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Early Sketches Show What Bane Could Have Looked Like In 'The Dark Knight Rises'


bane the dark knight rises

Yesterday, we looked at how Tom Hardy nailed the voice for Bane in "The Dark Knight Rises."

But how did he end up looking so drastically different from previous incarnations?

We've been going through the Blu-ray combo pack of the film before its release, and last week mentioned there was some great early concept designs for Gotham's reckoning. 

It turns out the great Bane was modelled after a bunch of animals including baboons, gorillas, and snakes along with car parts.

There are a lot more designs on the disc; however, we're going to share a few because they're so drastically different from the final result.

Though some of the drawings bring the "Batman and Robin" Baneand others– to mind we're glad with how Christopher Nolan's Bane turned out.   

"The Dark Knight Rises" comes out on Blu-ray and DVD December 4.

Early designs had Bane in his familiar full-fledged face mask and hood.

Costume Designer Linda Hemming wanted to make Bane look animalistic with influence from spiders and gorillas.

Here's how he may have looked if he was hooked up to his venom serum.

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The Amazing Life Of Sallie Krawcheck, The Former Banker Who Has Everyone Captivated Again


Sallie Krawcheck

Everyone on Wall Street is buzzing about Sallie Krawcheck.

It's been over a year since Krawcheck, the former head of global wealth management at Bank of America, left the North Carolina-based bank. 

Now, according to Dealbook's Ben Protess and Susanne Craig, she's seen as a potential front-runner for the top spot at the Securities and Exchange Commission. 

After current SEC chairperson Mary Schapiro said she's resigning, President Obama designated Elisse Walter for the position.  However, Walter has indicated she will only stay on for a short time period, Dealbook reports.

That means another successor for the top SEC post will likely be picked next year.

Those who are also seen as contenders for the post include Robert Khuzami, the SEC's enforcement director, and Richard Ketchum, the head of FINRA. Mary Miller, a top Treasury official, has removed herself from consideration, according to Dealbook.

Of course, the search for the next SEC chair is still in the beginning stages.   

Krawcheck has the Wall Street experience and since leaving the Street she has written extensively about key regulatory issues including money market fundsways to fix the banks and individual investor protections.  She has also spent time advising elected officials in Washington, D.C.

That being said, let's still take a tour of Krawcheck's life and career. 

Sallie Krawcheck grew up in Charleston, South Carolina.

Sallie Krawcheck was born in New Orleans, while her father Leonard Krawcheck was in law school at Tulane. 

She grew up in Charleston, South Carolina. 

Her father was a former member of the South Carolina House of Representatives.

She was crowned homecoming queen in high school.

"[In middle school] I had the glasses, the braces, the corrective shoes. I was half-Jewish, half-WASPy. I couldn't have been further outcast," Krawcheck told Fortune magazine.

"There was nothing they could do to me at Salomon Brothers in the '80s that was worse than the seventh grade," she added.

OK so Krawcheck wasn't always awkward looking like she suggests.

While attending the exclusive Porter-Gaud School, she was crowned homecoming queen. She was also a cheerleader and a track star in high school.

Source:  Fortune Magazine

Source: CityFile

She received the prestigious Morehead Scholarship to the University of North Carolina. She majored in journalism there.

Krawcheck received the prestigious Morehead Scholarship to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

She she graduated with a degree in journalism and mass communication in 1987.

She never worked as a journalist though.



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Here's The Best Calendar App For Your iPhone


fantastical iphone app

It takes guts to tackle a built-in function that ships for free with every iPhone.

But Flexibits cofounders Michael Simmons and Kent Sutherland felt they didn't have much choice, given the constant goading they got from users of Fantastical, their calendar software for the Mac.

"People thought we were nuts for not making an iPhone app," Simmons told Business Insider.

So today, Flexibits is launching an iPhone version of Fantastical, which has been available for Mac OS X since last year.

Click here to jump straight to screenshots of Fantastical for iPhone >

Despite their users' nudges, Simmons and Sutherland took their time crafting the iPhone app.

Unlike Apple's desktop calendar app for Macs, which draws a neverending parade of complaints from users, Simmons and Sutherland didn't see too much wrong with Apple's built-in iPhone app.

