said Jones' story wasn't true.

And then there was the one that got away.

No, Ivanka and New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady never actually dated, but her father really wishes they had. 

In a 2018 profile on Jared and Ivanka, the New York Times wrote that Donald Trump had been heard by many people lamenting Ivanka's choice of husbands.

"Jared hasn't been so good for me," he complained while campaigning for president in 2016.

Trump allegedly also joked that he "could have had Tom Brady" as a son-in-law. "Instead," the president continued, "I got Jared Kushner."


Intermittent fasting was the hottest diet trend of 2019, according to Google. Here's what else topped the list.


intermittent fasting benefits

  • Google recently released its "Year in Search Trends" for 2019.
  • Among the most popular diet trends were fasting, plant-based diets, and cutting out sugar and carbs. 
  • The once-popular keto and carnivore diets have fallen off of the popular trends list this year, however. 
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more. 

Even though research shows that adopting a healthy eating plan you can stick to for life is a better tactic than yo-yo dieting, people are always intrigued by the latest strategy for losing weight in a hurry.

And in 2019, those strategies tended to fall into three patterns: slashing sugar and carbs, adding more plant-based foods, and restricting eating to certain hours of the day or to certain days of the week, according to Google's annual 'Year in Search Trends' report. Plans that aim to control weight by manipulating your body chemistry were also popular. 

Given that more than 9 in 10 internet searches in the world are performed on Google or its subsidiary YouTube, the search engine's list of trends is probably a decent gauge of what diets people were trying this year.

But, keep in mind that Google's annual trends are based on which search terms had the biggest spike in 2019 compared to 2018. That means some oddball diets may have landed on this top-10 list simply because they're new. 

10. The no-sugar, no-carb J. Lo Diet challenge was trending last January as a way to reset for the new year.

Jennifer Lopez announced last January that she was doing a 10-day diet challenge, completely cutting out carbs and sugar. Her Instagram post about the challenge caused an immediate spike in Google traffic for the "J Lo Diet." 

On the advice of her nutritionist, she temporarily cut out starchy vegetables (like squash and potatoes), dairy, fruits, and grains, in addition to sweeteners, candy, and pastries. 

Instead, the singer and actress ate leafy greens, cruciferous veggies like broccoli, and lots of fats and protein from meat, nuts, seeds, seafood, and eggs, Cheatsheet reported. 

Now, Lopez, who turned 50 this year, stays fit by also reportedly cutting out caffeine and alcohol from her diet and making sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. 


9. The endomorph diet aims to help people eat right for their body type.

The endomorph diet is based on one of three basic human body types described in the 1940s by psychologist William Sheldon. 

"Endomorphs" are people who tend to have larger bodies and a higher percentage of body fat, and who have more trouble gaining muscle and losing weight.

It's also believed that endomorphs may have slower metabolisms or be more likely to convert calories to fat than other body types because they can be more sensitive to carbohydrates and insulin, according to proponents of the diet

The endomorph diet aims to keep people with this body type healthy and fit by cutting down on carbs and sugars, particularly refined and processed foods, and emphasizing healthy fats and proteins. 

Since the diet is based on simple principles of healthy eating most nutritionists agree on, it would likely be effective for most people regardless of body type. 

8. "No carbs no sugar" diets were a broader trend fueled by New Year's resolutions, lasting into March.

An extreme version of other carb- and sugar-shunning diets like keto and the FODMAP plan, the no-carbs, no-sugar diet was a hot topic trending in early 2019. 

However, cutting carbs, and even sugars, means leaving out foods that have proven health benefits, including fruit, whole grains, and legumes. 

According to Google Trends, most people lost their resolve a few months in, as searches for "no carb no sugar" gradually dropped into March and April. 


7. The "sirtfood" diet was trending in late October, thanks to Adele, but its low-calorie, restrictive plan isn't sustainable.

The sirtfood diet peaked in popularity in late October after Adele was spotted looking significantly slimmer at the rapper Drake's birthday party. 

The singer was first reported trying the diet in 2017, requiring her to eat lots of "sirtfoods" to supposedly regulate the body's metabolism, inflammation levels, and aging.

Sirtfoods, a "food group" not actually considered such by nutrition professionals, include green tea, citrus fruit, parsley, kale, capers, blueberries, apples, and even red wine.

At the start of the diet, you're supposed to restrict yourself to just 1,000 calories a day for three days straight. On days four through seven, you can eat 1,500 calories.

The restrictive nature of the diet means it's likely not sustainable long term for weight loss, and the short list of foods it provides could limit nutrient intake.

6. The Dubrow diet, a celebrity fasting trend, is back again after trending in 2018.

Celebrity couple Terry and Heather Dubrow, who rose to fame after stints on various reality TV shows, have touted a diet plan that is essentially a version of intermittent fasting, a regimen in which dieters spend up to 16 hours a day fasting.

The Dubrow diet consists of three phases: First, there is an extremely restrictive phase, with no alcohol, small portion sizes, and a lot of veggies and low-fat foods for the first two to five days. Then the diet opens up to include more foods and brings back alcohol. The third and final phase is more relaxed and focused on maintenance.

Throughout all phases, though, dieters fast between eight and 12 hours a day. 

The couple claims that 100 adults who tried the diet for six months under the Dubrows' supervision lost 33 to 86 pounds.

It could simply be effective because it keeps people from mindlessly snacking all day, but fasting also has the potential to increase ketone levels in the body, which can promote fat loss.

Still, rapid weight loss doesn't always lead to long-term results, and fasting can be dangerous for certain populations including people with a history of eating disorders. 

5. The branded GOLO diet made a comeback in 2019, after being the top diet trend in 2016.

GOLO is a brand-name diet program that promises to help you lose weight by managing insulin with a dietary supplement, fitness plan, and eating plan.

The plan relies primarily on a proprietary supplement called "Release," which claims to balance hormones, control glucose levels, and "optimize" insulin intake. 

It also promotes common-sense principles like exercising regularly, eating whole, unprocessed foods, and limiting porition sizes to lose weight. 

The whole package costs money though, with most plans starting around $50. 

The science behind it is unclear — many of the studies showing the diet's effectiveness were designed and funded by the company itself. 


4. The 1,200-calorie diet strictly limits daily food intake.

Trending last January and gradually losing popularity throughout the year, the 1,200-calorie diet is exactly what it sounds like — limiting total daily food intake to 1,200 calories to lose weight. 

Unfortunately, nutrition isn't quite that simple: People's calories needs vary widely based in height, weight, gender, age, and activity level. 

A common baseline estimate, if you're trying to lose weight, is to calculate your own unique calorie needs, and then subtract 300-500 calories a day from that number. For most people, that winds up being around 1,500 to 2,000 calories daily. 

While some people might be able to manage on 1,200 calories, that number may be too low for others, and actually interfere with weight loss in addition to causing other side effects like low energy and moodiness.

Increasingly, nutritionists have argued that the quality, not quantity, of the food you eat is the most important factor in health (and healthy weight). 

3. The app-inspired Noom diet has stayed popular after trending in 2018.

Noom is a weight-loss app that provides users with individualized feedback.

App users enter in how much they weigh along with data on how often they're exercising, eating, and sleeping. Then they get advice in personal and group messages from human coaches as well as access to online resources, like articles on how to eat local food and tips for sleeping better.

The app is getting good results for people with prediabetes: In 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention listed Noom as one of its recommended, evidence-based, Type 2 diabetes prevention programs — a first for a smartphone app.

"We know that the program is above the requirements," Noom's president and cofounder, Artem Petakov, said when the news was announced. "The CDC requires that 40% of participants lose 5% of their weight, and Noom demonstrated that 51% achieved 5% weight loss."

Prices for the program range from $16 to $60 a month, depending on how long you agree to subscribe.

2. The Dr. Sebi diet had people exploring plant-based eating, but relies on bogus claims about "cleansing."

The Dr. Sebi diet was inspired by a deceased herbalist who, although known by that title, was actually named Alfredo Darrington Bowman, and didn't have a medical degree.

His nutritional plan is a version of the alkaline diet, which aims to restore the body's pH level. Dr. Sebi's specific plan relies on plant-based foods, which will allegedly "cleanse" the cells of mucus build-up. There's no scientific evidence to back up these claims. 

The specifics of the diet are hidden behind a paywall on the Dr. Sebi website, but the plan includes cutting out wheat, animal products and alcohol, and drinking a gallon of spring water a day. 

The Dr. Sebi diet also recommends a list of branded products available on the brand's website. 

Although Dr. Sebi himself died in 2016, his nutritional plan lives on, with searches for his diet spiking periodically throughout the year. 

This diet was part of a broader trend of people cutting back on animal products in their diet for a variety of reasons including their health, ethical concerns, and to protect the environment. 

1. Intermittent fasting was the No. 1 diet trend of the year.

Intermittent fasting, or restricting your eating to a limited time period each day, was the most popular searched diet term of 2019, according to Google. 

Styles of fasting vary — some people swear by eating within an eight-hour window, and fasting the other 16 hours of the day, while others will fast for two days a week, and eat normally the other five. 

Increasingly, researchers are discovering that giving your gut a break now and then in this way can deliver huge health benefits.

Periodic fasting can help some people ward off diseases including diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity while also boosting the production of a protein that strengthens connections in the brain and can serve as an antidepressant. It's also been shown to help with weight loss, even if you don't cut calories. 

Side effects of fasting can be fatigue, muscle aches, and dizziness, though, and it's not recommended for people with high calorie needs such as people who are underweight, younger than 18, or pregnant. It can also be dangerous for people at risk of eating disorders

Scientists are at work on novel drugs that could one day mimic the health-boosting effects of being in a low-calorie state, without starving people.

Read more: 

The biggest diet fads of the decade, from high-fat keto to intermittent fasting

The keto diet fascinated Americans most in 2018. Here are the top 10 diet trends of the year, according to Google.

The science behind Adele's 'sirtfood' diet and 24 other bizarre celebrity weight-loss plans

From George Washington to Michael Bloomberg, here are 12 of the richest US presidential candidates in history


John F Kennedy

  • Donald Trump may be the richest president in America's history, but one of his 2020 contenders is worth 17 times more, Forbes estimates.
  • Campaigning to be US president is an expensive business, and the challenge has drawn candidates with vast fortunes.
  • US presidential contenders derived their wealth from landowning in the early days of the nation, while recent candidates got rich from technology, oil, and inheritance, Business Insider reported in 2017.
  • Incumbent Donald Trump is the richest president in history, with his net worth estimated at $3 billion. He has claimed the figure is larger, Business Insider previously reported.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Campaigning to be the president of the USA is an expensive business, and the challenge has drawn candidates with vast fortunes.

Those who take the challenge of running for the oval office often have sizeable fortunes at their disposal. Three billionaires — Tom Steyer, Micheal Bloomberg, and Donald Trump— have already thrown their hats in the ring for 2020, but ultra-wealthy people have been on the ballot since the country's first presidential election in 1788, Business Insider reported in 2017.

Below, Business Insider looks at some of the richest people ever to run for — and in some cases, be elected into — the White House, organized in ascending order of their net worths.

SEE ALSO: Meet Steve Cohen, the hedge-fund billionaire who is in talks to buy the Mets for $2.6 billion and owns mansions across some of America's swankiest ZIP codes

DON'T MISS: Meet the top 10 ultra-wealthy Americans funding the 2020 presidential elections so far

12. 2004 Democratic nominee John Kerry had a net worth of $103 million in 2003.

Source of wealth: Investments and marriage

Former Secretary of State John Kerry is one of the richest people ever to win the Democratic party's presidential nomination, which he did in 2004. Political group Citizens United used his background to portray him as an out-of-touch elitist in ads. He lost to George W. Bush, who also came from substantial family wealth. Kerry's fortune, estimated to have been $103 million in 2003 by the Center for Responsive Politics, is tied up in a portfolio of properties and other investments. 

But it is dwarfed by the fortune of his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, who inherited vast sums from her late husband, John Heinz, a member of the ketchup dynasty. In 2004, The New York Times estimated her fortune at $1 billion. The couple signed a prenuptial agreement before their 1995 marriage, and keep their financial affairs separate.

11. President Theodore Roosevelt was worth the equivalent of $125 million today.

Source of wealth: Inheritance and real estate

Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, came from a wealthy family and inherited a fortune as a young man, according to 24/7 Wall Street. However, he lost much of his trust fund in a Dakota business venture and relied on his inheritance and earnings as an author and public servant for most of his life. 

He owned 235 acres in Oyster Bay, Long Island, which he bought after his 1883 marriage. That is now some of the most valuable land in the area, giving him a net worth that is the equivalent of $125 million in 2010, according to an estimate by 24/7 Wall Street.

10. Former Vice President and 2000 Democratic nominee Al Gore has a $200 million fortune.

Source of wealth: Inheritance and investment

When Al Gore narrowly lost to George W Bush in the 2000 presidential election, he was worth about $1.7 million — a paltry sum by the standards of other contenders on the list. But in the years since, his wealth has ballooned, according to Bloomberg, to an estimated $200 million. This is owing to savvy sustainable investments and the sale of a news network he founded, Current TV, to Qatari-based Al Jazeera for an estimated $100 million in 2013, The New York Times reported at the time.

He also comes from a wealthy family. His father, US Senator Albert Gore Sr., who died in 1998, owned a controlling stake in Occidental Petroleum, according to The Times. Gore also receives an annual $20,000 royalty from Occidental for zinc mining on family, The Times reported.

9. Senator and 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney made a $250 million fortune running a private equity firm.

Source of wealth: Private equity

Mitt Romney started his career as a consultant with Bain & Company and built his fortune as a founding member of its investment arm, Bain Capital, Business Insider's Henry Blodget previously reported.

Under his stewardship, Bain Capital became one of the world's most successful private equity firms. His declared wealth when he unsuccessfully ran for the presidency in 2012 against Barack Obama was $250 million, according to The Washington Post. The Post, however, said that his total assets are likely much greater.

Having served as governor of Massachusetts, Romney was elected again to the Senate in 2018 to represent Utah, according to the AP.

8. The $439 million fortune of Forbes Magazine Editor-in-Chief Steve Forbes did not help him secure the GOP nomination in 1996 or 2000.

Source of wealth: Publishing, inheritance, and property

Publishing tycoon Steve Forbes, founder of the Forbes business magazine, ran on the GOP ticket in 1996 and again in 2000. On both occasions, the New York businessman was beaten in the primaries, Forbes Magazine reported.

He inherited a vast family publishing and property empire, valued at $439 million in 1996, according to the AP. He spent $69 million of his own money in his two unsuccessful presidential bids. 

7. George Washington's $525 million fortune makes him second-wealthiest president in American history.

Source of wealth: Real estate

Adjusted for inflation, the first president's fortune would today stand at $525 million, Business Insider reported in 2017. This made him the wealthiest person to win the presidency until Trump's 2016 victory.

Washington's fortune was bound to his vast estates in Mount Vernon, Virginia, which stretched across 8,000 acres in Virginia, Business Insider previously reported. He also owned 300 slaves. 

In the early days of the presidency, only white, male property owners were allowed to vote. This meant that many of the first presidents were wealthy landowners, with 3rd president Thomas Jefferson worth $236.8 million, Business Insider reported in 2017.

T6. President John F. Kennedy was born into one ultra-wealthy family, and married into another, giving him a net worth of $1 billion.

Source of wealth: Inheritance

John F. Kennedy was born into enormous wealth, and married oil heiress Jacqueline Bouvier in 1953, according to Forbes. His career was bankrolled by his father, Joe Kennedy, one of the richest men in America, who had made his fortune in banking, stock trading and bootlegging, Forbes reported.

When elected to the White House, JFK gave away his $100,000 annual salary to charity, Business Insider previously reported. Had he not been assassinated in 1963, Kennedy stood to inherit a significant portion of his family's fortune, calculated at about $1 billion.


T6. Vice President and GOP presidential candidate Nelson Rockefeller had a $1 billion fortune, mostly inherited from his grandfather.

Source of wealth: Inheritance

Nelson A. Rockefeller was the grandson of one of the richest men in the world: oil magnate John A. Rockefeller, according to PBS.

When he became vice-president to Gerald Ford in 1974, estimates put his part of the inherited family fortune at $1.3 billion. Before becoming vice president, he made three unsuccessful runs for the presidency as a Republican candidate: in 1960, 1964 and 1968. 


4. Former hedge fund manager Tom Steyer has used his $1.6 billion fortune to fund his bid for the 2020 Democratic nomination.

Source of wealth: Finance

Tom Steyer is one of the latest entrants to the 2020 presidential race, having announced his candidacy in July. He has spent millions of his own fortune on environmental causes and recently paid for ads on prime-time TV calling for President Trump to be impeached.

Steyer ran hedge fund Farallon Capital for 26 years, but stepped aside from the position in 2012 to focus on environmental and political causes.

Forbes estimates Steyer's net worth to be $1.6 billion.

3. With a net worth of $3.1 billion, Donald Trump is the richest president in America's history.

Source of wealth: Technology and investments

Ross Perot was a plain-speaking Texan, who in 1992 became the most popular third-party candidate to run for the presidency when he ran against George H.W. Bush, according to the AP. Perot did not win but he did become the most popular third-party candidate in almost a century. He ran again in 1996, and was beaten by Bill Clinton, the AP reported.

At the time, he was the richest man ever to run for president, with his self-made fortune estimated at $3.5 billion when he ran in 1992. 

Perot was one of the first tech billionaires, selling his company Electronic Data Systems to General Motors for $2.4 billion in 1984 and investing a fortune in municipal bonds. At the time of his death in July 2019, Forbes estimated his fortune at $4.1 billion.

2. Two-time third-party candidate Ross Perot had a $4.1 billion fortune.

Source of wealth: Technology and investments

Ross Perot was a plain-speaking Texan, who in 1992 became the most popular third-party candidate to run for the presidency when he ran against George H.W. Bush, according to the AP. Perot did not win but he did become the most popular third-party candidate in almost a century. He ran again in 1996, and was beaten by Bill Clinton, the AP reported.

At the time, he was the richest man ever to run for president, with his self-made fortune estimated at $3.5 billion when he ran in 1992. 

Perot was one of the first tech billionaires, selling his company Electronic Data Systems to General Motors for $2.4 billion in 1984 and investing a fortune in municipal bonds. At the time of his death in July 2019, Forbes estimated his fortune at $4.1 billion.

