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How to stay mentally strong when you're going through a breakup


upset talking confused

  • Staying strong during a breakup doesn't mean acting totally normal or suppressing pain. Instead, it's about feeling your feelings in a healthy way and moving toward healing.
  • Give yourself time and space to breathe, but don't isolate yourself or wallow in pity constantly. Trying out new coping habits and staying in touch with friends will help.
  • Don't constantly check your ex's social media, and, if you find yourself thinking about them, change the channel in your brain. Instead, try and establish a new normal.
  • Don't feel ashamed for telling people that you're having a rough go of it, and consider talking to a professional.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.  

Although a painful breakup may cause you to think life as you know it is over, the world doesn't stop because your relationship ended. You'll need to figure out how to carry on your daily activities — including work — even when your heart feels broken.

Being mentally strong when you're going through a breakup isn't about suppressing your pain or acting like you don't care.

Instead, it's about taking the steps you need to heal your broken heart so you can feel better again. Here's how to stay mentally strong when you're going through a breakup:

SEE ALSO: 7 things mental health experts wish everyone knew about therapy

Allow yourself to grieve

The end of a relationship can create a giant emotional wound. And grief is the process that will heal that wound.

Allow yourself to feel sad about what you lost. You may grieve over everything from those Friday night dates you used to have together to the future you'd already planned out in your mind.

Sadness, anger, hurt, embarrassment, anxiety, and disappointment are just a few of the emotions that might get stirred up. Allow yourself to experience all of these emotions, even when they're uncomfortable.

Practice healthy coping skills

You may be tempted to do anything you can to escape your emotions. Whether you want to numb the pain with food and alcohol or you try to distract yourself from feeling bad by constantly scrolling through your smartphone, unhealthy coping skills only lead to long-term pain.

Practice healthy ways to deal with uncomfortable emotions. Experiment with a variety of coping skills to discover what works for you — go for a walk, call a friend, write in a journal, practice meditation, or listen to music.

Whatever you do, make sure you do things that help you go through painful emotions without creating more long-term problems for yourself. Eating comfort food because you're sad, drinking because you're anxious, or texting an ex who isn't good for you because you're lonely might make you feel better for a minute, but they'll introduce new problems into your life.

Don't host a pity party

While feeling sad can help you honor what you lost, self-pity is different. This can take the form of exaggeratedly negative thoughts like, "I'll never be happy again" or "My life is ruined forever."

When you start making catastrophic predictions or exaggerating your misfortune, catch yourself. Remind yourself that although heartache hurts, you're going to be OK. And someday it won't hurt quite so much if you put in the work toward healing your heart.

Hosting a pity party will keep you stuck in a place of pain. When you insist that your life is over, you'll dig in your heels and prevent yourself from getting better.

Create a mantra that you can repeat to yourself like, "This hurts, but I'll be OK." Use it to drown out the thoughts that encourage self-pity.

Recall other tough things you've endured. Remembering how you got through hardship before will remind you that you're stronger than you think.

Don't keep checking up on your ex

Checking on your ex's social media profiles may help you temporarily feel better. After all, seeing what your ex is up to helps you feel connected in some way.

But it'll stall your healing process. Looking at Instagram pics or Twitter updates delays you from experiencing your loss at a realistic level.

You may need to mute, block, or unfriend your ex, as painful as that may feel. But doing so now can help you feel better in the long run.

Change the channel in your brain when you start thinking about your ex

While you don't want to distract yourself from uncomfortable emotions, you do want to distract yourself from certain types of thoughts about your ex.

If you catch yourself romanticizing the past — perhaps thinking about all those great things your ex always did for you — remind yourself of all the bad things, too. No relationship is perfect, but when you're missing someone, you might convince yourself that your ex was flawless.

Don't let yourself daydream about a future together either. Thinking that you'll get back together and live happily ever after can be part bliss, part self-torture. But it will do nothing for your healing process.