The team built Fantastical for iPhone from the ground up, because they didn't want to just port a desktop app to the iPhone and be done with it.

"We didn't remake Fantastical to remake it," Simmons said. "We remade it because we had an idea where we felt we could improve on it. We had a product that we felt was iPhone-worthy, that would make people's lives better."

What resulted was a quality experience that is quick and easy to use.

Fantastical's goal is to be fast and friendly. It realizes that people are always on the go and makes it very easy to quickly pull up the app, check your appointments, and avoid complications.

Fantastical is available now for the launch price of $1.99. Flexibits plans to raise the price to $3.99 at some point after launch, so if you want an alternative to the iPhone's built-in calendar, now's a good time to try it out. 

First things first, tap to open Fantastical.

Of course you need to give the app access to your calendar. Tap OK to allow.

Once inside the first thing you'll notice is how easy it is to see the entire calendar and your appointments for a particular day. Note the helpful hints for first-time users.

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These Are The 10 Worst States To Try To Make A Living


the golden gate bridge, San Francisco (1971)

You probably know that there are plenty of challenges to making a living in today's economy.

What you may not know is how significantly the place you live can impact some of those challenges.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, average wages range from a low of $33,930 in Mississippi to a high of $53,700 in Massachusetts. Unemployment rates range from a low of 3.3 percent in North Dakota, to a high of 12.6 percent in Nevada.

Tax rates and cost of living also vary greatly by state. So are some states really better for making a living than others?

For the second year in a row, MoneyRates.com has calculated a list of the best and worst states to make a living.

The process factors in each state's average income, state tax rate, cost of living and unemployment rate to create an adjusted average income figure that serves as the basis for these rankings.

In a separate article, you can find the 10 best states to make a living in 2012. Here, though, are MoneyRates.com's 10 worst states to make a living for 2012.

10. South Dakota

Adjusted average income: $33,121

Despite having no state income tax, South Dakota makes this list because its average income is higher only than Mississippi's among the 50 states.

South Dakota is the only newcomer to this year's list of the 10 worst states for making a living, while Oregon was the only state to escape the list since last year, rising to the 13th worst state to make a living in 2012.

9. South Carolina

Adjusted average income: $32,645

South Carolina makes the list for the second year because of a combination of low income and high unemployment.

8. West Virginia

Adjusted average income: $32,297

The primary reason West Virginia is on this list for the second year in a row is one of the lowest average income levels in the nation.

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Tour An Eerie African Diamond Mining Town That's Slowly Filling With Sand



In the Namib desert in southern Namibia lies a ghost town known as Kolmanskop.The town was once home to approximately 1,000 miners and their children, but today only tourists with the proper permits may enter the perimeter of the "Sperrgebiet" or "Prohibited Area."

The story goes that in 1908, a worker named Zacharias Lewala found a shiny stone and showed it to his supervisor, August Stauch. Stauch saw the rock, and realized the area was rich in diamonds. The news spread quickly, sparking the migration of German miners and fortune-seekers to the area.

The diamond field was called "Sperrgebiet" by the German government, and the miners began to settle down and build the town with their families. Homes and establishments were erected in the German-style, and Kolmanskop became prosperous due to the enormous wealth of those first miners.

The town had a hospital, ballroom, power station, school, swimming pool, casino, and even a bowling alley, and it was also the first in the South African region to own an x-ray machine.

But by the end of the first World War, the diamond field was near-exhaustion. And by 1954, Kolmanskop was completely abandoned. The remaining homes today are slowly filling with sand and only visited by tourist groups who come to see the ghost town.

Kolmanskop is located in lower Africa, in The Republic of Namibia.

An aerial view of Kolmanskop shows how secluded it is in the middle of the Namib desert.

A lone sign welcomes visitors as it warns against diamond theft — a problem the barren desert region no longer faces.

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10 Tips And Tricks To Make Listening To Music On Spotify Even More Magical


spotify on ipad

Spotify is one of the best ways to access and listen to music today.

If you're one of Spotify's 15 million active users, it's worth knowing how to truly master the service and make the most out of it.  

Even with Apple set to release a new, prettier version of iTunes today, Spotify will still have a leg up in terms of streaming music.