1. With a net worth of $55.9 billion, 2020 candidate Micheal Bloomberg is 17 times richer than the current president, according to Forbes.

Source of wealth: Financial media

Bloomberg is the most recent addition to the already-crowded field of 2020 candidates, Insider's Eliza Relman reported. The multi-billionaire made his fortune from Bloomberg LP, the media company he cofounded that now brings in $10 billion in annual revenue, Business Insider's Katie Warren and Emmie Martin previously reported.

Bloomberg is currently the richest person in New York and the ninth-richest person in the nation, Martin and Warren reported.

Bloomberg is largely self-financing his campaign, and is prepared to spend $100 million on his bid for the 2020 Democratic nomination, CNBC reported in 2018.

The best media streaming sticks and devices

  • A media streaming device can transform your so-called dumb TV into a smart one that plays shows and movies from Disney+, Netflix, Hulu, HBO Now, Prime Video, and other streaming services.
  • The best of the bunch is the Roku Ultra with its easy-to-use interface, 4K video streaming, voice control, and simple remote.

The world is changing. Gone are the days when a cable subscription was necessary to watch all the latest and greatest TV shows. These days, the best TV shows are coming out on streaming platforms like Disney+, ESPN+, Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video. Of course, the best way to take advantage of services like Netflix is by streaming shows straight to your TV.

There are plenty of streaming devices out there to help you connect the latest and greatest video streaming services to your TV, and they're not all created equal. Before buying, you'll want to consider a few different things.

For starters, you'll want to think about whether you want a fully-fledged streaming box, which comes complete with its own operating system and allows you to download and install apps. The alternative is a device like the Google Chromecast, which basically streams content from your phone or computer (called casting); instead of installing Netflix on the TV-connected device, you'll install it on your phone or computer and then stream from your phone to the Chromecast, which is plugged into your TV's HDMI port.

Next up you'll want to keep in mind the specs of your TV. Not all streaming sticks and boxes are able to handle 4K content, so if you have a 4K TV, you'll want to get one that can stream 4K videos; the reverse is also true, as a non-4K TV won't be able to take advantage of 4K playback. Last but not least, it might be worth considering the ecosystem you're most plugged into. For example, Android users might be able to get more use from an Android TV device, while those using an iPhone and Mac might prefer the Apple TV.

We've done the research and testing to find the best streaming sticks and boxes to turn your dumb TV into a smart one that can access videos from Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, and more. 

Note: Nearly all of these products require access to the internet over Wi-Fi or Ethernet. Products that support casting require a smartphone or tablet.

Here are our top picks for the best streaming boxes and sticks:

Updated on 12/12/2019 by Steven Cohen: Updated prices, links, and formatting. Updated the NVIDIA Shield TV Pro to the new model, and changed our budget recommendation of Roku Stick to the Roku Express. 

SEE ALSO: The best HDTV indoor antennas you can buy

The best streaming box overall

The Roku Ultra streams in 4K and HDR, has voice search, and comes with a remote control that has programmable shortcut buttons.

Roku's Ultra is more streaming box than many people need. It supports 4K video at 60 frames per second and HDR playback using the standard HDR10 format. If you have a 4K TV, this model will help you get the most out of your display.

Roku doesn't require a Google or Apple account to use (you will need to register for a Roku account, however), but it can still connect to all the streaming services you enjoy. You'll be able to install Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, Amazon Prime, HBO Now, Apple TV+, and more using Roku's operating system. Just connect the box to your TV via the HDMI port, and install all your favorite streaming services to get started.

As mentioned, the device also supports HDR, which basically means that it'll show richer colors and better contrast when playing back HDR-enabled videos, which is always a good thing for TV lovers (note: your TV must be HDR-enabled to support this feature). With that said, the Roku Ultra only supports the standard HDR10 format and not the more advanced HDR10+ or Dolby Vision formats. Those step-up formats can offer image improvements on TVs that also support them, but HDR10 should be good enough for most buyers. 

Of course, to take advantage of 4K HDR content, you'll need a decent internet connection. The device can connect to your internet through Ethernet or over Wi-Fi, so choose the method that's fastest and most convenient.

We tested the 2018 model and were deeply impressed by the quality. The 2019 Ultra featured here got upgrades to the processor and the remote control. TechRadar reported a 17% increase in channel-launching speed compared to last year's model and rated it 4/5.

The Ultra also comes with a remote control so you can adjust the volume, turn on your TV, and search for content with your voice. What's new are the two programmable shortcut buttons.

If you're watching at night, you can plug in a set of headphones to the remote to not disturb others — a pair of JBL earbuds are included. Roku also has a companion app that makes navigation and searches even more robust.

The Roku Ultra is perfect for most people with a 4K TV, and we like that it's the most universal of the products. Expert reviewers give the Ultra high marks.

Pros: 4K and HDR streaming, voice remote, lots of apps, improved Wi-Fi connection, Ethernet, microSD port

Cons: Doesn't support Dolby Vision or HDR10+

The best budget streaming box

The Roku Express is one of the most affordable streaming options you can buy, and it offers a great interface with basic HD playback.

The Chromecast Ultra may be inexpensive, but there's a streaming device that's even cheaper — the Roku Express. This model is about as basic as they come, but for the money, you're still getting a capable HD streaming box with a built-in user interface and remote.

Perhaps the best thing about the Roku Express is how easy it is to use. The new compact design makes it one of the smallest standalone streaming boxes there is, and the package comes complete with an HDMI cable for simple setup. The interface is well-designed and extremely easy to navigate. Since it uses a built-in operating system, you can install apps like Netflix without having to stream from your phone or computer (you will need to register for a Roku account if you don't have one already). A remote control is included for navigation, but you can also use the Roku app.

Of course, there are downsides to the Roku Express. For example, it does not offer 4K streaming or HDR. If, however, your TV doesn't include those features anyway, it won't be such a big deal. Roku's Streaming Stick+ costs a bit more, but it does support 4K and it goes on sale sometimes. Also, unlike the Roku Ultra, which is our overall favorite, there's no microSD card slot for extra channel storage or USB port for playing external video files.

If all you need is basic HD streaming, however, there's little reason to pay extra for a more powerful model.

Pros: Cheap, compact design, easy-to-use, built-in OS

Cons: No 4K or HDR, no voice remote

The best for Apple users

The Apple TV 4K is well-designed, easy to use, and integrates well with the rest of Apple's products.

If you're looking for a device to better integrate with your iTunes account, iPhone, and other Apple devices, then you'll want to look into getting an Apple TV. The new Apple TV 4K boasts a number of great features, but as the name suggests, this version streams in 4K and HDR, which is great for those of you who have 4K TVs.

As you would expect from an Apple device, it's well-designed and will look right at home amongst your other home entertainment devices, even the more premium ones. On the back of the device, you'll get a power input, HDMI port, and an Ethernet port. That way, you can have a more stable internet connection for streaming 4K video.

One of the best things about the Apple TV 4K is Apple's tvOS operating system, which is super easy to use, especially with the included remote (called the Siri Remote). As mentioned, it can stream in 4K and has HDR support for improved contrast and colors. Unlike Roku's players, the Apple TV 4K also offers Dolby Vision support on top of standard HDR10. If you have a Dolby Vision TV, this means you'll get even better HDR performance when watching Dolby Vision titles from apps like Netflix and Apple TV+. 

And with Siri, you can use your voice to search for content. Plus, you can access music, podcasts, games, and hundreds of apps, or cast or mirror content from an iOS or macOS device using AirPlay wireless technology.

The Siri Remote connects to the Apple TV via Bluetooth, so no line of sight is required. While the remote is elegant and the touch-capability makes navigation easier, it's so slim that it can be easy to lose or slip out of your hand. An alternative is to use the Apple TV Remote app on an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad, which handles the same functions but makes things like typing much simpler.

Engadget called it "almost perfect," while CNET called it the most high-end 4K streaming experience. However, it was universally acknowledged that the Apple TV is for hardcore Apple fans who can afford it. Most people, who don't need features like Dolby Vision or who aren't invested in the Apple ecosystem, will be more than happy with the less expensive Roku Ultra instead.

Guides Editor Les Shu disagrees somewhat. He uses both the Roku Ultra and Roku Express+ and Apple TV, and finds the Apple TV experience much smoother and more pleasant than the Roku Ultra — not to mention the easier set-up process. While he acknowledges the price premium and that the Roku Ultra has its advantages, from a pure entertainment experience, he believes the Apple TV is the stronger product, and that it isn't just for Apple fans with money. We don't think you can go wrong with either — the deciding factor comes down to budget and the ecosystem — but the money spent on an Apple TV is well worth it.

Pros: Well-designed, great interface, 4K and HDR playback with Dolby Vision support

Cons: A little pricey

The best for Google users

The Google Chromecast Ultra is quick to set up, easy-to-use and works great, but best of all, it's very reasonably priced.

The Google Chromecast Ultra operates differently than most of the devices on this list, largely because it's built solely to stream content from your phone, tablet, or computer to your TV. That means there's no user interface and no apps to install — it's more of a bridge than a standalone device, and your phone is the remote. Just find the content on your phone and hit the "Cast" button, and the content is either streamed directly to the Chromecast Ultra or, with apps like Netflix and Spotify, streams the content from the internet.

Chromecast was first introduced in 2013, and it has gone through a couple of updates since then. Now, the flagship Chromecast is the Chromecast Ultra, which sets itself apart from other Chromecasts with its ability to handle 4K streaming and HDR playback with HDR10 and Dolby Vision support. You'll need a good internet connection, though.

One of the great things about the Chromecast Ultra is that it interacts with your other Google devices. For example, you can tell a Google Home speaker to search for videos on YouTube or play music on your TV through the Chromecast.

Then there's the affordable price, which many reviewers, including us, love. TechRadar gave the Chromecast Ultra 4 out of 5 stars, while Pocket-Lint gave it a Recommended award.

Pros: Inexpensive, 4K HDR support with Dolby Vision, works with smart speakers

Cons: Requires a separate mobile device to cast from, lack of an interface might frustrate some

The best Amazon Fire TV

The new Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K streams video in 4K straight to your TV.

Amazon's Fire TV Stick 4K comes with 4K and HDR playback capabilities, including support for the more advanced HDR10+ and Dolby Vision formats. Like other streaming stick, this slim dongle plugs right into the HDMI port on the back of your TV. It also comes with an Alexa voice remote for easy access to play, pause, stop, volume up/down, and more.

Fire TV 4K works with Netflix, Disney Plus, Prime Video, YouTube, Hulu, HBO, and many other video streaming apps. Since it's part of Amazon's ecosystem, Fire TV is also compatible with Alexa voice controls on other Amazon products, like an Echo Dot. You can tell Alexa to play "Game of Thrones" without lifting a finger. If you don't have Alexa products or you're not an Amazon user, you may be better off with a different brand.

The streaming stick has a fast processor and 802.11ac Wi-Fi to ensure smooth streaming on your TV. So long as your Wi-Fi is good, you shouldn't have a problem.

Expert reviewers more or less agreed that Alexa voice search works well. It's also very affordable for a 4K streaming stick and includes extensive HDR format support for its price. In fact, it's one of the only players on the market with HDR10+ capabilities, which will improve color and contrast on Prime Video when watching HDR videos through most recent Samsung 4K TVs. 

If you're buying the device for features like Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos, however, you might be disappointed by Amazon's surprisingly limited support for those formats through its own catalog of Prime content. A few key movie apps are also missing, including VUDU, Google Play, and FandangoNOW. If that's a deal-breaker, you'll have to grab a Roku Ultra, Google Chromecast Ultra, or Apple TV.

Pros: 4K streaming, Alexa voice control, affordable, compact, support for HDR10, HDR10+, and Dolby Vision

Cons: Missing a few notable movie apps like VUDU, FandangoNOW, and Google Play

The best for gamers and Android TV

The NVIDIA Shield TV Pro doesn't just run Google's Android TV, it also supports 4K streaming and can even pair with a controller for gaming.

If you're more plugged into the Android ecosystem, you might want something that comes preloaded with Google's Android TV. If so, there's no better device than the NVIDIA Shield TV Pro, which was first launched a few years ago and has been updated a few times since then. Though pricier than other players, the latest model is the ultimate streaming device for buyers who want the beefiest specs. 

Like our top pick, this media streamer supports 4K HDR content, but also adds Dolby Vision for even better HDR performance on Dolby Vision TVs. Google Assistant voice control is integrated as well and, unlike the cheaper Chromecast Ultra, this is a standalone product that doesn't require a phone.

The Shield TV Pro is also the best streaming box for gamers. In addition to the included standard remote control, you can also add a separate gaming controller for playing games from the Google Play Store or through GeForce NOW cloud gaming. 

When it comes to raw specs, the Shield TV Pro is powered by the NVIDIA Tegra X1+, one of the most powerful processors used in any streaming device. This extra muscle even allows the device to take advantage of advanced upscaling technology, which can make HD videos look better on 4K TVs.

The main drawback? It's more expensive than the competition, coming in at just under $200.

Pros: 4K support, Dolby Vision capabilities, support for a separate gaming controller, Android TV operating system, powerful processor

Cons: Expensive

A 44,000-year-old mural is now the oldest example of humans telling stories with pictures. Take a look at the epic hunt it shows.


Hunting scene panaroma CREDIT Adam Brumm, Ratno Sardi and Adhi Agus Oktaviana

  • Archaeologists discovered a 44,000-year-old mural on the wall of a limestone cave on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.
  • The art shows human-animal hybrids hunting pigs and water buffalo.
  • Researchers think the mural is the oldest example of storytelling through pictures in the archaeological record.
  • Photos reveal what the cave paintings look like. 
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

In the Indonesian jungle on the island of Sulawesi, archaeologist and spelunker Pak Hamrullah spotted a gaping hole high above the ground in a wall of limestone two years ago.

He skittered up the rock and poked his head inside.

Further exploration revealed that the hole led to a cave, now known as Leang Bulu' Sipong 4. It had sat hidden and untouched for almost 50,000 years, sheltering rock art painted by ancient human ancestors.

On a 14-foot-long section of the cave wall, a hunting scene is splashed in dark red ochre pigment. Hamrullah could see that the pictures told a story: Eight tiny figures that seemed like human-animal hybrids were shown carrying weapons and chasing pigs and water buffalo.

According to a new study about the mural published in the journal Nature this week, further analysis has revealed that this hunting scene is the oldest of its kind, and the first ever picture human "storybook."

"This elaborate rock art scene, dating back at least 44,000 years, is the earliest pictorial record of storytelling uncovered thus far," Adam Brumm, a co-author of the study, told Business Insider.

Prior to this discovery, the oldest piece of art depicting human hunting was likely a painting on the wall of a French cave that showed a bison chase. It was painted between 19,000 years and 17,000 years ago. 

Here's a closer look at the Leang Bulu' Sipong 4 cave's hunting mural. 

SEE ALSO: Archaeologists discovered a catacomb filled with mummified lion cubs, crocodiles, and cobras in an ancient Egyptian city of the dead

READ MORE: A pair of infant skeletons were found wearing other children's skulls as helmets in a 2,000-year-old grave site

When he first visited the cave, Hamrullah had to climb a nearby fig tree to reach the opening.

He texted some photos of the mural to Brumm, who knew immediately that it was a unique find.

"We had never previously found distinct 'scenes,'" in this area of Indonesia, Brumm said.

"Prehistoric cave art provides the most direct insight that we have into the earliest storytelling," the study authors wrote. Narrative scenes like this show "sets of figures in spatial proximity to each other, and from which one can infer actions taking place among the figures."

Researchers like Brumm had previously found cave art in parts of Sulawesi and the nearby island of Borneo that's at least 40,000 years old. But none of those examples contained the type of narrative scene that Hamrullah discovered. 


In part of the mural, a creature called an anoa, a relative of water buffalo, is surrounded by human-like figures carrying spears and possibly ropes.

These human hunters were depicted with some augmentations, such as tails or bird-like beaks. 

Human-animal hybrids like this are called "therianthropes." Their presence in the mural indicates that the artist could think abstractly and creatively, according to the study.

Therianthropes "incorporate elements of the human form in the representation of abstract beings," Brumm said.

The ability to imagine beings that don't exist is a cognitive milestone that forms the basis of religion and spirituality, Maxime Aubert, a co-author of the study, told Science.

"We think of the ability for humans to make a story, a narrative scene, as one of the last steps of human cognition,"Maxime added.

Brumm said finding "all these things together in such an ancient image was a huge surprise."

He added that the therianthropes in the Leang Bulu' Sipong 4 cave painting are the oldest known surviving images of figures who are part human and part animal.

Brumm and his team were able to date the mural by analyzing the age of mineral deposits on top of the painting.

The scientists dated trace amounts of uranium, which decays at a known rate over time, in the rock to reveal that the painting is somewhere between 35,100 and 43,900 years old.

Before this finding, the oldest therianthrope ever found was an approximately 40,000-year-old carved figurine of a lion-headed man.

Archaeologists discovered the figurine in Germany five years ago. 

The oldest cave art ever found before now is in Lascaux Cave, an archaeological site in southern France. That was previously considered to be the oldest example of storytelling.

Paintings in Lascaux cave are between 14,000 and 21,000 years old. One 17,000-year-old mural there, which shows a bison chasing a human-like figure, was previously thought to be the oldest hunting scene. 

But the Leang Bulu' Sipong 4 mural is some 20,000 years older than the oldest known hunting scenes in European cave art.

It's not clear what species of human ancestor created the mural. By 40,000 years ago, Neanderthals had already started to go extinct, and there's no evidence that they made it to Indonesia.

But Homo sapiens had by that point in history left Africa, spread into Europe, and started spreading into Asia.

"We don't know which species made the art, but our working hypothesis is that it was modern humans — us," Brumm said.

Archaeologist Bruno David, who was not involved in the study, told Nature that the painting's age and narrative quality "could mean that early humans have arrived in southeast Asia with the capacity for symbolic representation and storytelling."

David added that "it's probably only a matter of time before narrative paintings of this, and much older age, are found in Africa."



The 25 most romantic states to spend Christmas, ranked


couple christmas holidays

The holiday season is the perfect time to enjoy snowy winter scenery and Christmas cheer with someone you love. These US states are particularly well-suited to romantic Christmas getaways.