If you've got your ex on your mind, change the channel in your brain. Distract yourself with a brief activity, like talking to a friend about something other than your ex. Or get up and get moving with a task that requires some serious brain power, like a difficult puzzle.

Get active

At some point in your grief process — not right away, but not too far down the road either — it's important to start establishing a new sense of normal for yourself.

The best way to do this is by taking action. Maybe you start spending more time with your friends. Or, maybe you find a new hobby or develop a new side hustle.

The point is, don't let yourself sit at home alone doing nothing week after week. Otherwise you'll never begin to feel better.

Talk to someone

Don't be ashamed to tell people you're having a rough time. People who know you well will recognize that you're struggling, so you might as well acknowledge it.

If you're having a difficult time mending your broken heart on your own, seek professional help. Therapists can assist you in moving through the grief process in a healthy way. Just keep in mind that staying mentally strong during a breakup isn't about insisting you're not sad. It's about a willingness to take care of yourself and deal with tough emotions head on so you can mend a broken heart.

I tried every dipping sauce from both McDonald's and Burger King and found they have wildly different strengths and weaknesses


McDonalds sauces 43

Sauce is to chicken nuggets what salt is to bread. 

Without sauce, a chicken nugget has little charm. It's simply a deep-fried pebble of machine-pulverized poultry.

With sauce, a chicken nugget becomes so much more: a vehicle for sugar, spice, and everything nice; an avenue to the flavor-filled fantasies of every afterschool ambler and every station-wagon wee one.

So which sauce is boss?

To find out which chain can best get you your sauce fix, I tried every single dipping sauce at McDonald's and Burger King. Here's how they stacked up:

SEE ALSO: I compared every item from McDonald's and Wendy's breakfast menus side-by-side, and found the newcomer is better in several ways

At McDonald's, I bought a 10-piece order of chicken nuggets and every sauce available:

Sweet & sour, honey mustard, honey, spicy Buffalo, ranch, hot mustard, and tangy BBQ.

First on the docket: tangy BBQ sauce.

Tangy it was, and also very, very sweet. It was very sweet and very sour, but minimally smoky.

For a BBQ sauce, it was pretty light on the barbecue spices.

Second up: classic ranch.

McDonald's ranch is surprisingly yogurty — so much so that it almost tastes like Dannon yogurt.

It's creamy and sweet, but there isn't much of the herb seasoning that makes ranch taste like ranch.

Third: the classic chicken wing sauce, Buffalo.

I was impressed by how much like actual buffalo sauce this one tasted.

Sour and spicy, McDonald's buffalo sauce brings some serious heat.

It's salty, too. No hint of sweetness in this one. Better get a cup of water to go with.

Read more:I ate chicken wings from 5 major chains, and a little-known newcomer beat out all the classics

Fourth on McDonald's dossier: honey mustard. Disclaimer: honey mustard was my favorite sauce as a child. I put honey mustard on pizza in middle school.

The honey mustard is slightly more watery than the other sauces.

It's very sweet but also has an enticingly complex mustard flavor. Well, relatively speaking.

It's the perfect dipping sauce.

Sweet n' sour seems like a meaningless name when most of McDonald's sauces already are sweet and sour.

And that's compounded by the fact that this sauce isn't even sour. It's just sweet.

There's also an unpleasant flavor of uncooked soy sauce and maybe ginger from a jar?

It's supposed to mimic some kind of Asian-ish taste, but it just tastes bad. This is by far my least favorite sauce.

I don't remember McDonald's having hot mustard on its menu. After some research, I found they discontinued it in 2014 except in some select markets.

But it's too bad that hot mustard isn't available nationwide because it's by far the best sauce on the menu.

It's like honey mustard, but stronger.

It isn't spicier, but it's sourer and has an overall more intense taste that hits all the right notes.

Lastly, I tried McDonald's honey packet. I remember the days when McDonald's used to give you a whole dipping cup full of honey.