Sure, iTunes has Match, but it's not true streaming, as it requires you to first download the song to your computer or smartphone, then match it against Apple's Internet-stored library. 

But Spotify has some flaws: It doesn't have the most intuitive interface. Chance are you're missing some of its more advanced features. We've compiled some helpful tips and tricks to help you get the most out of it. From using advanced search parameters to discovering new music through Spotify-based apps, these tips should help you improve your online-music experience. 

Get Spotify Premium to listen to more than 15 million songs ad-free

There are three options for Spotify: free, unlimited, and premium. You should get the premium version if you really want to get the most out of the service. 

Here are some of the perks:

  • No ads
  • Music on your mobile device
  • Access to Spotify without an Internet connection
  • In-home listening through music systems like Sonos

Import your songs from iTunes just in case Spotify doesn't have some of your favorite tracks

If you don't want to lose all of your music in iTunes, you can easily import MP3 files and iTunes playlists to Spotify.

Hit File > Import Playlists > iTunes.

(These tips are based on the Mac version, but the Windows version works similarly.)

Organize playlists in folders to make your life easier

A little organization can go a long way. 

To create a new playlist folder, click File > New Playlist Folder. Or, you can use the keyboard shortcut Cmd + Shift + N.

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How To Write The Perfect Resume



It takes recruiters an average of "six seconds before they make the initial 'fit or no fit' decision" on candidates based on resumes, according to research conducted by TheLadders.

With this kind of competition, you need to have a flawless resume to get through the screening process.

We write a lot about resumes — what to do, what not to do, so now we're introducing a guide to crafting a curriculum vitae that will get you into the interview room.

However, these rules are general advice we compiled from career experts. Everyone should tailor their own resume depending on the industry they're in and the position they're applying for.

Tailor your resume to the specific position you're applying for.

You're basically selling yourself on that piece of paper, so mold the information to reflect what your potential employer is looking for in an ideal job candidate. This is different depending on your industry.

Miriam Salpeter advises in U.S.News & World Report that candidates should study the company's web site and "look for repeated words and phrases, taglines, and hints about their philosophical approaches."

Then, "mirror some of their language and values in your resume."

Put your name and contact info at the top.

This sounds simple, but Peter S. Herzog, author of the book "How To Prolong Your Job Search: A Humorous Guide to the Pitfalls of Resume Writing," says that applicants will try putting this important information on the side or bottom. 

This is how it should be done:

1. Put your name in bold face and/or regular caps.

2. Include your full address and home, work (optional) and/or cell phone numbers and your email address but do not bold these.

Decide if you want to include an objective.

We've heard experts go both ways on this, so you need to decide for yourself if you want to include an objective.

Peri Hansen, a principal with a recruiting firm, tells Penelope Patsuris at Forbes that an objective is "the fastest way to pigeon-hole yourself" and if you "specify 'Asset Manager' you may not even be considered for 'Financial Planner.'"

On the other hand, Alex Douzet, CEO of TheLadders, tells us that everyone should include an objective and compare it to a "30-second elevator pitch" where you should "explain who you are and what you're looking for."

The bottom line is to only include an objective if it's not generic.  

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Here's What You Have To Think About When Picking A Mac Or A Windows PC (MSFT, AAPL)


windows 8 home screen

Microsoft's Windows 8 represents a major reinvention of its operating system.

It's been simplified in a good way and we can't deny that it just looks good.

So how does it compare to Apple's own desktop operating system for Macs, OS X—now on version 10.8?

Let's break down each of the comparable features.

Apple's desktop and Microsoft's "Metro" interface

Microsoft brought the look and feel of its Windows Phone, originally codenamed "Metro," to the desktop. Access apps and options by simply tapping on a tile. It's perfect if you don't want to think about what's happening behind the scenes.

If you like to arrange files and folders in the traditional way, Apple's desktop environment is the way to go. The old Windows desktop is still accessible in Windows 8, but it's kind of buried.

Web browsers

Well-known Apple blogger John Gruber recently slammed the latest version of Safari as being a "CPU and memory hog." If you want to look past that, it's a perfectly functional browser otherwise.

Internet Explorer has historically been behind the game, but version 10 finally adds support for HTML5 forms, making it wonderfully up-to-date.