To determine the most romantic states to spend Christmas, Civitatis Magazine created the US Festive Romance Index to evaluate states on the following factors:

  • Snowfall
  • Christmas spirit
  • Christmas trees cut
  • Christmas music
  • Christmas spend (gift spending)
  • Romantic states
  • Happiest
  • Friendliest states
  • Most beautiful states

They scored each state between one and 10 in each category, one being the lowest and 10 being the highest, with 60 as the highest possible total score. When states had the same score, Civitatis used the Christmas spirit as the deciding factor between the two.

Here are the top 25 most romantic states to spend Christmas.

25. West Virginia

Snow: 2

Christmas spirit: 8

Christmas tree farms: 4

Christmas music: 5

Christmas spend: 4

Romance: 1

Cheer: 1

Friendliness: 3

Beauty: 1

Total score: 29

24. Nebraska

Snow: 2

Christmas spirit: 6

Christmas tree farms: 2

Christmas music: 2

Christmas spend: 5

Romance: 2

Cheer: 4

Friendliness: 4

Beauty: 3

Total score: 30

23. New York

New York was ranked as the least friendly state, but it remains iconic with holiday attractions like ice skating at the Rockefeller Center and carriage rides in Central Park.

Snow: 4

Christmas spirit: 4

Christmas tree farms: 5

Christmas music: 4

Christmas spend: 2

Romance: 4

Cheer: 4

Friendliness: 1

Beauty: 3

Total score: 31

22. Maryland

Snow: 2

Christmas spirit: 4

Christmas tree farms: 3

Christmas music: 2

Christmas spend: 4

Romance: 5

Cheer: 5

Friendliness: 3

Beauty: 3

Total score: 31

21. Iowa

Snow: 2

Christmas spirit: 6

Christmas tree farms: 3

Christmas music: 5

Christmas spend: 4

Romance: 2

Cheer: 4

Friendliness: 3

Beauty: 2

Total score: 31

20. Rhode Island

Snow: 3

Christmas spirit: 8

Christmas tree farms: 2

Christmas music: 4

Christmas spend: 1

Romance: 3

Cheer: 4

Friendliness: 1

Beauty: 5

Total score: 31

19. Utah

Snow: 3

Christmas spirit: 10

Christmas tree farms: 2

Christmas music: 2

Christmas spend: 1

Romance: 5

Cheer: 5

Friendliness: 2

Beauty: 1

Total score: 31

18. Oregon

Snow: 1

Christmas spirit: 6

Christmas tree farms: 5

Christmas music: 4

Christmas spend: 3

Romance: 4

Cheer: 3

Friendliness: 3

Beauty: 3

Total score: 32

17. Idaho

Snow: 3

Christmas spirit: 8

Christmas tree farms: 2

Christmas music: 1

Christmas spend: 2

Romance: 3

Cheer: 5

Friendliness: 4

Beauty: 4

Total score: 32

16. North Carolina

Snow: 1

Christmas spirit: 10

Christmas tree farms: 5

Christmas music: 4

Christmas spend: 2

Romance: 3

Cheer: 3

Friendliness: 2

Beauty: 2

Total score: 32

15. Minnesota

Snow: 3

Christmas spirit: 2

Christmas tree farms: 4

Christmas music: 3

Christmas spend: 2

Romance: 4

Cheer: 5

Friendliness: 5

Beauty: 5

Total score: 33

14. Indiana

Snow: 2

Christmas spirit: 8

Christmas tree farms: 4

Christmas music: 4

Christmas spend: 5

Romance: 1

Cheer: 3

Friendliness: 5

Beauty: 1

Total score: 33

13. Vermont

Snow: 5

Christmas spirit: 6

Christmas tree farms: 4

Christmas music: 3

Christmas spend: 1

Romance: 5

Cheer: 3

Friendliness: 2

Beauty: 5

Total score: 34

12. Ohio

Snow: 2

Christmas spirit: 8

Christmas tree farms: 5

Christmas music: 5

Christmas spend: 5

Romance: 1

Cheer: 3

Friendliness: 4

Beauty: 1

Total score: 34

11. Tennessee

Snow: 1

Christmas spirit: 10

Christmas tree farms: 3

Christmas music: 5

Christmas spend: 4

Romance: 2

Cheer: 2

Friendliness: 5

Beauty: 2

Total score: 34

10. Massachusetts

Snow: 3

Christmas spirit: 6

Christmas tree farms: 4

Christmas music: 5

Christmas spend: 4

Romance: 5

Cheer: 4

Friendliness: 1

Beauty: 3

Total score: 35

9. North Dakota

Snow: 3

Christmas spirit: 8

Christmas tree farms: 1

Christmas music: 3

Christmas spend: 5

Romance: 4

Cheer: 5

Friendliness: 3

Beauty: 3

Total score: 35

8. Virginia

Snow: 1

Christmas spirit: 10

Christmas tree farms: 5

Christmas music: 4

Christmas spend: 1

Romance: 4

Cheer: 4

Friendliness: 2

Beauty: 4

Total score: 35

7. South Dakota

Snow: 3

Christmas spirit: 10

Christmas tree farms: 1

Christmas music: 3

Christmas spend: 3

Romance: 2

Cheer: 4

Friendliness: 4

Beauty: 5

Total score: 35

6. Colorado

Snow: 4

Christmas spirit: 6

Christmas tree farms: 3

Christmas music: 4

Christmas spend: 4

Romance: 4

Cheer: 4

Friendliness: 5

Beauty: 2

Total score: 36

5. Missouri

Snow: 1

Christmas spirit: 10

Christmas tree farms: 3

Christmas music: 5

Christmas spend: 5

Romance: 2

Cheer: 2

Friendliness: 3

Beauty: 5

Total score: 36

4. Maine

Maine earned the top score in Christmas spirit, but a low score in friendliness.

Snow: 5

Christmas spirit: 10

Christmas tree farms: 4

Christmas music: 4

Christmas spend: 2

Romance: 4

Cheer: 3

Friendliness: 2

Beauty: 2

Total score: 36

3. Wisconsin

The top three states contain a total of 2,001 Christmas tree farms, boosting their rankings. Wisconsin also scored highly in Christmas spirit.

Snow: 3

Christmas spirit: 8

Christmas tree farms: 5

Christmas music: 3

Christmas spend: 4

Romance: 3

Cheer: 4

Friendliness: 3

Beauty: 5

Total score: 38

2. Pennsylvania

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, is known as "Christmas City." Pennsylvania also streams the most hours of holiday music out of any state and has the second highest number of Christmas tree farms.

Snow: 3

Christmas spirit: 8

Christmas tree farms: 5

Christmas music: 5

Christmas spend: 5 

Romance: 3

Cheer: 3

Friendliness: 4

Beauty: 2

Total score: 38

1. Washington

Washington's abundance of Christmas events throughout the state and solid rankings across music, spending, and romance categories make this state the most romantic in the US at Christmas.

Snow: 1

Christmas spirit: 10

Christmas tree farms: 5

Christmas music: 5

Christmas spend: 5

Romance: 5

Cheer: 4

Friendliness: 1

Beauty: 4

Total score: 40

YouTuber Marques Brownlee unveiled his top picks for gadget gifts this holiday season — here's what made his list


mkbhd marques brownlee

Marques Brownlee's MKBHD YouTube channel has almost 10 million subscribers who want to hear his insights and opinions on the newest and most important consumer tech of our time.

He answers some of the biggest and difficult questions and sifts through what's dope, and what's nope. 

We're all better off with Brownlee and the MKBHD YouTube channel, but there's a pressing question he still hasn't answered: What should you gift your friends and family for the holidays?

Thankfully, Brownlee sent over his list of top five gadget gift ideas to Business Insider — don't worry, it doesn't include a $50,000 Mac Pro

Check it out:

SEE ALSO: Microsoft is handing out around 250 'ugly' Windows XP holiday sweaters that everyone wants but no one can buy

1. Dbrand skins

Here's what Brownlee says about the product: 

"You know what phone they have. But you don't know what to get them. Easy. Get them a dbrand skin. Or grab a couple. You get scratch protection, color customization, and none of the bulk of a case (or risk of the recipient not liking it). Can't really go wrong here."

We should make an obligatory disclaimer that Dbrand is one of the MKBHD channel's top sponsors. Still, as a quick, easy, inexpensive gift idea, a smartphone skin is a pretty good idea!

2. Google Nest Mini

Here's what Brownlee says about the product: 

"Quite possibly the easiest way to turn your home into a smart home. Play music. Set timers. Ask questions. Send messages. Make phone calls. Turn up the thermostat. Turn off the smart lights. All hands-free. Once you get started, it just makes sense to build out the ecosystem of smart stuff around it. So this is a great place to start! Honorable mention to the Amazon Echo Dot (3rd gen) if you're more into the Alexa ecosystem."

3. AirPods Pro

Here's what Brownlee says about the product: 

"They're the headphones of 2020. The original AirPods were pretty great, enough to shoot up to the #1 most popular headphones on earth. These add a better fit, slightly better sound and surprisingly good active noise cancellation. It all adds up to enough of a change to make them the most convenient possible headphones for any iPhone user ... And they even work with Android."

4. Moment lenses

Here's what Brownlee says about the product: 

"These are the best camera lenses for smartphone photography and videography. Smartphone cameras are already sprouting additional lenses, but there's nothing like high quality glass and a completely new perspective. My personal favorite is the wide 18mm lens that can give you a higher quality ultrawide the the secondary one built into most phones. And if you're feeling like spicing up video, they have an incredible anamorphic lens that I highly recommend."

5. Logitech MX Master 3

Here's what Brownlee says about the product: 

"It's simply the best mouse I've ever used. And I've used a lot of mice in the last 10 years. The shape, weight, smoothness, compatibility and feature set are all top notch. It has USB-C. It has an incredible scroll wheel. It has recappable controls. It has a long battery life. What more could I ask for? I have one for work and one for home."

After spending 96 hours on the longest train ride in North America, there are 5 things I wish I had brought with me and 3 that I couldn't have lived without


water the canadian

  • On a recent cross-Canadatrain trip, I tried my best to be fully prepared. Of course, looking back on my trip, there are a few more things I wished I had packed.
  • I had a limited amount of room in my luggage and chose to leave out certain things I thought weren't necessary, like a large, reusable water bottle — that was a mistake.
  • The dry air on the train caused a lot of issues I wasn't prepared to solve. Two of those were perpetual thirst and dry eyes. 
  • As I made my way across the country, I built a list of things that would have been helpful to have along the way, like eye drops. I also made note of a few things I did pack that I couldn't have made it through without, like shower-friendly flip flops. 
  • I talked to my fellow travelers as well to see if they had any suggestions for anyone who would be embarking on this journey in the future.
  • Here are the five things I wish I packed, and the three things I'm grateful that I remembered.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

As I prepared for my four-day, cross-Canada train trip, I read loads of blogs and reviews that all talked about what the trip would be like.

In my planning, I made several packing lists and tried to think of everything I would possibly need. But, of course, I forgot a few seemingly obvious essentials.

The first thing I wished I brought along with me was a reusable water bottle. There were pitchers of ice water in the communal cars, so it would have been easy for me to keep the bottle filled at all times.

The air on the train was dry and made me more thirsty than usual. I was constantly trying to stay hydrated, and I ended up using way more plastic cups than I would have wanted to.

I brought along Neosporin, but I wished I had a tub of Vaseline for my lips, nose, and face.

Everything was dry and chapped, so much so that I got a nosebleed on day two.

I also wished I had brought saline drops and would definitely stick them in my bag for next time.

The constant blowing air and inconsistent lighting had dried out my eyes, and my first full day on the train resulted in a red, irritated left eye.

I also regretted not bringing along snacks like mixed nuts or dried fruit.

Meals on the train are several hours apart, so I often got hungry before it was time for dinner.

Passengers can purchase snacks like chips on the train or eat the complimentary pastries seen here, but I wished I had brought a little bag of healthier snacks.

5: On a more logistical level, I wish I had printed out an hour-by-hour schedule for the trip. This would have helped with planning ahead for time zone changes, which proved to be a doozy.

Read More: I spent 96 hours on a train from Toronto to Vancouver, and crossing 4 time zones was more disorienting than I ever expected

As a Sleeper Plus cabin traveler, I was provided with a package of earplugs — the train makes noise and the walls between cabins are thin so I heard my neighbor snoring. If you're sensitive to noise when you sleep, and you're traveling with a berth or economy ticket, you'll want to bring your own earplugs.

Similarly, if you don't want to be disturbed by the lights of a freight train passing by in the middle of the night, regardless of what sleeping arrangement you have, an eye mask would be helpful.

The cabin I was in had a shade that I could pull down, but some of the bright light made its way around the shade. Also, I slept with the shade open most nights as I wanted to wake up to natural light in the morning.

One thing I'm so glad I had packed was a pair of flip flops for the shower — train passengers in all classes except Prestige use a shared shower.

If you're a germ-cautious person like me, you probably never travel without them.

On a similar note, I'm glad I brought hand sanitizer with me. It was convenient to carry around so I didn't have to walk back to my cabin to wash my hands every time I used a railing or re-boarded the train.

I'm also glad that I had a portable battery handy — it's built into my suitcase. Because of the portable battery, I was able to keep my phone fully-charged while spending time in the community cars, which only had one strip of outlets that was far from the main seating area.

While my cabin did have an outlet inside, travelers who didn't have a cabin had to use the communal strip of outlets located near the dining car.

As a traveler, you may have enough time to buy something you forgot at one of the scheduled stops, but you don't know for sure when you'll be getting in.

Some stores may be closed, and you may be limited to a candy stand or vending machine. So it's best to take the extra time packing and come prepared.

Read More:

I spent 96 hours on a train from Toronto to Vancouver, and crossing 4 time zones was more disorienting than I ever expected

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The best dehumidifiers you can buy

  • Dehumidifiers remove excess moisture from your home to prevent mold buildup and remove allergens from the air.
  • The top-rated Frigidaire FFAD7033R1 dehumidifier is the best one because it removes moisture from the air leaving you with a comfortable and healthy living environment.

Excess moisture in the air can cause substantial damage to items in your home and your health. A good dehumidifier removes excess humidity from the air, which can help prevent mold and mildew buildup and eliminate allergens. Dehumidifiers are often placed in basements, but there are other use cases for them, such as in closets where you store damp clothes or other smaller areas where too much moisture can cause a problem such as bathrooms, RVs, boats, and more.

Dehumidifiers fan-force air over coolant-filled coils to remove moisture. The remaining condensed moisture then drips from the coils into a bucket or basin, or it may be pumped out of the unit depending on the model. As a result, drier air is expelled back into the room.

A dehumidifier helps maintain an ideal relative humidity level (RH level) in your home. Relative humidity refers to the ratio of the current absolute humidity to the highest possible absolute humidity. According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy, it's recommended you keep relative humidity between 30% to 50% in the summer and 30% to 40% in the winter.

How to choose a dehumidifier

When selecting a dehumidifier, it's important to consider the size of the area you wish to dehumidify, along with the condensation moisture removal method, and the amount of power you expect the machine to consume.

At their most basic level, dehumidifiers vary according to pint removal capacity every 24 hours. Moderately damp areas will require between 25 and 40-pint capacity, while extremely moist areas will need between 40 and 70-pint capacity, all dependent upon the size of the area you wish to dry.

Unless you plan on removing and clearing the water basin constantly, you'll want to go with a direct drain feature, which allows for continuous operation without emptying the unit's bucket. Direct drains are convenient but typically require a floor-level water drain. If that's not an option based on your layout, opt for a unit with a pump, which can push water into a specific space, such as a basement sink.

Dehumidifier energy performance is rated by the amount of water extracted every hour versus the amount of energy consumed to do so. Low-level units usually consume less power, but they may not be effective enough for your humidity needs. To get maximum efficiency out of any unit, look for those that are ENERGY STAR certified. Also consider the following:

  • The filter indicator setting alerts you when the air filter needs to be cleaned.  
  • The auto-humidistat senses the moisture level in the area around the unit and automatically shuts the unit off to save energy once the desired humidity level is reached.  
  • A low-temperature setting allows the unit to operate in temperatures as low as 41 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Auto-defrost keeps units from freezing in colder environments (usually below 65 degrees Fahrenheit).
  • Auto reset restarts the unit to its previous setting after a power loss.

The following picks are based on online research, ratings from review and dehumidifier-specific sites, Amazon ratings, and customer reviews. They're intended for commercial use and we've included picks for different sized areas ranging from spaces as small as a gym bag to an entire apartment. Beyond square unit cooling capabilities, we also took into consideration moisture removal options, energy requirements, specialized features, such as high tech control panels, and of course, price.

Here are our picks for the best dehumidifiers you can buy:

Updated on 12/12/2019 by Jen Gushue: Updated prices, links, and formatting.

The best dehumidifier overall

The Frigidaire FFAD7033R1 dehumidifier removes an impressive amount of moisture, is easy to set up, and includes a helpful digital display that's easy to control. 

The highly-rated Frigidaire FFAD7033R1 dehumidifier protects your home from the mold and mildew caused by excess moisture, and it helps to eliminate bacteria in the air.

The dehumidifier is capable of continuous operation when the unit is located near a suitable drain and has Ready-Select electronic controls, including a digital humidity readout, a 24-hour on/off timer, and a control lock.

It can capture up to 70 pints of moisture every 24 hours and allows you to control the exact percentage of humidity in any room. It has a portable design that includes a top handle, integrated side handles, and caster wheels, all of which make it easy to move from room to room. The Energy Star Certified product has a low-temperature operation that helps you save both energy and money.

The Frigidaire FFAD7033R1 has rave reviews across the web and is considered the best on top review sites including Wirecutter, Consumer Search, and Dehumidifier Web.

Pros: Electronic control panel, portable design, Energy Star Certified, various digital controls, very precise humidity control

Cons: Common error message, questionable longevity

The best portable dehumidifier

Space is no longer a restriction with the super portable and affordable Eva-Dry E-333 Portable Dehumidifier.

Humidity is everywhere, which is why this Eva-Dry E-333 Portable Dehumidifier is a must-have for smaller areas. The handheld 5-by-5-inch device can be placed anywhere extra humidity clogs up the air such as in closets, under your kitchen sink, in safes, boats, RVs, or bathrooms, and more.