Now, honey comes in a half-sized cup. It's hard to even get your nugget wet.

It's very sweet, very potent, and tastes kind of like chicken and waffles. Without the waffles.

At Burger King, I ordered a 10-piece chicken nugget, large onion rings, and, of course, all the sauces.

On the table were BBQ, Buffalo, ranch, honey mustard, sweet & sour, and zesty sauce.

First up: BBQ sauce.

Sweet, tangy, and peppery, Burger King's BBQ sauce tastes surprisingly like real BBQ sauce.

It still isn't the smokiest sauce I've ever had, but I could definitely taste this on a rack of ribs, or at least on a pulled pork sandwich.

By any measure, it's far superior to its McDonald's counterpart.

Next on the table: ranch.

Now Burger King's ranch is what ranch should taste like.

It's creamy, but it's not just creamy.

It's also sour, herby, and flavorful. Yum.

Third on Burger King's roster: Buffalo sauce.

Burger King's Buffalo sauce is creamy for some reason. The spices are slow to kick in.

It tastes more or less like Buffalo sauce, but it's just not very spicy.

Compared to McDonald's powerhouse Buffalo, Burger King's is just kind of wimpy.

It's hard to go wrong with honey mustard.

But Burger King manages to do just that.

Its honey mustard sauce is sweet, watery, and tastes only very faintly of mustard.

But lest I forget, Burger King's dipping sauces aren't just for its nuggets.

Sometimes what's bad on a nugget is good on a deep-fried ring of onion.

In this case, Burger King's crispy and delicious onion rings save its honey mustard sauce from flavor oblivion.

Separately, the flavors are unremarkable. But together, they're pretty binge-able.

After tasting McDonald's sweet n' sour sauce, I had low expectations for Burger King's equivalent.

But the monarch of meat proved me wrong again, this time by producing a sweet and sour sauce that lives up to its name.

Make no mistake, this is no slapped-together sauce. There's no strange and offensive taste, and it's actually both sweet and sour.

It tastes just like orange chicken sauce, actually.

A global horseradish shortage has led to zesty sauce outages at some Burger Kings, but thankfully, not at mine.

Read more:Burger King is running out of zesty sauce because of a global horseradish shortage

With so many fans online lamenting the zesty sauce shortage, I had high expectations.

It was much less spicy than I expected, seeing as it contains horseradish, and it has a much nuttier flavor profile than any other sauce.

Horseradish and onion, while perfectly fine condiments, don't quite jive with a chicken nugget.

My course of action was clear: onion ring, meet zesty sauce.

Suddenly, this sauce was perfect. Nothing brings out the flavor of onion like more onion.

I could eat onion rings with zesty sauce all day.

When it comes to which has the better sauces, the two chains are both better in different ways. McDonald's has better honey mustard and Buffalo sauce, and its hot mustard is out of this world.

Burger King is better at pretty much everything else. But how good a sauce tastes depends on what it goes with, and that's much harder to figure out at Burger King.

For just nuggets, McDonald's sauce selection is probably slightly better. But Burger King has nuggets, onion rings, and cheesy tots — and a sauce that's best for each.

Behind-the-scenes photos show how the world's largest cruise ship makes 30,000 dishes every single day


dessert strawberries.JPG

  • Royal Caribbean's Symphony of the Seas has 23 dining venues onboard, serving around 30,0000 dishes daily.
  • On busy weeks, there are almost 9,000 people (guests and crew) that need to be fed.
  • Five-thousand pounds of potatoes are consumed each day, as well as 15,000 pounds of beef, 20,000 pounds of chicken, and 10,000 dozens of eggs per seven-day cruise. 
  • From chefs to dishwashers, a team of 1,850 people keeps passengers fed.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

The true scale of the world's largest cruise ship is hard to fathom. On busy weeks, it can hold almost 9,000 people — guests and crew — who need to be fed multiple times a day.