Getting new software

Both Windows 8 and OS X offer integrated app stores.

OS X has the advantage here because its App Store has been around longer and offers more software to choose from.

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The 25 Craziest Things Mario Balotelli Has Ever Done


mario balotelli celebrating germany goal in euro 2012

It's been a relatively quiet season for Mario Balotelli.

After breaking out at Euro 2012, he has barely played for Manchester City.

But he scored his first goal of the year last weekend, and celebrated in perfect Mario fashion — getting a creepy Genghis Khan quote tattooed on his chest.

In addition to the impromptu tattoo, Balotelli has also thrown darts at youth players, given a homeless man $1,000, and confronted a little boy's bully at school.

He got a Genghis Khan quote tattooed on his chest after scoring his first goal of the season (November 2012)

Balotelli has been benched for most of the 2012 Premier League season. But he scored his first goal last weekend. To celebrate, he got this tattooed on his chest:

"I am the punishment of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you."

Source: Daily Mail

He refused to quit smoking, so his manager said it was okay as long as he scored goals (September 2012)

After previously indicating Mario needed to smoke less, his coach told the Mirror this:

“It’s not my problem. If Mario wants to smoke, it’s his problem. But if he wants my opinion, it is better that he quits. But if he smokes 10 cigarettes a day and scores two goals every game, then that’s better.”

Source: The Mirror

He tore off his shirt and stood there perfectly still while flexing after scoring at goal at Euro 2012 (June 2012)

mario balotelli celebration gif

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These Are The 10 Most Innovative Tablet Campaigns We've Ever Seen


fake ad mobile

As tablets become more integrated into everyday life, advertisers are scrambling to find the best way to move their creative content onto the screen.

In fact, the tablet adspend is expected to crush mobile ad budgets in the next four years.

Despite digital experts' complaints about the challenges involved in advertising on the device, tablets' many features — and bigger real estate — give advertisers incredible opportunities for innovation and creativity. Tablet users are also more willing to engage with the ads than they are on phones.

Sure, some advertisers merely reproduce print ads on the digital interface. But others truly stand out by embracing the new medium.

We've collected the 10 most engaging and creative tablet ads to show what some companies are doing incredibly right.

10. Newsweek's "Mad Men" themed vintage ads.

Newsweek made headlines when the magazine decided to run a "Mad Men"-themed issue, set to print in time for the show's season five premier, complete with stylized, 1965-esque ads for modern products.

But the retro ads also came to life in the magazine's iPad edition. Steve Smith of MIN Online wrote, "The vintage-looking British Airways print ad comes to life with a full video that includes an homage to early aviators. Likewise the Estee Lauder ad has video of the Mad Med ad shoot."

Newsweek will need the experience: it scrapping its print edition on Dec. 31, 2012.

9. Lexus melds magazine page with tablet to create the highly interactive "CinePrint."

This ad belongs on our list even though the spot isn't exclusively a tablet ad.

Lexus asked Sports Illustrated readers to hold up their tablet to the car's print ad in the October 15 edition of the magazine to truly bring the print ad to life.

The company's original "CinePrint" technology made what would have been a flat car ad's headlights turn on as music blasted.

See a video of how the ad worked below:

8. Qwest really knew its audience and created an ad that turned into a puzzle.

Wired readers are problem solvers by nature. Thus, Qwest — a telecommunications service that offers high-end internet — teamed up with McKinney and The Studio at Conde Nast to create an ad that was really a puzzle. 

When tablet Wired readers swiped the ad, they were instructed to shake their iPads to make the words in the ad collapse.

Using the accelerometer, "The font rubble on the bottom of the screen would shift and fall as the reader rotated the device. Until at last, only 5 letters remained (TRENE) next to a form field prompting the reader to unscramble the letters. Puzzle champs typed ENTER into the field and hit SUBMIT to head to the Qwest page where their problem-solving services were outlined in detail." 

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10 Gifts For The Hipster In Your Life


hipster boy sitting wall

Do you have someone on your holiday list who lives in graphic tees and beanie hats? Someone who is technically a millennial, but thinks it's super uncool to use that word?

Do they wear skinny jeans, like folk music ironically, and have a picture of a sunset as their Facebook profile pic?