Each Eva-Dry E-333 Portable Dehumidifier helps to eliminate excessive humidity for up to ten years using renewable silica gel technology that works without batteries or external power. Without the need for a power source, the portable dehumidifier is completely silent, but it's powerful enough to provide a humidity-solution in any area up to 333 cubic feet.

The dehumidifier is renewable, meaning it will not require any expensive refills, and comes backed by a 5-year warranty. The product works on a cycling system in which you place it in a damp area to soak up moisture and then plug it in to charge.

As the unit absorbs the humidity, there is an indicator window containing crystals that will change from orange to green over the course of two to four weeks or as the device collects between 8 and 10 ounces of moisture.

When the crystals have changed to green, this indicates the dehumidifier is ready to be renewed or plugged in for 8 to 10 hours in a well-ventilated area, and then placed back in the area you wish to remove humidity from. The product is designed to be used in this way for up to 10 years as it captures moisture in the air without any leaks or spills.  

Pros: Extremely portable, low price, does not need a constant power source, completely quiet

Cons: Requires charging, best for small spaces

The best dehumidifier for large spaces

The Ivation 70 Pint Energy Star Dehumidifier is powerful enough to eliminate humidity from larger areas.

Suck humidity out from large rooms with an Ivation 70 Pint Energy Star Dehumidifier. The dehumidifier keeps spaces up to 4,500 square feet cool and comfortable by removing 70 pints of moisture a day. It uses an advanced filtration and evaporation system that helps to prevent mold, mildew, and structural cracking. The dehumidifier also safeguards those in your home against allergens, mites, and other asthma triggers.

It has an easy to use LCD interface that lets you check the humidistat, set your ideal levels, adjust fan speed, program the 24-hour timer, and receive important filter and reservoir alerts. It also uniquely has multiple green features, including energy-saving auto-shutoff mode, a timer, and a cleanable and thus reusable filter.

Other perks include an extra-long 6-foot three-prong power cord that eliminates the need for extension cords, two fan speeds of regular and turbo, an optional hose connection to make draining easy, and an auto-defrost sensor that prevents wasted energy and protects evaporator coils all within a relatively small, compact 40-pound design.

The Ivation 70 Pint Energy Star Dehumidifier is featured on Best Reviews, Good Air Geeks, and Faveable.

Pros: Easy to use LCD screen, eco-friendly features, two fan speeds, optional hose connection, auto-defrost sensor

Cons: Noise, setup can be confusing

The best dehumidifier for small spaces

The Eva-dry Edv-1100 Electric Petite Dehumidifier is powerful enough to remove humidity from areas as large as 1,100 square feet, but it's so small and quiet you'll barely notice it's there.

Perfect for smaller rooms such as bathrooms, the Eva-dry Edv-1100 Electric Petite Dehumidifier is compact enough to fit on a desk or workbench while it still effectively removes humidity. It uses Peltier Technology (which means there's no compressor) making it light and quiet to run as it extracts moisture from the air and stores it in a spill-proof reservoir.

The tiny dehumidifier has an auto-shutoff feature, which displays a "full" light indicator to alerts you when the 16-ounce reservoir needs to be emptied. Even better, it doesn't require or consume much energy and because of its operation. It's super quiet, so as not to be disturbing as you tuck it into closets, RVs, and other small places up to 1,100 cubic feet large.

Pros: Compact size, lower power consumption, auto-shutoff feature, no compressor means it's quieter than other options

Cons: Not super powerful, best for small rooms and spaces only

The best high-end dehumidifier

The Black & Decker 70 Pint Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier boasts a modern electronic control center packed with advanced features to make humidity control a hassle-free process.

A clear, concise electronic control panel makes this Black & Decker 70 Pint Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier extra easy to use. The digital display allows you to control the adjustable thermostat, set the 24-hour timer, control automatic settings such as the auto-restart, auto-shutoff, and auto-defrost features and choose from three different fan speeds of high, medium, and low.

The dehumidifier collects up to 70 pints of moisture every 24 hours and operates between 41 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. It's Energy Star Certified saving you money on your electric bills and uses the environmentally friendly R410a refrigerant. A built-in collection bucket holds up to 14.8 pints of water and is fast and easy to empty, although with the larger size you won't need to empty it too often.

Alternatively, there are also two ways to drain continuously including an especially easy to drain built-in pump that pushes collected water towards the area of your external receptacle, and is powerful enough to push it vertically if needed.

The Black & Decker 70 Pint Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier is featured on The Spruce and Good Air Geeks.

Pros: High-end electronic control panel, three fan speeds, wide temperature range, various drain options, Energy Star Certified, eco-friendly refrigerant

Cons: Large but heavy reservoir, issues reported with the pump

33 useful tech gifts to buy on Amazon at any budget


Amazon Tech Gifts 4x3

  • Amazon is a convenient place to shop for tech gifts, especially if you're a Prime subscriber. 
  • There's a lot for sale on Amazon, probably too much, but we've rounded up the 33 best Amazon tech gifts for all budgets. 
  • Whether you're looking for a laptop, speaker, headphones, or anything else, you're bound to love one of these Amazon tech gifts. Shopping elsewhere? Read all of our 2019 holiday gift ideas here.

If you don't live near a mall, can't find time to drive to the store, or would just prefer not to leave your couch, Amazon is here for all your tech-gifting needs. But, there's so much tech for sale that it can be hard to know where to start. 

Never fear: we've searched high and low for the best tech gifts available on Amazon to help you out. Some of these are budget-friendly shopping stuffers, while others are premium technology that should last several years. No matter what kind of tech you're looking for, you'll be able to find something here. 

The 5 best tech gifts on Amazon:

Check out all 33 Amazon tech gifts:

An affordable wireless charging pad

Anker PowerWave Wireless Charging Pad, $9.99

A wireless charger is a great gift for anyone with a glass-backed smartphone that supports the feature. Our reviewer called this one "the perfect wireless charging pad." It charges quickly, looks nice, and can even accommodate thick phone cases.

A cheap, effective headphone hanger

Brainwavz Hengja Headphone Hanger, $12.99

This handy headphone hanger is super easy to screw onto a table, shelf, or even a thin wall. It's quite sturdy, and can hold pretty much any pair of on-ear or over-ear cans. 

A clever reusable notebook

Rocketbook Smart Reusable Notebook, $16

This smart notebook is a great gift for students, journalists, or anyone else who takes a lot of notes. Write or draw on its 36 pages with the included FriXion pen, and you can easily save your work as a PDF or JPEG with your phone. The pages are also re-usable; just wipe them down with a wet cloth to start again.

An extra-wide gaming mouse pad

Turtle Beach Wide Drift Fast Gaming Mouse Pad, $22.43

There are millions of mouse pads out there, but the Turtle Beach Wide Drift Fast Premium Gaming Mouse Pad is our favorite. It's nice-looking, comfortable to use, and has a nice ridge around the edge to let you know when you're about to run off. 

An affordable, good-looking smart camera

Wyze Cam, $25.33

Don't let the low price fool you: This tiny security camera is one of the best that money can buy, and it makes a great stocking stuffer. It shoots 1080p video, which you can access from your phone, and will send an alert if it spots an intruder. 

A tech bag for frequent travelers

Lay-n-Go Wired Tech Bag, $31.45

The Lay-n-Go Wired is my go-to gift for tech enthusiasts – they always love it. The bag has mesh pockets and straps to hold your headphones, dongles, cords, chargers, phones, e-readers, and whatever other tech you may need to carry around. It's also easy to fold into a compact shape, and you can hang it from the car's seat in front of you with an attached strap. 

A portable charger for multiple devices

Jackery Bolt Portable Battery, $32.99

A power bank is an excellent gift for anyone who travels or spends a lot of time out and about. This one has both a lightning and a Micro USB connector, so it can accommodate iPhones, older Samsung phones, and Amazon Kindles and Fire tablets. If you have a newer Android phone, you can also buy a version with a USB-C connector. 

A smart power strip to automate almost anything

Monoprice Smart Power Strip, $33.99

This power strip consists of four outlets and two USB ports, which you can individually turn on and off and automate using Alexa and Google Assistant. It's an easy way to get started on a smart home; you can turn up to six devices into smart devices! 

A smart speaker with a clock

Amazon Echo Dot with Clock, $34.99

Amazon's newest Echo Dot is an excellent gift; it's one of the best smart speakers around, it's just $34, and it won't take up much space on their nightstand or coffee table. It sounds great for such a small device, and your friend or relative will love playing around with Amazon Alexa. As a bonus, it displays the time with some handy LEDs. 

A tracker for misplaced items

Tile Pro Bluetooth Tracker, $34.99

We all have that friend who's always losing their keys. Gift them the Tile Pro; it will be a godsend. They can stick this tiny battery-powered device on their key ring and, if they lose their keys, they can remotely activate an alarm. If the Tile Pro is out of Bluetooth range, they can still locate it using a crowd-finding network in the Tile app, which draws from other Tiles in the surrounding area.

A 4K-ready streaming stick

Roku Streaming Stick+, $48.99

Anyone who owns a TV will enjoy the gift of a 4K streaming stick. This is one will give your friend or relative access to hundreds of streaming services and apps, and it comes with a handy remote. 

A noise machine for troubled sleepers

LectroFan White Noise Machine, $49.99

If you have a friend or relative who has trouble sleeping, you need to buy them this white noise machine, which plays 10 different types of fan sounds. It's the most calming ambient noise I have ever heard. (For more traditional users, it plays 10 levels of white noise as well).

A gaming mouse with 11 buttons

Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum Gaming Mouse, $49.99

Any friend who games will appreciate the gift of the Logitech G502, which is one of the best gaming mice on the market, and also cheaper than many of its competitors. It has 11 buttons, all of which can be programmed to fit your friend's or relative's needs, adjustable sensitivity, and customizable RGB color schemes. 

A drone for newbie aviators

Drocon Drone for Beginners, $49.99

For any kid or geeky adult who wants to fly a little thing around, a cheap starter drone is an excellent choice. This is the best drone for beginners; you can control it with the included remote or Drocon's smartphone app. Its built-in camera can capture either photos or video footage.

A fitness tracker with heart rate monitoring

Fitbit Inspire HR Fitness Tracker $68.99

A fitness tracker is a great gift for anyone who loves to exercise or just wants to keep an eye on their steps. The Fitbit Inspire HR is one of the cheapest Fitbit products, and also one of the best ones. It tracks a number of metrics, including steps, heart rate, calories burned, and sleep, and can also log runs and bike rides with built-in GPS. 

A smart light bulb starter kit

Philips Hue White Smart Light Bulb Starter Kit, $99.97

Gift this to a friend who wants to equip a full room or apartment with smart lights. This kit includes four white bulbs, which you can control with Alexa, Google Assistant, and HomeKit, and a Philips Hue Bridge that connects them to your router. You can automate the bulbs with timers and schedules, and create gorgeous lighting effects. With the Philips Hue Sync feature, they can even sync up with the audio of your music, movies, or games.

A smart TV with Amazon Fire built in

Toshiba 55-inch Fire TV, $129.99

If you're looking to gift a TV, especially to a student or recent grad, this is a good affordable option. It comes with Amazon's Fire TV platform built in, so they won't need to buy a streaming stick to access Netflix, Hulu, and other apps. It is only a 720p display, but it should offer a decent viewing experience to the untrained eye. 

A colorfully back-lit gaming keyboard

Corsair K70 RGB MK.2 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard, $144.45

This keyboard is a fantastic gift for PC gamers; our reviewer called it "one of the most diverse and feature-rich mechanical keyboards on the market." It feels great to type on, and can come equipped with a number of different switches to suit your friend's or relative's typing style. They can also customize the RGB lighting to find a pattern they'll love.

A robot vacuum on the cheap

Eufy Robovac 11S (Slim), $159.99

Many people think of a robot vacuum as a luxury purchase, but it doesn't have to be. The Robovac 11S is just $159.99, but it can clean just as well as more expensive models. Plus, at just 2.85 inches tall, it's small enough that it can slip under radiators and bed frames. 

A waterproof Bluetooth speaker

UE Boom 3 Bluetooth Speaker, $169.99

Ultimate Ears makes some of the best Bluetooth speakers on the market, and the Boom 3 is the best the company has to offer. It pumps out serious audio with booming bass, and you can use UE's Boom app to adjust the equalizer settings to your taste. In addition, it packs up to 15 hours of battery life, and it's waterproof, so you can use it in the shower or blast it at the pool without fear. 

A fun way to video chat

Facebook Portal Smart Display, $179

The Facebook Portal makes a great gift for any parent or older relative who wants an easy way to video chat with loved ones. It supports voice control, so all they have to do is say "Portal, call Jennifer" to start video chat over Facebook messenger. The Portal also includes Amazon Alexa, and a number of third-party apps including Spotify, Pandora, YouTube, and more. 

A Nintendo Switch Lite handheld game console

Nintendo Switch Lite Console, $199.96

A console may feel like an expensive gift, but for under $200, you can gift the Nintendo Switch Lite to anyone who wants to get started with gaming, or who might want a secondary gaming device. Whether they're on their couch, on the bus, or on their lunch break, they can whip this out to access a massive selection of games. 

A VR mask

Oculus Go VR Headset, $199.98

A virtual-reality headset is a fun device, but it can be a risky gift if you're not sure that the recipient has a PC powerful enough to run VR. That's why the Oculus Go is the best VR headset to buy for a friend or relative. It's completely portable, with no wires or computer necessary. It's also comfortable to wear, and they'll be able to use it to play games, watch Netflix, hang out with friends in Facebook Spaces, and more. 

A Wi-Fi-connected digital photo frame

Pix-Star 15-inch Wi-FI Cloud Digital Photo Frame, $199.99

A connected photo frame is a great tech gift for older relatives. They can easily upload photos over email, or by connecting a Facebook or Instagram account, and they'll be able to look back on dozens of fond memories 24/7. You and other loved ones can also add photos to keep them posted on the best moments in your own life. 

Apple's best AirPods ever

Apple AirPods Pro Wireless Earbuds, $249

Apple's brand-new AirPods Pro aren't a bargain, but they are the best wireless earbuds you can buy for a friend or relative who uses Apple products. They sound great, they're sweat- and water-resistant, and they support noise cancellation. 

A high-end e-reader

Amazon Kindle Oasis E-reader, $249.99

There's no better gift to give a reader than the Kindle Oasis, which is the best ebook-reader you can buy. It gives your friend or relative access thousands of titles through Amazon's library, and the display limits the amount of blue light it emits to prevent eye strain.  

A pair of noise-canceling Bluetooth headphones

Bose QuietComfort 35 II Noise-Canceling Headphones, $299

When it comes to noise-cancelling headphones, Bose is the gold standard; any tech enthusiast will be stoked to receive a pair. The nice thing about the QC35 II is that they're a few years old, so they're a bit cheaper than the most recent Bose models, but they still sound incredible, and sport Bose's unparalleled noise-cancelling technology. I have a pair of these, and they're my most valuable possession; I don't know how I ever lived without them. 

Apple's latest entry-level iPad

10.2-inch Apple iPad, $369 (Currently out of stock)

An iPad is a great gift for a student going away to college, or anyone else who spends a lot of time out and about. This latest-generation iPad is more affordable than many of Apple's top-tier tablets, and it sports a gorgeous screen and high performance with Apple's proprietary processor. It also supports Apple's stylus, the Apple Pencil, which your giftee can use to take notes and create art. 

A smart speaker built for quality sound

Sonos Move Smart Bluetooth Speaker, $399

The Sonos Move is the best Bluetooth speaker you can buy, delivering truly premium, booming audio in a portable form. It can come with either Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa, so it's a great gift for a smart-home enthusiast. It's also a great gift for anyone who already has other Sonos speakers, as it will integrate with them for a multi-room audio experience. 

The newest Apple Watch

Apple Watch Series 5, $414

If you want to gift a smartwatch and money is no object, then the Apple Watch Series 5 is the one to get. It tracks a number of advanced metrics, including activity trends, menstrual cycles, and run distance with built-in GPS. It sports an always-on display, so you'll never have to wake it up to see the time, and you can choose between a number of different watch faces to find one that suits your style.  

A high-quality DSLR camera

Nikon D5600 DSLR Camera, $596.96

If you're gifting a DSLR camera, this is the best one to give. It takes excellent, detailed images with its 24.2MP sensor, has an easy touchscreen for beginners to operate, and supports Nikon's SnapBridge app, which allows you to easily share photos from the camera. 

A high-end Chromebook straight from Google

Google Pixelbook Go, $649

A Chromebook makes a great gift for a high school or college student, and the Pixelbook Go is one of the best you can buy right now. It's light, compact, and easy to fit into a backpack, and with over 15 hours of battery life, it will easily get them through a school or work day. 

Dell's most popular, flagship laptop

Dell XPS 13 Windows Laptop, $1,399.73

If you're gifting a Windows laptop, there are dozens of excellent models you could buy. But, if you want to give the very best, you want the Dell XPS 13. This computer is best known for its striking, almost bezel-less touchscreen with 4K resolution. It's also an immensely powerful laptop, equipped with Intel's 8th-Gen processors. And it comes with three Thunderbolt USB-C ports, so you can connect most modern peripherals, including large monitors and external GPUs. 

I drove a $70,000 Lincoln Aviator Grand Touring to see if this suave SUV could serve up some plug-in hybrid power — here's the verdict (F)


Lincoln Aviator

Lincoln has been steadily reinventing itself since about 2013, and now the brand — Ford's luxury marque — is flush with stylish new SUVs.

I recently tested the 2020 Lincoln Aviator in Los Angeles. My SUV was an Aviator GT, the plug-in hybrid version of the midsize hauler.

The experience was richly enjoyable. And I was made especially happy when I stomped the throttle, not something you can say about all that many SUVs.

Read on to find out why ...

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I picked up my Lincoln Aviator tester near Los Angeles International airport. It was an all-new, 2020 Aviator GT hybrid. The SUV starts a little north of $50,000, but my well-equipped version, although officially not for sale, probably tipped the cost scales at more than $70,000.

Because I was in LA for the annual auto show, a rite of autumn, I had the chance to test the cargo capacity of this three-row hauler right away. With the third row deployed, there was a goodly amount of space for my luggage.