Royal Caribbean's Symphony of the Seas is home to 23 dining venues, which together produce around 30,000 dishes every single day, spanning breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A team of around 1,850 people makes this happen, often working 10 to 14-hour days.

We got a behind-the-scenes look at how this gets done every day, from food getting loaded onto the ship to hitting passenger's plates.

Thirty tons of food are delivered in Miami every Saturday, ahead of a seven-day cruise on Royal Caribbean's Symphony of the Seas, according to the ship's inventory manager Jaret de Silva.

"On average, we load every Saturday 500 pallets, and we need to finish by 4 p.m. in time to sail away from Miami," he told Insider. "It's a big logistic requirement."

Usually, around two extra days of food is loaded onto the ship in case of an emergency, which is upped to three days during hurricane season.

"It's a hectic process," he puts it mildly, explaining that food needs to be strictly temperature controlled, and cannot sit outside for more than five to seven minutes.

All the food is inspected ahead of loading, and if it doesn't meet his standards it won't even be allowed on the ship.

Once onboard, a team of 18 people make sure food is divided into the appropriate store rooms.

There are 20 store rooms, ranging in temperature from freezers to dry storage.

There are fridges for seafood, meat, vegetables, and fruit.

All this happens on a super long corridor deep inside the ship that passengers don't have access to.

It's known as the I-95, after the interstate highway between Maine to Key West, Florida, and super busy.

Once stored, the food "belongs" to de Silva. "It is my ownership. I own everything," he said, explaining that chefs must place their food orders with him and his team.

Once chefs place their orders, food is prepped.

Fish is scaled, cut, and thawed.

Meat is sliced, ground, and weighed.

Veggies are chopped.

Orders are then placed in special rooms where chefs can pick them up.

Boxes are neatly labeled with the date, and their contents and destination. They later make their way to one of the 23 different dining venues on board.

Orders must be placed at least a day in advance, to give meat and fish time for a natural thawing process.

While most of the cooking is done the day a dish will be served, preparation starts the day before.

The bakery makes 40 different kinds of bread from scratch.

And the pastry kitchen makes 100 different types of desserts, from cake pops to strawberry mousse.

Each of the 12 specialty restaurants on the ship has its own kitchen. There are three more for the main dining room, as well as three kitchens where food is prepared to serve all the restaurants onboard.

Eight chefs work the day shift and another eight work the night shift just prepping dishes.

Food is being prepared 24/7.

In total, the ship has 285 working chefs. There are four chefs making nothing but sauces, and another six entirely focused on soups.

Sixteen of them chop vegetables.

From chefs to dishwashers and waiters, a team of 1,850 people keeps passengers fed.

The main dining room has a different menu every night, each with around eight entrees to choose from. It feeds around 900 people at a time, and between 3,000 and 4,500 people a night.

The specialty restaurants feed around 150 people at a time and have set menus that remain the same every night, but together also offer 350 different dishes daily.

Menus are tweaked slightly based on customer feedback, but generally they remain the same having been developed by Royal Caribbean at its Miami headquarters months in advance.

Executive Chef German Eladio Rijo Rijo does a food tasting at 4 p.m. every day.

The weekly food orders are also mostly constant, though these can change depending on the expected demographic onboard. For example, the holiday season sees around 2,000 kids onboard, making more kid-friendly meals a must.

"Sometimes you get a demographic entirely from, let's say Europe. So the eating habits change. So certain recipes or certain dishes that are offered may not be liked by other demographics. So the chef will not use them and we need to adjust our orders," said de Silva.

One of the hardest parts of feeding passengers is that chefs must cater to guests with very different tastes, from passengers who are spending $50,000 a night on suites and want lobster and truffles to families who want nothing but mac and cheese and pizza.

De Silva's team checks the quality of the food every day to see if it needs to be used earlier than planned. For example, broccoli ripening faster than expected could become a broccoli soup.

Generally, little is thrown out and leftovers are scarce. The world's largest ship is a well-oiled machine after all.