You might have a hipster on your list. And we're here to help.

Hipsters hate everything, but we think we have a pretty good handle on what they'd want.

Take retro photos with the Diana F+ & Flash Metropolis Lomography Camera.

We've written about how hipsters love Lomography analogue cameras before, but they will especially love this Diana F+ Metropolis camera.

Not only is it a film camera (hipsters love retro stuff), but it also has a quirky travel theme and comes with a Lomography art book. Hipsters love art, too.


Spin some old school tunes with the Sony USB Stereo Turntable.

Remember how hipsters love analogue? Well, who needs iTunes when you could experience the nostalgia of vinyl?

But for all those who want to appear cool but don't want to abandon their iTunes, there's even a USB output for importing records onto a computer in MP3 format.


All hipsters need graphic tees.

There's something about the big moist eyes, scrunched face, and barrel body of a pug that hipsters can't resist.

Thankfully, Urban Outfitters has more than enough pug paraphernalia to go around like these "Pugs Not Drugs" and "Pug Life" tees.


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Joe Biden Went Shopping At Costco And It Was Awesome


costco employee wiping joe biden face

The Internet is abuzz about Joe Biden's shopping spree at Costco -- and for good reason.

Everything about Biden's Costco experience was normal -- he ate a bunch of free samples and bought an apple pie -- except the whole thing felt like one continuous "Bro Biden" moment.

Find out why and take a look at the best moments from the Vice President's trip to Costco.

All eyes were on the Vice President as he walked through the Costco...


... and everyone wanted to shake his hand.


This is how Joe Biden shakes hands.


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An Interior Designer Takes Us Inside The Gorgeous Brooklyn Carriage House She Lovingly Overhauled


kathleen perkins brooklyn carriage house tour that kevin spacey rented

When you first enter Kathleen Perkins' Brooklyn home, it's hard not to feel like you've stepped into an Anthropologie catalog.

But the pieces inside Perkins' home actually come from foreign countries such as India, the Philippines and Turkey. The lights above the kitchen island are from a boat, and retail at nearly $15,000 from Urban Archeology. And the scarf hanging above her bed is from India. 

Click here to jump right to the photos >>

The home, in Fort Greene, is a converted carriage house with so much character that it's easy to see why a celebrity like Kevin Spacey wanted to rent the space last winter.

The actor rented the upstairs for about four months when he was in New York working with the Brooklyn Academy of Music. His assistant lived in the bottom portion of the house.

"The house just really flowed," Perkins said. "It turned out better than I thought."

But when Perkins moved in eight years ago, the home needed a complete renovation. It took her six months and $250,000 to fix structural issues and redo the interior.

Perkins is now a self-employed interior decorator and project manager. She's flipped six homes at this point, mostly in the Brooklyn area.

Perkins often renovates multiple homes at once, so when Spacey moved in last winter, she stayed in one of her other properties. She describes herself as a gypsy of sorts, moving into a home, designing it, selling it, and moving on.

She got her start at Waterworks, a New York-based design company, where she specialized in kitchens and baths. For her very first job, she was commissioned to design the tiles for the kitchen and bathroom of Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley's Mendocino home. The duo split before the tiles were ever installed.

Perkins has also done design work for Harrison Ford and Whoopi Goldberg.

Perkins' own home is filled with items from friends or her travels. Old tattered books, Buddha statues, and ceramic bowls can be found throughout.

She rents out the first level, and lives on the second and third floors. The house has two patios, one for grilling and another that she uses for outdoor summer parties.

Welcome to Ft. Greene, Brooklyn. Perkins' home was a carriage house that previously serviced the mansion behind it.

Perkins studied Feng Shui, and believes that since horses once lived in the carriage house, the home had great energy before she even moved in.

The appliances in the kitchen are all stainless steel, and there enough gadgets and trinkets around to make the room feel homey.

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Go Inside The Seattle Penthouse That This Season's 'Top Chef' Contestants Called Home


DNU Olive 8 Seattle

When they weren’t frantically throwing together ingredients during Quick Fire challenges, stressing over dishes during Elimination Challenges or sweating it out in the stew room prior to Judges' Table, the contestants of “Top Chef” Season 10 did their best to relax in the penthouse of Olive 8, a condo tower in downtown Seattle.