During several days of testing, I squired the Aviator around LA. In Venice, we stopped at Frank Gehry's famous "Binoculars Building," with the iconic Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen sculpture outside.

The Aviator is an extremely nice-looking midsize SUV, embodying what Lincoln calls its "quiet flight" brand philosophy, which combines seafaring and airborne motifs.

The Aviator's "Magnetic Gray Metallic" paint job added a stately aspect to the sort of vaguely steampunk aesthetic.

The Aviator nameplate, rendered in a distinctive blue color and a sans serif typeface, add to the Jazz Age vibe.

This isn't a small SUV, to be sure, but with dashing character lines and a sloping roof, it comes off as almost sleek.

Meanwhile, the front fascia means business.

The grille is "Dark Smoke Chrome," and it's lovely. The Lincoln badge is proud and prominent. Under the hood is a 3.0-liter V6, mated to a smooth 10-speed automatic transmission.

The LED headlights are encased in angled pods.

Even from the rear, the Aviator presents a sharp appearance — and that's the toughest trick for an SUV to pull off.

Lincoln is in the midst of a robust revival. The Aviator is among the latest in a new lineup of SUVs.

My tester came with premium 21-inch machined aluminum wheels. They're gorgeous, but ... I'd go aftermarket and get 22s.

We live in the golden age of mega-sunroofs — or in this case, "panoramic vista roofs."

Lincoln's seats are something else. Covered in "Sandstone" for my Aviator, they're 12-way-adjustable up front, and heated and cooled.

Second-row legroom is quite good for a midsize SUV.

The Aviator's rear seats also have their own climate and infotainment controls.

The third row, while snug, is actually rather luxurious.

My tester's multifunction steering wheel was leather-wrapped and two-tone.

THIS IS A GOOD IDEA! Put the voice-interface button right on the wheel.

The climate controls are straightforward, and the piano-key shifter sits right above.

The wood-grain trim is beautiful, and the drive-selector is easy to find.

The infotainment system runs on a reasonably large central touchscreen and uses Lincoln/Ford's SYNC 3 setup. It does everything well, from Bluetooth device pairing to GPS navigation.

The wood trim is subtle, in keeping with Lincoln's whisper-rather-than-shout values.

Drive modes are artfully indicated with animations, sort of like performance GIFs.

They really are attractive, soothing, and they fit nicely into the zen-like cluster design that Lincoln has created.

The drive modes are "Normal,""Conserve,""Excite,""Slippery" and "Deep Conditions." In LA, I used four of the five. I guess if I'd driven on the beach I could have used "Deep Conditions."

Yes, I even used "Slippery," as my visit coincided with a typical one-day LA downpour.

What's this? A Lincoln Aviator you can plug in?

Yep, the Aviator GT is a plug-in hybrid, with a 75-kilowatt-hour battery that adds about 20 miles of all-electric range.

Luckily, the parking structure I like to use in downtown LA has ChargePoint locations, and I have an account.

I re-juiced the Aviator twice, and each time it took about six hours to go from zero to full.

So what's the verdict on the 2020 Lincoln Aviator?

LA was not the greatest place to test the Aviator's all-wheel-drive system, and I had no passengers during the few days I spent behind the wheel. 

But LA was a dandy place to test the abundant interior comfort and the glorious, 14-speaker Revel audio system while sitting in traffic on the 405, the 10, the 110, the 105 and assorted surface streets.

I was also able to tap into the combined 494 horsepower and 630 pound-feet of torque produced by the Aviators potent powerplant and ... WHOA-LY SCHMOKES!!!

This thing really goes! On electric power alone, the Aviator has some tasty pep, but when this SUV is in Excite mode and you put the hammer down, it wants to pop a wheelie as you merge with City of Angels traffic. It's like there is a Mustang GT V8 under the hood. 

Nothing else I've driven in the segment feels quite the same. The Aviator is supposed to be suave, but it's kinda wild. I hope the new Aston Martin DBX SUV can manage this stunt. 

My tester was crammed with driver-alert and -assist features, but I was having so much fun driving the Aviator myself that I barely used them. They worked fine. (For the record, LA is a difficult area in which to use these systems anyway, given the mix of congested freeway driving and sprawling surface-street navigation.)

The bottom line is that the Lincoln Aviator looks great, drives great, has great tech, is great for passengers and cargo, and even gives you something in the ballpark of 20 mpg in combined city/highway, which isn't bad. The hybrid system is great at boosting the V6 into V8 territory, even if 20 miles of EV range isn't all that useful in real life.

The word, then, is great to describe the Lincoln Aviator. There's nothing to complain about, and quite a few things to unabashedly praise.

Every superhero movie you can expect in the 2020s


harley quinn, spider-man, wonder woman, aquaman


The 2010s were dominated by superhero movies, especially those from in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but there's still plenty more to look forward to in the next decade. 

In the 2020s, Marvel, Warner Bros., and more studios will be leasing films based on comic-book characters. In addition to seeing the return of Wonder Woman (portrayed by Gal Gadot) and Spider-Man (Tom Holland) in upcoming sequels, characters like Black Adam (Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) will make their debut in the coming years. Fans will also get to see Scarlett Johansson finally star in a standalone "Black Widow" film.

Keep reading to see all the superhero movies that are scheduled for release in the 2020s.

"Birds of Prey" (DC) — February 7, 2020

Margot Robbie will kick off the decade by reprising her role as Harley Quinn for "Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)" from Warner Bros. The Australian actress played the DC character in 2016's "Suicide Squad," but things will be different this time around.

The first trailer for "BoP," released in October 2019, showed Harley getting a bit of a makeover after breaking up with the Joker (played by Jared Leto in "Suicide Squad"). You can expect her to team up with Black Canary/Dinah Lance (Jurnee Smollett-Bell) and Huntress/Helena Bertinelli (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) to save a girl from crime lord Black Mask (Ewan McGregor).

Rosie Perez, Chris Messina, Ella Jay Basco, and Ali Wong also star in "BoP."

"Bloodshot"— February 21, 2020

Vin Diesel will star as Valiant Comics superhero Bloodshot, a soldier brought back to life with enhanced abilities. You can watch the trailer here

"The New Mutants"— April 3, 2020

The first trailer for the "X-Men" spin-off was released in October 2017, back when the planned release date was April 2018. It teased a dark, horror-driven film directed by Josh Boones and centered on mutants who become trapped in a facility. Following a series of reshoots, 20th Century Fox moved the theatrical date to February 2019, then August 2019.

Now "The New Mutants" is set to hit theaters in April 2020, though people are skeptical that it'll get a big-screen release given the film's continuous production issues and how poorly the latest "X-Men" movie, "Dark Phoenix," performed at the box office

Maisie Williams, Charlie Heaton, Anya Taylor-Joy, Henry Zaga, Blu Hunt, and Alice Braga star in "The New Mutants."


"Black Widow"— May 1, 2020

Ten years after Scarlett Johansson made her debut as Marvel's Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow in "Iron Man 2," the actress will finally get a standalone movie set in Budapest and scheduled for release in 2020.

Johansson told Vanity Fair that "Black Widow" is "about self-forgiveness" and "family" while costar Florence Pugh (Yelena Belova) described it as "very raw and very painful and very beautiful" during Variety's "Actors on Actors" series

The film will also provide closure for fans, who saw Johansson's character sacrifice herself for the mission in "Avengers: Endgame."

Johansson, Pugh, David Harbour, Rachel Weisz, and O-T Fagbenle star in the film. You can watch the first teaser trailer here

"Wonder Woman 1984"— June 5, 2020

Patty Jenkins directs the "Wonder Woman" sequel and Gal Gadot returns as the titular character (also known as Diana Prince). They'll be joined by Kristen Wiig, who will play villain Cheetah/Barbara Minerva, and Pedro Pascal, who will portray foe Maxwell Lord. Jenkins also revealed that Chris Pine will return as Steve Trevor, though it's unclear how that's possible since the character sacrificed himself in 2017's "Wonder Woman."

As the film's title suggests, the "Wonder Woman" sequel will be set in the '80s. A photo shared by Gadot showed Wonder Woman looking at several TVs, with one showing Christie Brinkley driving a Ferrari in "National Lampoon's Vacation," which came out in 1983.

Gadot also shared an image of herself in her Wonder Woman costume, which the film's official poster indicates that the character will be rocking a new, metallic suit





"Morbius"— Summer 2020

The upcoming Sony film will star Jared Leto as the titular character, a vampire who appeared as Spider-Man's foe in the Marvel comics. In January 2019, Variety reported that "The Crown" star Matt Smith was in talks to join the movie. 

In March 2019, Leto shared a photo of himself on set after completing his first week of filming.

The following month, he posted a video on Instagram and captioned it: "Because no one else will walk this path...this place of shadows, where we do what must be done, no matter the cost. #MORBIUS."

The official Twitter bio for "Morbius" says the film will be released in summer 2020 and it has been speculated that it'll specifically hit theaters on July 31, 2020.


Untitled "Venom 2"— October 2, 2020 (speculated date)

Tom Hardy starred in the first "Venom" movie, which hit theaters in October 2018. Although critics weren't a fan of the standalone film, leading to a 29% score on Rotten Tomatoes, fans enjoyed it enough to land the movie an audience rating of 80%. It also performed well at the box office, raking in more than $800 million.

Filming for Sony's untitled sequel is underway and was confirmed with a black-and-white photo shared by Hardy on Instagram, showing him the makeup chair. The actor later deleted the post

Andy Serkis is set to direct the movie and in addition to Hardy, Michelle Williams and Woody Harrelson will reprise their roles as Anne Weying and Cletus Kasady/Carnage, respectively. Variety also reported that Naomie Harris was in talks to play a villain known as Shriek. 

The sequel's release date hasn't been confirmed by Sony yet, but the studio reportedly has an untitled Marvel sequel listed for October 2020. People speculate that the mysterious slot belongs to the next "Venom" movie. 

"The Eternals"— November 6, 2020

"The Eternals" marks the second film set to be released as part of Marvel's fourth phase and the movie focuses on a group of immortals who have special skills, like super strength and the ability to fly. 

The movie has a star-studded cast that includes Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, Kumail Nanjiani, and Brian Tyree Henry. Plus, the film will reunite former "Game of Thrones" costars Richard Madden and Kit Harington.

Photos taken from the set reveal that Jolie will be sporting blonde hair and the actress previously told People that she's doing "everything from swords to ballet" to prepare for her role as an immortal named Thena. 

"Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings"— February 12, 2021

Few details have been revealed about the Marvel movie, but Destin Daniel Cretton will direct and Simu Liu will play the titular character, who was introduced in the comics in 1973. Tony Leung will portray The Mandarin and actress and comedian Awkwafina will also star in the movie, as well. It's unclear who she'll portray. 


"Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness"— May 7, 2021

Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) will team up for a new movie. Following the 2016 standalone "Doctor Strange" film, the sequel will have a "horror" tone and tie to Scarlet Witch's Disney Plus series, "WandaVision."

At San Diego Comic Con in July 2019, director Scott Derrickson described it as "the first scary MCU film."

"The Batman"— June 25, 2021

Robert Pattinson will follow in the footsteps of Ben Affleck, Christian Bale, and more actors when he suits up as Batman for Matt Reeves' upcoming movie "The Batman."

In late May, it was revealed that the "Twilight" star officially signed on to play the Caped Crusader. He'll star alongside Zöe Kravitz (who's playing Catwoman), Paul Dano (the Riddler), Jeffrey Wright (Commissioner Gordon), Andy Serkis (Alfred Pennyworth), and John Turturro (Carmine Falcone).

Untitled "Spider-Man 3"— July 16, 2021

In August, Tom Holland's future with Marvel was shaken up after Deadline reported that Sony and Disney were unable to reach a financial agreement regarding Spider-Man. But the following month, it was revealed that the studios ended their feud and will be coproducing the upcoming third "Spider-Man" film, which hits theaters in summer 2021.

Based on the big cliffhanger that took place at the end of "Spider-Man: Far From Home," it'll be interesting to see how things play out in the third installment.


"The Suicide Squad"— August 6, 2021

James Gunn will direct the "Suicide Squad" sequel and revealed the star-studded cast in a post shared on social media in September.

Margot Robbie (Harley Quinn), Jai Courtney (Captain Boomerang), Joel Kinnaman (Rick Flag), and Viola Davis (Amanda Waller) will reprise their DC roles. Newcomers to the franchise include Idris Elba, Nathan Fillion, Taika Waititi, Storm Reid, John Cena, Pete Davidson, and Peter Capaldi

Gunn also warned that we shouldn't "get too attached," meaning that some characters may get killed off. 

"Thor: Love and Thunder"— November 5, 2021

"Thor: Ragnarok" director Taika Waititi will return to direct the fourth "Thor" movie. In addition to the return of Chris Hemsworth as the titular character, Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, and Waititi as Korg,Natalie Portman (as Jane Foster) will be back. She'll have an even bigger role this time around, wielding the hammer to portray a female version of Thor

Jane was last mentioned in "Avengers: Endgame," when Thor revealed that they broke up. 

"Black Adam"— December 22, 2021

In November 2019, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson revealed that he'll be portraying DC anti-hero Black Adam in an upcoming film. The actor had been dropping hints for years, and called the role "unlike any other I've ever played in my career."

"He's a rebellious, one of a kind superhero, who'll always do what's right for the people - but he does it his way," Johnson captioned an image of concept art for the character on Instagram. "Truth and justice - the BLACK ADAM way."

"Shazam! 2"— April 1, 2022

In December, it was revealed that Zachary Levi's "Shazam!" sequel will be released in spring 2022. Levi previously told AP News that the script for the sequel is currently being drafted and he thinks he'll start filming in 2020.

Untitled "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" sequel — April 8, 2022

Following the success of the 2018 animated Sony film, another "Spider-Verse" movie will be released in 2022. The news was revealed in November 2019.

"Black Panther 2"— May 6, 2022

At Disney's D23 convention in Anaheim, California in August, it was revealed that a "Black Panther" sequel will be released in 2022

"We're not taking our time, we're really trying to get it right,"Ryan Coogler, who directed the first film and will return for the second movie, said. 


"The Flash"— July 1, 2022

Ezra Miller's "The Flash" movie kept getting delayed, but in December 2019, Warner Bros. revealed that the standalone movie will be released in summer 2022.


Untitled "Aquaman 2"— December 16, 2022

Jason Momoa, who made his debut as the character in "Justice League," will reprise his role as Aquaman for a sequel. It's unclear what the film will center on, but the actor told Esquire that he "came in with a big pitch."

"I came in with the whole thing mapped out, and they loved it," he said. 

BONUS: There are more superhero movies in the works, but few details have been revealed.


The most popular home styles of 2019, according to Google



  • Google just revealed its annual "Year in Search" trends for 2019, a detailed list of the top searches from users for the year broken down into categories, such as fashion or news.
  • One of the categories was "Home Style searches."
  • The top 10 searched terms for home styles on Google in 2019 include well-known aesthetics like "farmhouse style,""Art Deco style," and "modern style homes."
  • But some of the top terms were more surprising and specific, like "Cape Cod house style" and "Prairie style homes."
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

"Farmhouse style" architecture and decor was the number one searched trend in 2019.

Farmhouse style was popular throughout the last decade, so it makes sense that it would be the most searched home term in the final year of the 2010s.

Common themes of the rustic and airy style are exposed paneling, white cabinetry and walls, vintage or repurposed furniture, and accessories in retro patterns like gingham or plaid. 

Known for their symmetry, "colonial houses" were popular among Google users this year.

Colonial homes are one of the most popular residential architectural styles in America — you probably recognize the symmetrical window arrangement from suburban neighborhoods.

The style can be traced back to architecture built when America was under colonial rule in the 17th and 18th centuries, according to House Beautiful.

"Cape Cod house style" also made Google's list, indicating people are interested in the niche, coastal aesthetic.

The defining characteristic of a Cape Cod home is a large, central fireplace, according to HGTV, as well as shingle siding.

"Spanish style house," which stems from Spanish colonialism, was on the list.

People often call Spanish-style houses "stucco houses" because of the plaster that is often used to build the homes' exterior walls.

Clay, tiled roofing is another distinct characteristic of these homes.

As we enter the new roaring '20s, a lot of people are Googling "Art Deco style."

The geometric patterns and symmetrical layout that defined Art Deco is appealing to people 100 years after it was first popular in home decor.

Google-users were also searching for "Japanese style houses" in 2019.

Minimalism has been on the rise in the last few years, and the trend has its roots in Japanese architecture and decor, so it makes sense that a lot of people would be looking towards Japanese decor styles for inspiration.

"Craftsman style home" was among the most-searched house styles.

Like colonial houses, craftsman homes are popular in the United States, and it's likely you've seen many throughout your life.

The homes are known for having a classic shape, large porches with thick columns, and they're often painted in a bright color, according to Elle Decor.

"Transitional style," which is a cousin to mid-century modern design, was a hit with Google users in 2019.

Transitional style blends a classic backdrop with modern furniture.

For instance, this home features traditional molding on a neutral-colored wall, and it's paired with a modern coffee table and couch, blending the two vibes together.

"Prairie-style homes," which were made popular by Frank Lloyd Wright, was a trending search term in 2019.

Prairie homes, which feature low roofs and a streamlined look, developed from Frank Lloyd Wright's interest in simplicity and his dislike of architecture that mimicked that of other countries, according to his trust.

"Modern style" rounded out Google's list, highlighting that people aren't over the futuristic vibe.

Like modern art, modern design doesn't mean contemporary. It's actually specifically derived from a style that became popular in the mid-20th century. 

Clean lines and natural wood finishes are defining characteristics of the style, as well as open concept floor plans, as House Beautiful points out.

You can see the Northern Lights from a glass igloo at this resort in the middle of Finland's wilderness


Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort

What could be better than seeing the Northern Lights?

Seeing them from the comfort of your bed.

And at the Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort in Finnish Lapland you can do just that.

Recently featured on the TV show "Amazing Spaces: Northern Lights Adventure," which airs on the UK's Channel 4, the resort was called a "dream" destination by viewers, with many saying they would add it to their bucket list.

Just north of the Arctic Circle, the resort sits on 1,200 acres and features 65 igloos to sleep in. Made of glass, they allow for unobstructed views of the Aurora Borealis, and even come equipped with an "Aurora Alarm," so guests don't miss a thing.