10 flight attendants reveal the most disappointing part of their job


flight attendant

Being a flight attendant may look glamorous, but like any other job, there are downsides.

Ten flight attendants told Business Insider the most disappointing part of their job. The flight attendants work for carriers like Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, and American Airlines. They requested anonymity due to a fear of reprisal from their employers.

Here's what they said.

(The flight attendants pictured in this article are not those who were interviewed by Business Insider.)

SEE ALSO: 9 flight attendants reveal the most shocking part of their jobs

Not enjoying international layovers

A Spirit Airlines flight attendant said she thought she would enjoy international layovers more, since the ability to see new places is one of the most appealing parts of her job.

"I don't particularly like doing them and that is a little disappointing," she said of international layovers. "I think it's because I always worry about just making it to work the next day and just making sure that I'm there and I'm present and I've gotten enough rest."

Spirit did not respond to a request for comment.

Disrespectful behavior from passengers

A Delta Air Lines flight attendant said she's disappointed that some passengers treat her poorly.

"It makes it hard to get up every day and spend every day alone in your hotel room when you're going to get yelled at by passengers for things that are out of your control," she said.

Delta did not respond to a request for comment.

Having to leave an exciting city

"The most disappointing is when you go somewhere really freaking awesome and you don't get to stay," said a flight attendant for Worldwide Jet, which charters private jets.

Worldwide Jet did not respond to a request for comment.

A lack of manners from passengers

"The most disappointing thing is how people behave on the airplane," a United Airlines flight attendant said. "It is a rarity that I get a 'please' and a 'thank you' from a passenger."

A United representative declined a request for comment.


"The most disappointing part is probably how tired I am and how much I'm away from home," said an Envoy Air flight attendant.

The flight attendant added that she's partly responsible for her exhausting schedule, since she lives in a different city than where her home airport is located.

Envoy did not respond to a request for comment.

"Something that I definitely didn't expect would be how fatigued flight attendants actually get," a Spirit Airlines flight attendant said. "We fly up to 16 hours a day and only require eight hours of rest in between our duty days. Most people think eight hours is sufficient, however they do not take into account that the eight hours includes deplaning, transportation to and from the hotel, waiting for hotel rooms some nights if they aren't ready."


Missing time with family and friends

A United Airlines flight attendant said she's disappointed that she has to miss out on time with friends and family, particularly during the holidays.

"Generally, I'm away from my family on those major holidays," she said, though she noted that her family finds time to get together at other times during the year.

An American Airlines flight attendant also said she was disappointed about not being able to spend the holidays with her family.

"Granted, I have spent the holidays in amazing places like London or Buenos Aires, but it would be nice to spend it with my family," she said.

"This Thanksgiving, we are thankful for the 28,000 American Airlines flight attendants who will safely transport nearly 7.5 million customers traveling with us over the holiday," an American Airlines representative told Business Insider.

"While it means that some of our team members will be away from their families over the holidays, we're incredibly appreciative of their dedication to caring for our customers, while also facilitating holiday memories for families around the world."

Being underestimated by passengers

An Alaska Airlines flight attendant said she's disappointed by the way some passengers underestimate the intelligence of flight attendants.

The job requires more than "a pretty face pouring drinks in the sky," she said. 

"Our flight attendants are amazing and do a phenomenal job keeping our guests safe everyday," an Alaska Airlines representative told Business Insider.

Having to deal with passengers in a wide range of moods

I love Google's new Pixelbook Go, but it's a baffling $850 device that no one should buy (GOOGL)


Google Pixelbook

In almost every respect, the $850 Pixelbook Go is a perfect solution for anyone who wants a secondary, portable, use-anywhere internet-browsing laptop that complements a larger, more powerful computer.

I have to compete with my wife for Pixelbook Go time on the living room couch or in the kitchen. I'll try the excuse that I need to use it to review it, but she doesn't care. 