Finding the right place for 18 contestants, as well as judges and the host to stay in secrecy in Seattle was no easy task, but Olive 8's location as well as its secure penthouse made for the best option.

Click here to jump right to the photos >>

“Olive 8 provided an ideal center-city location, resort-like amenities and wraparound views of the downtown skyline,” said Dean Jones, principal of Realogics Sotheby’s International Realty, the listing brokerage for the development. “We were thrilled to offer the 38th floor for staff and cheftestants to stay while in residence in Seattle.”

Although producers did their best to keep everything under wraps, stars were spotted — including a few dining in the restaurant of the Hyatt on Olive 8's ground floor — leading some to presume that the contestants were staying in the condos above.

Host Padma Lakshmi, in particular, said it was hard to keep a low profile in the Emerald City.

“I was in this very awkward and undiplomatic position of not being able to talk about why I was there,” she told The Seattle Times.

Located just north of downtown’s Pacific Place shopping center, Olive 8 is the tallest residence tower in Seattle, featuring 229 condo units. The homes range in price from 1-bedroom open floor plans at $460,000 to million-plus 3-bedroom penthouses, all with views of downtown. Additional amenities of the building include hardwood floors, 10-foot-plus ceilings and balconies in each condo, as well as access to 24-hour concierge service, spa services, a dog run and gym.

And of course, fitting with “Top Chef,” the “kitchens are fit for a chef, said Jones, but he continued: “I suspect most ordered room service from the hotel after a long day competing.”

This is the Olive 8 high rise located in downtown Seattle.

It has 39 floors, with the penthouses where the 'Top Chef' staff stayed located at the very top.

Source: Olive 8

The wrap-around balcony provided stunning views of Seattle to the contestants.

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The Cheapest Real Estate Markets In The United States


most affordable real estate markets

The housing market in Michigan was slammed during the recession and while it's starting to make a comeback, the state is still home to some of the most affordable housing in the country.

Four of the 18 most affordable housing markets identified in Coldwell Banker's new home price listing report were located in the state. And Redford, near Detroit and Ann Arbor, was named the most affordable housing market, with an average listing price of $60,490.

For context, the average 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom home in the United States is listed at $292,152. The most expensive housing market is Los Altos, Calif., where the average home is listed for $1.706 million.

To come up with the list, Coldwell Banker looked at 72,000 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom properties for sale in 2,500 U.S. markets.

#18 WARREN, MICH: The average listing price of a home is $96,349.

This house is on sale for $98,000 in Warren, Mich.

Note: To compile its list of the most expensive real estate markets, Coldwell Banker looked at 72,000 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom properties for sale in 2,500 U.S. markets.

#17 TERRELL, TEXAS: The average listing price of a home is $96,329.

This house is on sale for $99,000 in Terrell, Texas.

Note: To compile its list of the most expensive real estate markets, Coldwell Banker looked at 72,000 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom properties for sale in 2,500 U.S. markets.

#16 LEHIGH ACRES, FLA: The average listing price of a home is $92,819.

This house is for sale for $90,000 in Lehigh Acres, Fla.

Note: To compile its list of the most expensive real estate markets, Coldwell Banker looked at 72,000 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom properties for sale in 2,500 U.S. markets.

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19 Gifts For The Science Geek In Your Life


Pretty woman scientist, lab, science

Whether they're obsessed with space, crazy about chemistry, or can't get enough of dinosaurs, it can be difficult to find gifts for science geeks.

We're here to help.

From kits that turn making cocktails into chemistry to genuine specimens of martian meteorite, we've found the best science-themed gifts out there.

Turn cocktail-making into a chemistry project.

Make all of your favorite cocktails while feeling like a chemist with this awesome cocktail chemistry set.

It contains a shaker, beaker and glass stir stick, and four test tube shot glasses.

Price: $35

Order a unique piece of art based on your DNA.

DNA 11 is a company that turns your DNA into artwork.

After you receive a DNA collection kit in the mail, swab the inside of your cheek and mail it into the lab. The portrait, which depicts your genetic code, comes in the mail in under a month.