Keep scrolling for a closer look at these unique accommodations.

Meg Josephson contributed to an earlier version of this post.

The resort features a variety of accommodations, from log cabins to traditional houses, the famous glass igloos, and even snow igloos.

While temperatures around these parts can get as low as -40F, the igloos are made from a special thermal glass that keeps the inside toasty, and the glass from frosting over.

This far north, you can see the Aurora Borealis around 200 days a year. Glass igloos are available from August through April, which are the best time to see the natural light show.

The two-person igloos include a toilet and the option of an extra bed.

Four-person igloos feature their own toilet and shower.

The resort has the world's largest smoke sauna, a snow restaurant, and ice bar as well as an ice sculpture gallery.

While the Northern Lights are incredible ...

... there's more to see in the area, like this stunning midnight sunset in the summer.

There's also hiking, river rafting, mountain biking, and mushroom and berry picking ...

... as well as horseback riding.

The winter is just as beautiful.

During the winter, guests can go on husky-led tours and reindeer safaris.

They can also go sledding, skiing, and snowmobiling.

There's also the option of visiting "Santa's home," which is apparently not in the North Pole.

The resort features several restaurants, too, including this igloo bar and restaurant.

One night in an igloo for two starts at around $650.

The best hotel deals to book right now if you still want to get away for the holidays


Cadillac Hotel & Beach Club

  • The period between Christmas and New Year's tends to be one of the most expensive times to travel, with high demand resulting in increased prices for airfare, hotels, and vacations.
  • But if you're still looking for a last-minute getaway by the year's end, many hotels are offering deals and packages at competitive rates. Brands such as Marriott Bonvoy, Hilton, IHG, Preferred Hotels, and others are discounting prices and offering perks to sweeten the deal.
  • Availability and pricing varies by day, with the best prices over the Christmas holiday. Many promotions must be booked by December 17, while others extend into the New Year.

The period between Christmas and New Year's tends to be one of the most expensive times to travel. Many people take time off of work or need to hit the road in some capacity. Such high demand typically translates to overall increased prices for airfare, hotels, and vacations.

But if you've found yourself with extra use-it-or-lose-it PTO, are itching to tack a trip onto existing holiday travel, or just need to feel the warmth of the sun, there are still deals to be found. No surprise, the majority are in Florida, but I found other deals around the country and abroad, too.

Some of our favorite hotel brands are offering enticing rates and packages, no gift wrap needed. Better yet, showing loyalty offers a double bonus in point-earning potential, which is a great way to get closer to 2020 award travel.

Below are a few highlights rounded up by brand, which were available at the time of publishing. But get clicking, many of these offers expire by early next week, and are subject to change. If you do miss out, check back here. We'll continue to update this post as we find great deals leading up to Christmas.

Keep reading for the best travel deals for Christmas

SEE ALSO: Insider Picks Hotel Reviews

SEE ALSO: The best cheap hotels under $100 a night around the world — that are surprisingly upscale, too

Marriott Bonvoy

Cadillac Hotel & Beach Club, a member of Marriott's Autograph Collection, seeks to draw families to the beach this year with their Family Night In package. The booking dates are ongoing and cheaper after the holidays, but if you book over Christmas you'll find rates around $400 for oceanfront views and bond-encouraging perks such as an in-room movie, two 12" wood-fired pizzas with up to two toppings, two non-alcoholic beverages, one bottle of house red, white or rosé, and of course, one family-size portion of gourmet popcorn.

Spend family night in Miami at the Cadillac Hotel starting at $400 over Christmas

The Westin Tampa Bay has shockingly low rates over Christmas week, as low as $140 per night for the four-star hotel, no package needed. You'll have to be a Marriott Bonvoy member to score the best prices though. The waterfront locale has lovely bay views and is just three miles from Tampa International Airport and close to other pretty areas such as Clearwater Beach and St. Petersburg.

Book the Westin Tampa Bay over the holidays starting at $140 per night

IHG Hotels

IHG is the parent company of brands such as Kimpton, Intercontinental, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn and others, and has extended their Cyber Monday sale through December 17.

Stays are valid until May 31, 2020, and participating hotels offer 20% off the Best Flexible Rate, with an additional 5% discount for IHG Rewards Club members. Opting in to the latter is smart, considering it also provides benefits such as extra point-earning potential and complimentary Wi-Fi.

Book IHG's extended Cyber Monday sale here for savings of up to 25% off

Kimpton, in particular, has loads of standout deals, starting with their Winter Sun offering.

Sun seekers can head south to Florida and receive up to 20% off hotels' best flexible rates in Downtown Miami, South Beach or Vero Beach. You must book by December 19, and do so at least 10 days in advance of travel, which can take place between December 19 to March 31, 2020. Different properties have different availability, but I found the Winter Sun package to be available over Christmas at the Kimpton Angler's Hotel South Beach for a suite with a terrace for $225 per night.

Spend Christmas in Florida in a suite starting at $225 per night

Kimpton's family-friendly package for Hotel Palomar in Washington, DC might make taking kids on the road more attractive.

With a central location in Dupont Circle, and rates as low as $96 per night, the promotion includes a 50% discount on daily parking, complimentary breakfast for kids 12 and under, and signature Kimpton perks like happy hour, free morning coffee, complimentary bikes, yoga mats, and other wellness perks. 

Book Kimpton's Family Package at Hotel Palomar for travel through December 31

Spend Christmas wrapped in a cozy blanket by the fire as the snow falls while enjoying the rustic charm of a boutique hotel. Kimpton's Taconic Hotel in in picturesque Vermont is offering 15% off their best rates through the end of the year when you stay three nights or more. I found nightly rates as low as $260 for Christmas Eve.

Stay longer and save in Vermont with 15% off three nights or more

If family time stresses you out, Kimpton's "Outlaw the In-laws" package places you oceanfront in Huntington Beach, California at the Kimpton Shorebreak. Rates are as low as $166 for Christmas and New Year's week for entry-level rooms and only rose to a reasonable $265 for New Year's Eve. Better yet, the package includes a welcome bottle of wine and is available through January 12, 2020 if you're not in a hurry to get back to the office.

Outlaw the in-laws in Huntington Beach starting at $166 with a free bottle of wine

California residents looking for a staycation or in-state getaway can take advantage of Kimpton's 25% discount at the Everly Hotel in Hollywood. I found rates as low as $264 for the weekend after Christmas, so long as you stay and book by December 31.

Book Kimpton's Everly Hotel Good Neighbor Rate to receive 25% off your booking

Hop the pond to London and enjoy a suite stay at the Kimpton Fitzroy. The aptly named "Suite Dreams in London" promotion offers complimentary breakfast for two, a bottle of Champagne on arrival, £60 food and beverage credit to use in any of their four restaurants and bars, and two garments pressed on check-in.

The package price starts at about $400, though if you're willing to feel a tad less luxurious, regular rooms are being offered as low as $150 per night for one bed over Christmas. The offer is actually available for most of 2020, but must be booked by Jan 31, 2020.

Book the suite life package in London starting at $400, or $150 for a standard room


Hilton Hotels

DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Myrtle Beach Oceanfront is offering a New Year's Eve package to ring in the New Year, including a southern buffet breakfast and late check-out for those who stay up past midnight. The offer is available for stays Dec. 26 through Jan. 3 using the rate code "0NE." Book New Year's Eve and pay just $129.

Spend New Year's Eve in Myrtle Beach at the DoubleTree Hilton for $129

Another DoubleTree, the Gates Hotel is a Miami boutique property offering a few different ways to save over the holidays. Hilton Honors members who book direct can secure a King bed with a pool view for $194. Opt for the Holidays Extra package and you'll get the same room for $239, but also receive premium Wi-Fi, daily breakfast, and late checkout.

Book the Gates Hotel South Beach, a DoubleTree by Hilton for under $200

Preferred Hotels

The folks at Preferred Hotels know that some of the best travel is spontaneous and are offering savings of 35% off last-minute bookings at luxury hotels around the world.

The deals are available for travel by January 19, 2020, but must be booked no later than December 16, 2019. The full list of properties participating are here and include the US, Europe, and Asia. Some standouts include the five-star K Club in Ireland for around $300 per night, the Hammock Beach Resort in Palm Coast, Florida starting at $149 per night, the Royal Park Hotel Tokyo for $138, the Hotel California Paris Champs Elysees starting at $200, and the all-suite Hyde Resort in Hollywood, Florida beginning at $200 per night.

Book last-minute discounted luxury travel at Preferred Hotels for at low as $138 per night

Love Home Swap

If you love the wintry movie delight "The Holiday," check out the vacation swap site inspired by it, Love Home Swap. The global home exchange program matches you up with other travelers for a safe, secure booking that takes care of all the details. You have to be a member to take part in the cool concept, and they're currently offering a free two-week trial followed by a promotion running as low as $140 for a year. After that, you use points to swap homes with other users.

Swap homes like Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet in "The Holiday" for $140, with a free two-week trial

The best hair masks

  • Hair masks are an affordable and easy way to strengthen, deep condition, and nourish without going to a salon — especially in the winter when all the cold air is drying out your hair.
  • You can just use one in the shower to treat your hair weekly, or if you have really damaged hair, every few days. 
  • Our top pick is the It's a 10 Haircare Miracle Hair Mask, but we also like ones from Brigeo, Function of Beauty, Sephora Collection, and Olaplex.

Between blow-drying, heat-styling, color processing, skipping hair cuts, and more, your hair can incur some serious damage. Thankfully, at-home hair masks are one of the easiest ways to give your strands a little TLC without leaving your house or breaking the bank.

Whether you want to repair, strengthen, add shine, or protect your hair from future damage, the right hair mask can help transform your hair and even improve its overall health. But with so many on the market, working out which one is right for you can be overwhelming.

So we did the research and put our own hair to the test to find the best hair masks. 

Here are the best hair masks you can buy:

Updated 12/12/19 by Jada Wong: Updated prices and copy. Added Function of Beauty Customized Hair Mask.

SEE ALSO: The best shower caps you can buy

The best hair mask overall

It's a 10 Haircare Miracle Hair Mask does it all, transforming dry,  damaged hair into super-soft and smooth strands while restoring elasticity.

It's a 10 Haircare Miracle Hair Mask is a sulfate-free conditioning treatment that was made to treat all types of hair. The mask contains linseed and apricot extracts, which help soothe and repair your scalp while leaving you tangle-free.  

The mask also features almond extract to promote healthy and shiny hair, and oat extract, which strengthens and restructures hair to make it smooth and soft. The lightweight mask is versatile enough to be used as an everyday conditioner for hair, or as a periodic treatment.

A social media fellow on the Insider Picks team has used and loved the mask. "My hair has never felt softer and the smell is amazing," she says. "Using this hair mask helps tame and moisturize my unmanageable, wavy, color-treated hair while also not making it feel greasy or weighed down. It's also made my hair noticeably less frizzy and repairs any split ends I may have, so I can go longer in between haircuts." 

It's a 10 is definitely expensive, but it's been worth every penny. "At first, I was hesitant to spend $32 on a hair product, but after using this hair mask and seeing its effects on my hair, this mask has a permanent spot in my shower."

Pros: Leaves hair tangle-free and super soft, soothes and repairs scalp, treats damaged hair, can be used daily or periodically

Cons: Expensive

The best deep conditioning hair mask

Briogeo Don't Despair, Repair Mask deep conditions for an extra boost of hydration and moisture.

The Briogeo Don't Despair, Repair Deep Conditioning Mask is formulated with ingredients like vitamin B, rosehip oil, argan oil, and collagen to help restore hydration and transform lackluster hair into shiny, healthy locks.

The mask works on all types of hair including chemically-treated, relaxed, and keratin-treated hair. It is also cruelty-free and made without any silicones, parabens, sulfates, and artificial dyes. In a blind clinical trial, 80% of women said they saw a "noticeable improvement in hydration".

The product was an Allure Reader's Choice award winner in 2017 and has a 4.2-star rating on Sephora's site with more than 1,000 reviews. 

It's expensive at $32 for 8 ounces, but you can purchase a mini 1-ounce bottle to test it out for only $9.

Pros: Makes hair super soft and silky, deeply hydrating, cruelty-free, makes hair shiny

Cons: Expensive

Best personalized formula

If you're looking for a customized formula that addresses one or many concerns, try Function of Beauty.

Function of Beauty develops personalized hair-care products, including a hair mask. At $19 for a 7.5 oz jar, it's expensive, but it's also a weekly deep-conditioning treatment that's catered specifically to your needs, so I think the price is justified. There's also an option to subscribe to regular deliveries of each product, so you'd never run out.

To create your custom formula, you'd have to take a short online quiz and indicate your concerns and needs. I said that I wanted to hydrate and repair my dry, heat-damaged hair. I have fine hair so I also wanted to make sure the formula wouldn't be too heavy and weigh it down. 

A few weeks later, the mask arrived at my door and I've been using it twice a week for the past two months. In the two months that I've been using it, I've used about a quarter of the product.

It's definitely made my hair feel stronger and healthier, with a lot more shine than it used to have. While each formula is made specifically for your particular hair needs, it generally contains hydrating Japanese sake extract, and argan and jojoba oils.

It takes just a few minutes to work and it's easy to rinse out too. The one thing I'm split on is the plastic jar. I try to avoid plastic when I can, but I've dropped the jar several times in the shower and thankfully, it hasn't cracked or broken. Can you imagine what would've happened if it was made out of glass?

The Insider Picks team has tested and reviewed other Function of Beauty hair-care products, here's the full review.

Pros: Personalized formula for your specific hair needs, has one-time or subscription option for flexibility 

Cons: Is only available online 

The best overnight hair mask

Sephora Collection's Hair Sleeping Masks work overnight as you sleep for intense repair with minimal effort.  

If you are looking for an overnight mask that will target specific hair problems, try the Sephora Collection Hair Sleeping Masks. The line of masks was formulated to hydrate and repair hair as you sleep.

There are four masks to address different hair issues. Rose is used for smoothing and anti-frizz proposes, Acai brightens and protects color, Almond offers anti-breakage protection, and Coconut nourishes and repairs.

A writer for Allure tested out the Rose mask and said, "When I woke up the next morning and rinsed out my hair, it felt just as soft and wonderful as I expected it to. I felt as if the conditioner had provided the extra smoothness it promised."

Each mask comes with a hair cap but some Sephora reviewers note the cap shifted while sleeping. To prevent any stains, try placing a towel over your pillowcase or use a bobby pin to secure the cap to your hair before you go to sleep.

Pros: Affordable, can target specific hair issues, hydrating, softens hair, 4 options

Cons: Can stain sheets if cap moves while sleeping

The best strengthening hair mask

If color-treating and heat-styling has weakened your hair, try a strengthening mask like Olaplex Hair Perfector No. 3.

Hair-care brand Olaplex is used in top salons, but the mask was created for general retail when the brand realized how many of its clients wanted to use it at home.

The mask is made with Olaplex's patented bond-building technology, which relinks the broken parts of hair caused by chemical, thermal, and mechanical damage. The mask works on many hair types from straight to tightly coiled and is formulated without parabens, sulfates, or phthalates.

The repairing and strengthening treatment is a favorite on Sephora's site with 86% of buyers saying they would recommend the product to others. One reviewer writes, "Wow. This product is nothing short of amazing. After years of highlights, I ended up with extremely damaged hair. My hair cuticles we're [sic] lifted, flaky and fried and the hair cortex was so destroyed that my hair would be split 2 inches from the bottom, I was desperate. Then I found Olaplex. One application and everything changed. It became silky soft and bouncy again. Wow. So thankful for this outstanding product."

A few buyers noted they were hesitant about the expensive price point, but most said it was definitely worth the high cost.

Pros: Repairs and strengthens hair, leaves it feeling soft and bouncy, professional-grade treatment at home

Cons: Expensive

Check out our other hair-care buying guides

The best dry shampoo you can buy

Some days you just run out of time to wash your hair, but that doesn't mean it has to look greasy. Dry shampoo is here to save you from a bad hair day. Of all the dry shampoos around, Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Dry Shampoo is our top pick because it makes your hair look like new.

Here are the best dry shampoos you can buy:

The best shampoo for any hair type

Impossible as it might be to find a shampoo that works for every hair type, Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Shampoo comes pretty close. That's why it's our top pick — Living Proof's basic formula really works and it might even help you wash your hair less often. 

Here are the five best shampoos for all hair types:

The best hair conditioner you can buy

Hair conditioner is a necessity if you want soft, silky strands. Out of thousands of bottles, shoppers agree that Silk18 Argan Oil Hair Conditioner is the best — no matter your hair type.

Here are the best hair conditioners you can buy in 2019:

US soldiers and airmen helped clean up Venice after the historic city was hit by the worst flooding in 53 years


US Army Air Force Venice Italy

  • US military personnel in the Venice area joined efforts to clean up the history city after it was hit by historic flooding.
  • For two days this month, US soldiers, airmen, military families, and civilians helped Venetians remove heavy and soiled mattresses, washer machines, refrigerators, couches, and driftwood.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

VICENZA, Italy (December 10, 2019) — On Friday and Saturday, December 6-7, soldiers, airmen, military families, and civilians of the Vicenza Military Community participated in a two-day clean-up of Venice following widespread flooding during the annual "acqua alta," or high water, that struck the iconic island city on November 12.

This is the second most devastating acqua alta in Venice history since 1966 when floodwaters topped out above 6 feet.

According to organizers, the "Save Venice" event was an enriching challenge for the Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) Vicenza team. BOSS is a dynamic Department of the Army program, which engages single soldiers through peer-to-peer leadership to enhance their quality of life through community service and recreational activities.

Fifteen airmen, 14 soldiers, and three military family members and civilians assisted the city of Venice in this project.

"It was an honor to be able to help our neighbors in Venice after the damage from the floods," said Joseph "Rodger" Nuttall, BOSS Vicenza Advisor.

SEE ALSO: Meet the US Army team that helped withdraw from Syria as the ISIS fight drags on

The volunteers moved heavy and soiled mattresses, washer machines, refrigerators, couches, and driftwood from the Santa Croce district on to five large garbage barges. They were welcomed into Venetians' homes to carry out furniture.

"Seeing people come out of their homes to personally thank us for helping alleviate work on them, after they have gone through so much, was especially rewarding," said Nuttall, who high-fived an older Italian woman.

For 1600 years, Venice has influenced humanity with its contribution in history for art and music. After the unfortunate heavy rains, much of that artistic heritage was unsalvageable.

City Councilor for the Environment Massimiliano De Martin welcomed the volunteers as they arrived to Venice. "Living in Venice provides you an opportunity to do a survival course over the years. You have to live every day with the water that rises and grows. The houses are based on foundations that are very ancient," explained De Martin.

Trash collection has been an ancient challenge in Venice for centuries. There are no common spaces where trash is compiled. Because of the small walkways, all trash collection is done by hand to load into boats.

Venice's waste management company, Veritas, reorganizes space to make sure that trash assortment is done every single day, seven days a week, despite the challenges of the tides or weather conditions. Large-scale strategic organization is critical to the survival of Venice.

"Being able to count on a clean city means making it decent even for the millions of tourists who come to visit it," De Martin said. "Aside from today's engagement, I hope you can bring back to base and to the United States not just the beautiful images of Venice, but the true essence of Venice and its resiliency."

The BOSS Vicenza team support was assisted by the office of the Italian Base Commander on Caserma Ederle, where US Army Garrison Italy is headquartered.

A bride had a 'first look' photo shoot with her brother on her wedding day, and the pictures are going viral


(c)kelseygenephotography_ashleybrian_gettingready 6257

  • Ashley and Brian Sedar recently got married in Geneseo, New York.
  • As part of the wedding celebrations, Ashley decided to have a first look photo shoot with her brother, Nick Rice, who has Down syndrome and served as a groomsman for the wedding.
  • Rice said his sister was "the most indescribable person in the world" when he saw her in her dress.
  • The pictures from the first look went viral after Sedar's photographer shared them on her Facebook page.
  • Sedar told Insider that Rice also gave an emotional speech at the wedding reception.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Ashley and Brian Sedar recently got married in Geneseo, New York.

As the couple started planning their wedding, they considered what traditions and celebrations they wanted to be part of their day, including the "first look," where a groom sees the bride in her wedding dress for the first time.

"I like the idea of the first look, but I didn't want one with Brian because I'd always grown up imagining walking down the aisle," Ashley Sedar told Insider.

She wanted to wait until the ceremony to show her husband her wedding ensemble, but she still liked the idea of a first look.

When Sedar spoke to a friend about wanting to do a first look, they immediately suggested she do one with her brother, Nick Rice.

Sedar and her brother, who has Down syndrome, are extremely close.

"I was just having this conversation with a girl from work," Sedar said, speaking of first looks.  "And she was like, 'Well, obviously you should do it with your brother.'" 

"Why didn't I think of that sooner?" Sedar said of the idea.

"He wears his emotions on his sleeve," Sedar said of her brother.

In fact, when she got engaged, Rice was happy but conflicted, because he felt like he was losing his sister, according to Sedar.

"I could tell that when we got engaged, he was struggling with these feelings of loving Brian and being really happy that Brian was going to be my husband, and then also dealing with the stress of losing me," Sedar said. 

Rice eventually came around, and she knew she wanted to do her first look with her brother. "He loves Brian. They hang out just those two all the time," Sedar said. 

Photographer Kelsey Watroba captured the sweet moments.

"When Ashley said that she wanted to share a first look with her brother, I immediately loved the idea," Watroba told Insider.

"I really admire that Ashley and her husband Brian chose to plan their wedding around what was right for their family, regardless of what is popular or traditional."

Sedar told Insider that Rice was speechless when he saw her.

"He was just like teary-eyed and blinking. You could tell he was just feeling so much emotion," Sedar said of her brother.

"He couldn't even say anything. It was exactly what I wanted."

"It's clear that Ashley and Nick have so much love for each other, and really support each other," Watroba said of watching the moment. "For me as a wedding photographer, it was truly one of the most special things that I have captured."

"You are the most indescribable person in the world," Rice told Sedar once he could speak again.

"It was perfect," Sedar said of the first look.

Watroba shared the first look photos to her Facebook page after the wedding, and the post went viral.

The post had over 14,000 shares at the time of writing.

Rice also gave a speech at the wedding reception that made everyone emotional.

"He was thinking about the speech for a year, and I was sort of nervous that when it came down to the moment that he would get shy," Sedar said.

But when it was time for his speech, "Nick just looked at me and grabbed the mic and went, 'I got it,'" Sedar said. And the speech went well, to say the least.

"Literally everybody was sobbing. His speech was just unbelievable."

20 creative and thoughtful host gifts that go beyond the classic fruit basket


Gifts for host

A friend or family member has invited you over to spend time in their home. A dinner, a weekend stay, a holiday — maybe even just for a cup of coffee on the porch. Regardless of the occasion, it's a nice gesture to bring a small token of appreciation. 

At a bare minimum, a host gift is a small but generous way to say "Thank you for having me." At its full potential, it's a way to make someone feel valued and recognized for all the time and effort they've spent to give you a welcoming and warm place to be. These host gifts are ones they'll remember and enjoy even after the party is over — once they're over the stress of holiday or dinner-party cleanup (for which your voluntary help is probably the best host gift of all).

Most of these items are available with expedited shipping, and some should arrive within a few days' time, so don't stress too hard if you're last-minute shopping for an invite you just received.

The top 5 best host and hostess gifts:

  1. A never-fail candle from our favorite candle company
  2. A cookbook from Ina Garten, kitchen queen and host extrordinaire
  3. A set of flavored salt to enhance all their dishes
  4. A wine aerator they can attach to any bottle
  5. A handwoven tea towel for the kitchen

See more of the best host and hostess gifts:

SEE ALSO: 32 kitchen gifts from Williams Sonoma for the cook and foodie in your life

A trio of chai tea that made it onto Oprah's Favorite Things list

Vahdam Chai Tea Trio, available on Amazon, $34.99

This tea trio made Oprah's Favorite Things list for 2019 for the second year in a row, so if it's good enough for her, it's good enough for your host. We've actually tried some of Vahdam's teas and were particularly impressed by its beautiful packaging.

A wine tote and a nice bottle to go with it

Single Wine Tote Bag, available on Amazon, $13.98

Wine is a classic host gift, but sometimes it doesn't quite feel like enough. Wrap a bottle in one of these totes and you've got a complete gift for your party host.

And if you're looking for an easy way to order wine online for an upcoming party or the holidays, we've got you covered with this list.


A never-fail candle from our favorite candle company

Candles, available at Otherland, from $36

Otherland's candles offer the most beautiful unboxing and gifting experience. They're both a joy to give and a joy to get. You can choose candles from the newest limited-edition collection called Gilded Holiday, or go for the company's five base candles that are carried year-round.

Read our full review of Otherland candles here.

A reusable tote for their next grocery trip

Embroidered Thank You Tote, available at Uncommon Goods, $38

Upon first inspection, you may think we're recommending you just bring some flowers inside a crappy single-use plastic bag. But this embroidered canvas version of a takeout staple is a sweet way to thank them for having you over. They'll be happy to use it on their next farmer's market run.

A classic bottle of lotion for the bathroom

Kiehl's Creme de Corps (8.4 oz.), available at Nordstrom, $30

If you ask me, Kiehl's makes the best body lotion out there. It's a classic gift for their bathroom — who could say no to softer skin?

A beautiful pie tin for the baker

Agnes Pie Dish, available at Anthropologie, $42

If baking is kind of their thing, they won't be able to contain their excitement when you hand them this ornate pie dish. You can probably guess what they'll be serving next time you come over. 

A tin of everyone's favorite peppermint bark

Peppermint Bark, available at Williams Sonoma, from $23.96

Williams Sonoma's peppermint bark is so good it has its own section of the website's homepage. Give the treat they can't get enough of around the holidays, complete with a reusable tin they can pack with goodies to gift someone else.

A recipe tin for the home chef

Rifle Paper Co. Recipe Tin, available at Anthropologie, $38

This recipe tin was one of the sweetest gifts I've ever received. If your host loves to cook or bake, give them a special place to store the recipes they keep closest to their hearts.

A set of flavored salt to enhance all their dishes

Jacobsen Salt Vials, available on Amazon, $39.95

Jacobsen's flaky salt is prized by Michelin-starred chefs the world over, and we're positive your host will love to cook with them. This set includes flavored finishing salt they can use to elevate any dish.

Ina Garten's newest cookbooks for her devotees

"Cook Like a Pro: Recipes and Tips for Home Cooks" by Ina Garten, available on Amazon, from $15.64

If they host or entertain frequently, chances are they've used an Ina Garten recipe before. Known for her elegant but laid-back style, Ina's new cookbook is full of the tips and tricks that bring a professional touch to simple, home-cooked dishes.

A puppy plate for the dog person

Dog-a-Day Dessert Plate, available at Anthropologie, $14

With quite a few options to choose from, you can gift them one or a whole set of these dessert plates by artist Sally Muir. 

A house plant that's hard to kill

Philodendron Green, available at The Sill, $32

The Sill is a relatively new startup that's making the process of choosing and buying house plants much easier. This philodendron is just one of many plant and planter options you can choose from — and you can even shop based on which ones are pet-safe. Your order will be delivered straight to them, so you won't have to worry about stopping to pick up flowers on your way there. 

A serving platter with a pop of color

Perasima Serving Bowl, available at Anthropologie, $58

Serving platters are one thing a host can never have too many of (unless they have a very small kitchen). This one is uniquely shaped, but would make a beautiful presentation for everything from salads to main dishes.

A wine aerator that doesn't take up a ton of space

Vinetto Wine Aerator, available on Amazon, $11.99

Wine drinkers will almost certainly enjoy the benefits of this inexpensive tool that can improve the taste of even the cheapest bottle. All they need to do is pop the gadget into the top of the bottle and pour themselves a glass, then they can put the cork or a bottle stop back in to preserve it.

A handwoven tea towel for the kitchen

Maker Minna Handwoven Tea Towel, available at Food52, $28

A nice dish towel for the kitchen is one thing they'll probably never buy for themselves, but will love seeing hanging elegantly from their oven door. 

A custom map of a place they hold near and dear

Grafomaps, starting at $49

If your host is someone you know well or have lots of memories with, this gift will speak volumes to them. Map out the place you went to college together, the most memorable vacation you took together, the place you met — even a place you have no connection to but know they feel strongly about. The options are pretty much endless. 

A blanket they'll never want to crawl out from underneath

The Leesa Blanket, available at Leesa, $149

It may not look like much, but Leesa's blanket is one of the comfiest, coziest, warmest throws you'll ever come across. Skip the decorative throw they'll be sick of by next year and opt for a truly high-quality version they'll love to curl up with.

Read our full review of the Leesa Blanket here.

Non-stick muffin molds that they'll love to bake with

Silpat Silicon Muffin Mold, available at Williams Sonoma, $59.95

I personally use this muffin mold, and I love it so much that I threw out my metal one. Muffins and cupcakes come out perfectly every time with absolutely no sticking — and cleanup in the dishwasher is an absolute breeze.

Read our review on Silpat's baking molds here.

A baking sheet set for the cookie fiend

Copper Goldtouch Non-Stick Baking Sheet Set, available at Williams Sonoma, $37.46

If baking cookies is their respite from the world's chaos, they'll be thrilled to have a fancy new set of non-stick pans and a cooling rack to play with. 

A beautiful coffee table book for the world traveler

"Escape" by Gray Malin, available on Amazon, $30.12

Coffee table books are a clever idea if you know about your host's passions. For the one with constant wanderlust (or not enough vacation time at their job), this book features the gorgeous photography of Gray Malin in some unimaginably beautiful locations around the world. 

Looking for more gift ideas? We've got you covered.

82 thoughtful and unique gifts for him — at every budget


Insider Picks Holiday Gift Guide Gifts for Him

  • Whether he's your brother, partner, dad, or friend, chances are you probably have a man in your life who you're planning to get a gift for this holiday season. 
  • To make shopping easy for you, we came up with a list of 82 great gifts for him. They cover all budgets, tastes, and work for pretty much every guy in your life. 
  • If you need more gifting ideas, check out all of our 2019 holiday gift guides here.
  • Don't wait too long to order your gifts, though, since shipping deadlines for delivery by Christmas Eve are coming up.

As someone who gets special satisfaction from picking out the perfect gifts for everyone in her life, whether they're her coworkers, in-laws, dad, or boyfriend, I'm very lucky it's essentially my job to help other people do just that. In my head, I have a seemingly endless Rolodex of recommendations for special occasions, like engagement parties and baby showers, and holidays like Christmas, which is coming up soon.

If you need some inspiration for what to get for him this holiday (whether he's your boyfriend, husband, fiancé, or otherwise), the Insider Picks team has you covered with some truly excellent gift ideas. Though you can never go wrong with a new leather wallet or Patagonia fleece, we've also included some more unique gifts, like a custom Xbox controller and a cookbook focused on late-night munchies

The top 5 best gifts for him:

  1. A box of his favorite sports team's memorabilia from Fanchest
  2. A comfy Patagonia pullover he'll always want to wear
  3. An Atlas Coffee Club subscription
  4. A pair of cool and comfortable Allbirds sneakers
  5. A complete sheet set from Brooklinen

Check out all 82 great gift ideas for him:

This list includes a Sponsored Product that has been suggested by Vincero Watches; it also meets our editorial criteria in terms of quality and value.*

A classic leather wallet

Bellroy Slim Sleeve Wallet, available at Bellroy and Amazon, $79

A wallet doesn't have to be a boring gift when it's from Bellroy. The gorgeous Slim Sleeve fits everything he needs in a slim, efficient profile. We love it so much we named it the best men's wallet in our buying guide.

A flask that'll keep his coffee hot

Hydro Flask 20 oz. Coffee Flask, available at Hydro Flask and REI, $27.95

This insulated coffee flask keeps hot drinks hot (and we mean hot) for up to 12 hours, and cold drinks cold for up to 24 hours. 

A modern and unique timepiece

Vincero Chrono S Watch, available at Vincero Watches, $169

Here is proof that a beautiful timepiece doesn't need to break the bank. Chose from over 75 Vincero men's watches designs, ranging in price from $129 to $299. 

* Sponsored by Vincero Watches

A stylish and comfortable pair of sneakers

Allbirds Wool Runners, available at Allbirds, $95

Popular shoe startup Allbirds came out with a new high-top sneaker this month, dubbed the Tree Toppers, but for the uninitiated (and honestly really anyone), the classic Wool Runners make an excellent gift. 

A comfy pullover he'll always want to wear

Patagonia Cotton Quilt Snap-T Pullover, available at Patagonia, $149

We're firm believers that you can't own too many Patagonia pullovers. This diamond-quilted style that comes in six colors is especially beloved by our team's newest Patagonia convert for its warmth, coziness, and versatility. 

The Amazon Echo

Echo (3rd generation), available at Amazon, preorder for $79.99

Amazon's flagship smart speaker gets an upgrade with new Dolby-powered 360° audio and adjustable equalizer settings. 

A travel-friendly dopp kit

Mini See-All Vanity Case, available at Paravel, $65

Packing his toiletries for his next trip will be easy with this vanity case. The exterior material is resistant to water and stains, and the clear window lets him easily identify the case's contents. 

A funky pair (or pairs) of underwear

MeUndies Build-A-Pack, available at MeUndies, from $57

Your first thought may be that underwear is sort of a strange gift, but hear us out. MeUndies are so comfortable they will blow his mind, and they come in tons of colors and limited-edition prints! The Build-a-Pack feature lets you build a 3-, 6-, or 10-pack of your favorite underwear style, and save up to 30%.

A luxurious sheet set that makes bedtime better

Brooklinen Luxe Hardcore Sheet Bundle, available at Brooklinen, from $219

Brooklinen has a well-earned reputation as the internet's favorite bedding startup; its sheets are comfortable and luxurious, and its fun new patterns like Graphite Maze (pictured above) instantly elevate the look of any bedroom. 

A box full of team pride

FanChest Gift Box, available at FanChest, from $59

If he's a serious sports fan, he'll love anything you get him with his team's logo emblazoned on it. FanChest delivers boxes full of licensed memorabilia for NHL, NFL, and NCAA teams at a great value. 

A smart USB car charger with Alexa

Roav Viva Alexa-Enabled 2-Port USB Car Charger, available at Amazon, $35.99

Give his car a smart upgrade with the Alexa-enabled Roav Viva. Not only can the device charge his smartphone, it can also answer questions about the weather or traffic, play music, and even tell him the news.

A beanie that will keep him warm all winter long

Patagonia Powder Town Beanie, available at Patagonia, $39

This 100% recycled polyester beanie from Patagonia will keep his head warm and stylish for years to come. 

A miniature version of his favorite arcade game

Arcade Classics Space Invaders Retro Handheld Arcade Game, available at Amazon, $15.98

Delight his inner child with a classic arcade game he can play on the go. You can choose from Asteroids, Centipede, Tetris, Q'Bert, Pac-Man, and more.

A waterproof, no-glare Kindle e-reader

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite, available at Amazon, $99.99

The recently refreshed Kindle Paperwhite is an excellent gift for anyone who loves to read. For $130, he'll get a Kindle that's now waterproof, as well as thinner, lighter, and with twice the storage for books. 

A deep-tissue massager for an at-home spa experience

InvoSpa Shiatsu Back, Neck, and Shoulder Massager with Heat, available at Amazon, $50

This heated massager is a game changer for anyone who struggles with back and neck pain on a daily basis. Read a full review here from one of our reporters who swears by it. He'll be thanking you for years to come.

A festive box of socks that gives back

Bombas Men's Gift Boxes, available at Bombas, from $65

Bombas socks are among our favorites you can buy for their clever designs that offer amazing comfort. The company has a range of gift sets that come prepackaged into a beautiful gift box so you're all ready to go. No wrapping needed.

For every pair of socks bought, Bombas donates another pair.

Professional-quality over-ear headphones

Status Audio CB-1 Studio Monitor Headphones, available at Status Audio, $79

The perfect pair of over-ear headphones are both highly comfortable and sound great. For $79, this pair from Status Audio is among the best you'll find for less than $100.

A bestselling streaming device and gift cards to his favorite streaming services

Roku Ultra, $84, available on Amazon

Gift cards to Hulu, and Netflix, available at Best Buy, from $25

A media streaming device can transform his so-called dumb TV into a smart one that plays shows and movies from Netflix, Hulu, HBO Now, Prime Video, and other streaming services. The best of the bunch is the Roku Ultra with its easy-to-use interface, 4K video streaming, voice control, and simple remote. 