Price: Starting at $199

Combat the effects of jet lag with hi-tech sunglasses.

Combat the effects of jet lag with these futuristic shades by Re-timer.

The sunglasses emit a soft green light that resets the body's 24-hour clock. The special eyewear can also help brainiacs who suffer from insomnia or fatigue.  

Price: $286

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Take A Tour Of The Gorgeous New iTunes (AAPL)


itunes 11 apple mac

Apple released a refreshed version of its popular iTunes music player today. The update streamlines the product, replacing lists of songs with a strongly visual interface.

We've been using iTunes 11 for a few hours and so far we are really happy with the experience.

In the meantime, take a tour of iTunes 11's newest features. (And don't forget to check back next week for our official review of iTunes 11.)

The first thing you'll notice is that your iTunes icon has changed slightly. The musical note, previously black, is now filled in.

After you download and install iTunes 11, you'll need to agree to Apple's terms of service. Click "Agree"—you don't have much choice—and you'll be taken into the app.

Here it is. iTunes 11 is very streamlined. We really like the design. It feels more like the iPad app—if only our Mac had a touchscreen.

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13 Jobs Where Tips Are A Huge Chunk Of Your Salary


casino dealer

How much do you tip your waiter or waitress?

Even if they didn't provide the best service, you should leave them something—tips make up 58 percent of servers' salaries.

Payscale released a study that showed the industries that rely most heavily on tipping. Servers took the #2 spot on this list.

The study surveyed workers from 61 service industries, including doormen, servers and casino dealers. Payscale looked at each worker's median hourly tips and total hourly income, and then calculated the percentage of the workers' incomes that came from tips. 

13. Hotel floor manager

Percent of total hourly income from tips: 31 percent

Median hourly tips: $5.20

Median hourly pay: $11.50

Typical total hourly income: $16.70

Source: Payscale

12. Pizza delivery driver

Percent of total hourly income from tips: 32 percent

Median hourly tips: $3.40

Median hourly pay: $7.20

Typical total hourly income: $10.60

Source: Payscale

11. Dining room attendant (bussers)

Percent of total hourly income from tips: 32 percent

Median hourly tips: $3.60

Median hourly pay: $7.70

Typical total hourly income: $11.30

Note: Dining room attendants (#11) are different than bussers (#8) because they work for any establishment with a dining room, including nursing homes, cruise ships and universities whereas bussers only work in restaurant establishments.

Source: Payscale

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The 10 Best Places To Retire For Under $40,000


St. Louis Missouri

Live well for less money.

Even a modest nest egg could produce a comfortable retirement in these affordable retirement spots.

Low housing costs coupled with the amenities retirees need make these cities great places to retire on an income of less than $40,000 per year.

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Retirees benefit from Albuquerque’s many amenities and low housing prices.

According to 2011 Census Bureau data, the median housing cost for people age 60 and older was $1,150 monthly for those with a mortgage, $358 for homeowners without a mortgage, and $657 for renters.

Augusta, Georgia

The host city of the Masters Tournament is best known for its golf courses.

Housing costs for residents age 60 and older are a median of just $626 for renters, $1,064 for homeowners with a mortgage, and $353 for seniors who have paid off their homes.

Columbia, South Carolina

South Carolina residents age 60 and older can qualify for free tuition to the University of South Carolina.

Monthly housing costs range from a median of $1,107 per month for homeowners age 60 and older with a mortgage, $350 monthly for those who have paid off their mortgage, and $712 monthly for renters.

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10 Glass Houses You Can Buy Right Now


glass housesGlass walls and floor-to-ceiling windows are a staple in many modern homes.

In rural settings, this hardly causes a privacy problem. But glass homes have become a growing trend among urban homeowners who are "starved for light" and often don't seem to mind the peeping Toms, according to The Wall Street Journal's Nancy Keates.

Some worry that with glass walls come a greater risk of danger, whether it be from natural disasters or vandalism. Regardless, you have to admit these homes are beautiful.

For $13.9 million, buy this Santa Barbara mansion known as "The Glass Pavilion."

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The house has five bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms. It sits on 3.5 acres, so there's plenty of privacy.

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This $1.19 million home in Costa Rica is known as "The Glass House."

Click here to see more photos of the house >

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