A Fandango gift card to sustain his movie-watching habit

Fandango Gift Card, available at Fandango, from $15

Gift cards don't have to feel impersonal. For some, there's no better gift than a free trip to the movies. 

A fidget toy that's fun for adults

Speks Classic Magnet Balls, available on Speks, from $24.95

These tiny magnetic balls are meant to be molded, mashed, and built into all sorts of shapes and creations. They keep us productive, can help relieve stress, and happen to collectively be one of our team's favorite fidget toys.

A box of snacks from Japan

Bokksu Tasting Gift, 1-month box, available at Bokksu, $49.99

Give the chronic snacker in your life a box filled with Japanese snacks he can't find in the US. He can even flip through the included catalog to learn all about where the treats come from.

The Amazon Echo Show

Amazon Echo Show, available at Best Buy, $169.99

The Echo Show is my personal favorite Echo because of its crisp HD display. Like every other Echo, it uses Alexa to accomplish any number of tasks, from answering questions to reordering supplies on Amazon. But in addition Alexa's verbal response about the day's weather forecast, for example, the Echo Show displays it on its 10-inch screen. 

A board game that'll keep him and his friends entertained for hours

Ticket To Ride Board Game, available from Target, $44.99

You'd be mistaken if you thought this innocuous-looking board game couldn't entertain adults. I thought it the first time I saw the box too, and then all of a sudden two hours had passed and I was busy plotting out a train route from Montreal to Miami that could give me an edge over my four opponents.

A watch strap that'll up the ante on his Apple Watch

Nomad Apple Watch Strap, available at Nomad, from $39.95

Dress up his Apple Watch with a beautiful Horween leather strap that costs far less than the price of Apple's own straps.

A weighted blanket from a beloved online mattress startup

Weighted Blanket, available at Casper, from $169

The pressure of a weighted blanket has a soothing effect that'll reduce anxiety and help him fall asleep faster. Plus, it'll feel like he's being wrapped in a big hug. 

An innovative gaming console

Nintendo Switch Console, available at Best Buy, $299.99

The Nintendo Switch lets him have a handheld and TV-based console in one. The Switch is compatible with tons of fun games and lots of high-quality accessories that make for a premium gaming experience. You can probably find a great deal on a Nintendo Switch this Black Friday too. 

An Instant Pot for easy weeknight meals

Instant Pot DUO80, available at Amazon, $99

The Instant Pot is one of the most versatile appliances you can add to your kitchen for under $100. Help him make delicious home-cooked meals a cinch, even when he has to work late.

A recipe book for Instant Pot meal inspiration

The Instant Pot Electric Pressure Cooker Cookbook, available at Amazon, $7.79

For meal inspiration, you may want to consider gifting the Instant Pot along with an Instant Pot-specific cookbook. This one is a #1 best seller on Amazon.

A luxurious skin-care set

Kiehl's Travel Size Men's Grab & Go Essentials Set, available at Nordstrom, $47

This TSA-friendly kit from Kiehl's comes with all the skin-care essentials he needs when he's traveling, all in a neat package that's ready to gift. 

A great pair of lounge pants

Tommy John Lounge Jogger, available at Tommy John, $84

They're a little expensive, but if sweats are his unofficial weekend uniform he'll love these joggers from Tommy John, purveyor of some of our favorite men's underwear. Complete his look with with the Men's Lounge Pack, which comes with the joggers as well as a long-sleeve henley and pair of socks. 

A word art print of his favorite sports team's stadium or a city skyline

Art of Words Word Art Prints, available at Amazon, $54.99

Art of Words creates beautiful word art prints of sports stadiums, city skylines, musical artists,  and more. The Yankee Stadium print pictured here is handwritten entirely with the names of every Yankees player in history! It's a unique gift idea you maybe wouldn't expect to find on Amazon. 

Protective spray to keep his shoes pristine

Jason Markk Repel Shoe Spray, available at Amazon, $16.25

If there's nothing he loves more than his sneaker collection, he'll appreciate this practical spray. It repels oil and water without altering the look of the shoe, so he can keep his favorite footwear in prime condition. 

A custom Xbox controller

Custom Xbox One Controller, available at Xbox, from $69.99

At the Xbox Design Lab, you get to play designer for a day (or, actually, more like 10 minutes). There, you can choose from over a billion color combinations (including new camo and shadow options) to design him a totally unique wireless controller. You can also personalize an official NFL team controller, but those start at $85.

A better travel pillow

Trtl Travel Pillow, available at Amazon, $25.49

We didn't think there was such a thing as the perfect travel pillow until we tried the Trtl. Read a full review from one of our reporters who swears by it for red-eyes for its comfort, portability, and affordable price.

Cozy slippers he'll love to lounge around in

UGG Scuff Slipper, available at Nordstrom, $79.95

The suede Scruff Slipper from UGG is a winter staple that will never go out of style. 

A supportive seat cushion

Purple Seat Cushion, available at Purple, from $35

Perhaps better known for its mattresses, Purple makes a variety of seat cushions, from one that's specifically designed for lumbar support to one that's meant for portabilityThe cushion's grid shape collapses into itself to help accommodate your pressure points, and makes sitting comfortable even if you've, say, left your phone in your back pocket.

A multitool for the handyman

Leatherman Wave+ Multitool, available at Amazon, $99.95

This souped-up Leatherman is the company's most popular, and for good reason. It combines a myriad of tools that come in handy in a pinch, from can and bottle openers, to screwdrivers, to wire cutters.

Truly wireless earbuds with a gorgeous design

Master & Dynamic MW07 True Wireless Earphones, available at Amazon, $186

We've come to think of Master & Dynamic as the master of sound. Claiming the coveted title of the best truly wireless earbuds, the company's MW07s are the pair to buy for anyone you want to spoil this holiday. 

A powerful portable speaker

Soundcore Flare Wireless Speaker, available at Amazon, $62

About the size of a soda can, the Soundcore Flare is a powerful and very portable speaker that puts on a cool LED light show.

A fancy salt sampler that'll elevate any dish

Jacobsen Salt Co. Vial Set, available at Williams-Sonoma, $34.95

This salt sampler features flavors like sweet onion, habanero, and garlic that'll turn any ordinary dish into a trip to Flavortown.

A box of meats that taste best fresh off the grill

Grill Master Box, available at Porter Road, $70

The grill master in your life will find his mouth watering as he opens up this meaty gift box that contains two dry-aged steaks, two pounds of dry-aged burger patties, and two pounds of bratwurst sausage links. 

An Amazon Prime membership that makes shopping online super convenient

Amazon Prime 3-Month Gift Membership, available at Amazon, $39

Amazon Prime opens up a whole new world of access, be it to fast two-day shipping or any of the other 29-plus perks you'll get with a membership. If you know he doesn't have one yet, this is a smart gift — but in the case he does, he'll get to use the $39 on anything he wants or needs from the site.

A sleek leather dopp kit

Leatherology Double Zip Toiletry Bag, available at Leatherology, from $120

This dopp kit from Leatherology is as sleek as it gets. To go the extra mile, you can monogram in with his initials for an additional $10-$15. 

A map that reminds him of a favorite place

Grafomap Custom Map Poster, available at Grafomap, from $49

Grafomap is a website that lets you design map posters of any place in the world. You can make one of his hometown, his college town, or his favorite travel destination — you're only limited by your imagination. 

A coffee subscription that lets him taste beans from around the world

Atlas Coffee Club 3-Month Gift Subscription, available at Atlas Coffee Club, $55

If his veins run dark roast, we recommend a subscription to the Atlas Coffee Club, which curates a global selection of single-origin coffee that gets freshly roasted and shipped to your house from $9 per bag. 

A Lego set for Star Wars lovers

Lego Star Wars Millennium Falcon, available at Amazon, $159.95

With 1,351 pieces, he'll be entertained for hours building this iconic Star Wars model starship. 

An espresso machine for barista-quality drinks at home

Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine, available at Amazon, from $488.99

The semi-automatic Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine isn't cheap at nearly $600, but it is the best espresso maker you can buy, according to our buying guide. It makes top-notch espresso and it includes a burr grinder, tamper, and frothing pitcher — it's perfect for a coffee lover you want to spoil.

A Star Wars-themed phone case for his new iPhone

OtterBox Star Wars Phone Case, available at OtterBox, $44.76

If he's a Star Wars fan, OtterBox has a series of phone cases he'll love. They're ultra-slim, ultra-protective, and ultra-rad! You can choose from five designs, featuring characters such as R2D2, Boba Fett, and Darth Vader.

A small smart speaker

Google Home Mini, available at Best Buy, $25

This little speaker won't take up much room, but will bring plenty of smart features to his space. Thanks to Google Assistant he can play music, check the weather, and even control his smart home with his own voice. 

A cookbook of late night meals

"MUNCHIES: Late-Night Meals from the World's Best Chefs", available at Amazon, $16.55

If he's ever curious about what famous chefs like David Chang, Dominique Crenn, and Anthony Bourdain dig into when they're not in the kitchen, this book answers the question. Expect many more late-night culinary adventures after he peruses this book that's part recipe collection, part exploration of food culture. 

A sous vide machine for ambitious home cooks

Anova Nano Sous Vide, available at Amazon, $84.99

This $100 sous vide machine will make him look like a fancy chef with minimal effort.

A sleek turntable for his favorite vinyl records

Audio-Technica Wireless Turntable and Speaker System, available at Amazon, $169

This turntable is the sleek home accessory he didn't know he needed. Since it connects wirelessly to other speakers and includes one built-in speaker, he won't need to mess around with a bunch of cables and cords. 

A subscription service for new vinyl every month

Vinyl Me, Please 3-Month Gift Membership, available at Vinyl Me, Please, $99

Every person's vinyl collection is deeply personal, so instead of trying to guess his taste, let him choose the record himself. Each month, he'll choose and receive one LP, pressed exclusively for Vinyl Me, Please, from a collection of Essentials, Classics, and Rap & Hip Hop.

The three-month gift membership includes one bonus record, while the six- and 12-month ones include two bonus records.

A look back at The Beatles' songwriting process

The Beatles Lyrics: The Stories Behind the Music, available at Amazon, $15.47

Everyone knows someone who loves The Beatles. This beautifully produced look back at more than 100 classic Beatles songs includes original documents like handwritten drafts and notes that remind him of the process behind success. 

The essentials for a close shave

The Art of Shaving Sandalwood Starter Kit, available at Amazon, $30

This shaving starter kit from the revered The Art of Shaving includes a pre-shave oil, shaving cream, after-shave balm, and trial-size badger shaving brush — everything he needs to put his best face forward.

A robotic vacuum for lazy cleaning

iLife V8s Robot Vacuum Cleaner and Mop, available at Amazon, $219.99

Nobody likes vacuuming, but everybody likes robots. The iLife V8s is a moderately priced robot vacuum that offers many of the cleaning features you might expect from pricier Roombas. Read a full review here from one of our reporters to hear how it handled the fur and dust of his house.

A gift pack for a year of pearly whites

Goby Brush Kit, available at Goby, from $60

Goby's toothbrushes feature a gentle oscillating brush head with soft bristles, a built-in two-minute timer, and a long-lasting battery that only requires two charges a month. You can receive new brush heads periodically for only $6 each.

A stain bar for spot-cleaning his favorite shirts

The Laundress Wash and Stain Bar, available at Amazon, $5.38

This stain bar is the perfect stocking stuffer under $10 for any guy who complains about "ring around the collar" stains on his dress shirts. It's not the most exciting gift, but it's one he'll be thankful for each time he runs a load of laundry.

A set of sheet masks for his winter skin woes

Dr. Jart+ 7 Day Mask Experiment Kit, available at Sephora, $27.50

Treat him to a week's worth of sheet masks that address all of the most common skin concerns like dryness and enlarged pores. 


His next pair of everyday boots

Thursday Boot Company Scout Chukka Boot, available at Thursday Boot Company, $149

Thursday Boot Company's boots are sleek enough for the office, but rugged enough to handle the cold and wet weather of winter. They're also very comfortable, requiring little or no break-in period. We love them so much we named them the best men's boots in our buying guide.

Smart light bulbs that can create billions of lighting combinations

Philips Hue Smart Bulb Starter Kit, available at Amazon, $199.95

Philips Hue lighting not only looks cool, but it can also replicate a natural sunrise and combat the effects of seasonal sunshine deprivation. This starter kit is also compatible with Amazon's, Google's, and Apple's smart assistants. 

A smart home security camera

Wyze Cam Indoor Wireless Smart Home Camera, available at Amazon, $24.49

The Wyze Cam is a tiny security camera he can affix to virtually any surface in his house, or leave standing up on his table or countertop. It records video in your home and updates you using a smartphone app when it detects motion, sounds, or alarms. And the best part is it only costs $25. Find a full review here.

A hardshell case to protect his MacBook

Incase Hardshell MacBook Case, available at Incase, from $49.95

Coming in a bunch of colors and sizes, this MacBook case is both protective and stylish. 

At at-home workout system

TRX Home2 Suspension Training System, available at Amazon, $199.95

For the fitness junkie, you can bring the gym home with this TRX trainer.

A SodaStream for seltzer addicts

SodaStream Fizzi Sparkling Water Maker, available at Target, $89.99

The SodaStream lets you to turn plain water into sparkling water in mere seconds. He can adjust the fizziness and flavor level to his personal taste.

A pair of super-stretchy, comfortable jeans

Mott & Bow Dynamic Stretch Jean, available at Mott & Bow, $118

Mott & Bow Dynamic Stretch jeans are beloved by all of the men on the Insider Picks team for their comfort, their clean and modern look, and their durability.

High-end olive oil

Brightland Awake Olive Oil, available at Neiman Marcus, $37

If he loves whipping up exciting dishes in the kitchen, he'll love Brightland's high-end olive oils. They're made with hand-picked, organic olives, and each one has a bright flavor that tastes great on everything from crispy fried eggs to crunchy salads. 


A cozy hoodie

The Felted Merino Hoodie, available at Everlane, from $98

An elevated, but just as cozy hoodie will take him everywhere from days on the town to lounging at home. The merino wool will keep him warm and the fit is anything but frumpy. 

Texting gloves made for winter commutes

Cole Haan ZERØGRAND Knit Glove, available at Cole Haan, $78

Cole Haan's warm, water-resistant gloves have convenient touch tips that are ideal for wintry commutes. And they have a polyester liner that offers an extra layer of warmth. 

A classy catchall tray

Wood and Marble Valet Tray, available at Mark & Graham, $59

Acacia wood and marble make for a classy piece he can use to hold little trinkets or his most-used products, like keys and watches. Choose from charcoal or white marble, and for just $10, add a monogram for some personalization. 

A candle inspired by the season

Manor House Weekend Candle, available at Otherland, $36

We love Otherland's seasonally inspired, limited-edition candles, and we're sure he will, too. The "Manor House Weekend" collection includes a selection of autumnal aromas he'll love, such as musky Dappled Wood with hints of sandalwood, toasted walnut, and sweet hay, a comforting Cardamom Milk with notes of frothy milk, cardamom, and praline woods, and a wintry Mountain Lace with elderflower fizz, anjou pear, and apple blossom.

Booze-infused candies for a delicious treat

Sugarfina 'Aviation American Gin' Candy Bento Box, available at Nordstrom, $28

Booze is always a good gift idea, which is why we're all about Sugarfina's latest collaboration with Aviation American Gin. This limited-edition Candy Bento Box comes with non-alcoholic gummy bears inspired by classic gin cocktails like gin fizz, gimlets, and gin and tonics.

An upgraded kitchen essential

Two Quart Saucepan, available at Sardel, $85

Sardel was founded by three brothers who wanted high-quality cookware to be accessible, both in price and usability. This saucepan is a perfect example of the brand's ethos — made from quality materials but easy for home chefs of any level to use — and a nice upgrade to the old pot he's been using to boil pasta for years. 

If you ask us, the best part is the rounded handle, which makes it easier and more ergonomic to lift or carry the pot when it's full of food.

Soft and sustainable socks

SoftHemp Sock, available at United by Blue, $16

His feet will thank you for keeping them cozy all winter long in these socks made of sustainable hemp fabric. 

Pop-culture inspired playing cards

Genius Music Playing Cards, available at Amazon, $9.89

Game night gets a cool upgrade with these playing cards, featuring illustrations of all the big names in pop, rock, country, and R&B. 

A durable AirPods case

Metallic AirPods Case, available at Incase, $29.95

Whether they're prone to losing their AirPods or dropping them, this metallic case will hopefully help with both of those issues. 

A sleek fitness tracker

Fitbit Inspire HR, available at Best Buy, $79

Help him conquer his New Year's resolution and boost his fitness with this Fitbit tracker. It tracks activity, sleep, and will last up to five days on a single charge. 

A soothing body lotion

The Body Lotion, available at Necessaire, $25

Necessaire's clean body products are filled with nourishing ingredients and wrapped in minimalist packaging. Its body lotion is a small luxury he'll want to indulge in every day. 

A compact and simple aromatherapy diffuser

VicTsing Mini Oil Diffuser, available at Amazon, $19.99

A mini diffuser will fill his space with some added moisture and his favorite essential oils, so he can breathe easier. This one is great for beginners because it's easy to use and really quiet.

An eco-friendly, portable meal kit

Meal Kit, available at United by Blue, $38

Whether he's heading out on a camping trip or just bringing his lunch to work, this portable meal kit makes it easy to eat on the go and be a little more eco-friendly. 

A set of small and sleek dishes

Dip Dishes, 4-pack, available at Year & Day, $26

Everything from olives to spices to oil and vinegar will look instantly elevated when he places them in these sleek dip dishes from chic dinnerware brand Year & Day

A sleek carry-on and stickers for some personalization

Away Carry-On, available at Away, $225

Away is a relatively new luggage startup that offers roller bags in a handful of different sizes for carrying on or checking. The carry-on versions include an ejectable battery and two USB ports so that he can charge his devices with ease at the airport. Currently, you can choose from 10 colors, plus 2 limited-edition colors. Away also carries a variety of luggage stickers for $15-$25 each.

Looking for more gift ideas? We've got you covered.

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