"Don't you have a bunch of other laptops in the house?" she'll ask me. Yes, there are about five other laptops I could use. But I want that one. The Pixelbook Go.

And yet, never have I loved a device so much but recommended so little.

Check it out:

SEE ALSO: Apple fixed the keyboards on the new MacBook Pro, but the smaller models still use a controversial design — here's what you need to know before you buy one on Black Friday

The Pixelbook Go is a lightweight, compact internet machine with great battery life that does whatever I need to do at home or while traveling.

At home, the Pixelbook competes with a series of top-of-the-line laptops from Apple, Dell, Microsoft, and Lenovo. These laptops range from 13 to 15 inches, and they're all powerful machines that should make the Pixelbook Go tremble in its humility. 

And yet, the Pixelbook Go has become the go-to device at home for both me and my wife when we're done with work and want to use the internet on the couch, in bed, or in the kitchen. The only reason I'd use my big, powerful laptop after work is because my wife is using the Pixelbook Go. And she won't let go of it. 

Compared to the other laptops in the house, the Pixelbook feels less fragile, more compact, more portable, and even more usable for simple web browsing. It's the perfect secondary device to a larger, powerful computer you might have at home or at work. 

In fact, I'll be bringing the Pixelbook Go with me on an upcoming vacation instead of one the Windows 10 laptops I have lying around the house. I won't need anything more.

The Pixelbook Go's keyboard, touchpad, screen, and speakers make it a joy to use, too.

Typing this review on the Pixelbook Go is a comfortable, satisfying experience. If laptop makers don't all adopt IBM/Lenovo's legendary laptop keyboards, they should emulate the Pixelbook Go's.

When I'm not writing a review, the Pixelbook Go has become our Netflix viewing device at the kitchen table. The model I'm using has a nice 1080p resolution screen that's totally sufficient for casual video watching, and the speakers actually sound quite good and loud. 

It's a shame that Google didn't keep the original Pixelbook's 360-degree rotating display,.

One of the things we liked about the original Pixelbook was its 360-degree rotating display. Combined with its touchscreen, the Pixelbook became a pretty decent hands-free tablet that could prop itself up by using the keyboard as a stand.

Unfortunately, that feature didn't make it to the Pixelbook Go.

None of the Pixelbook Go's pros and cons matter, because you shouldn't buy this thing anyway.

This is where the Pixelbook is so baffling. 

It costs the same as a very good Windows 10 laptop (and a little less than a very good MacBook Air) than runs a huge variety of apps and software. Meanwhile, all the Pixelbook Go does is run the Chrome web browser. 

That's actually all I really want the Pixelbook Go to do. Run Chrome and be my compact, lightweight little secondary internet-browsing machine I can easily carry and use everywhere around the house. But for $850? Based on value, I can't recommend it. 

To be clear, it's not because the specs are bad. It's because all it really does is run the Chrome web browser. It does runs Android apps, which gives it some extra Android tablet-like versatility. But if a tablet is what you want, you're often better off with an iPad.

And that's what I'd recommend instead if you want a secondary internet device that runs a bunch of apps — a $330 to $430 iPad with a little set aside for a keyboard case that props it up. Not an $850 wannabe laptop that exclusively runs Chrome and pretends to be an Android tablet. 

6 facts that show millennials are going to be OK, even if you think they aren't



The story isn't a new one: Millennials are struggling with financial problems previous generations didn't face.

They're dealing with a heavy trifecta formed by the ongoing fallout of the recession, rising living costs, and staggering student-loan debt. But perhaps not all is as bad as it seems.

Insider recently teamed up with Morning Consult to survey more than 2,000 Americans about their financial health, debt, and earnings for its new series, "The State of Our Money." More than 670 respondents were millennials, defined as ages 23 to 38 in 2019.

While several findings weren't positive — millennials are more likely than their parents to delay life events because of money and they're pretty stressed about their debt— other results painted a much brighter picture.

Millennials overall view their financial standing favorably when compared to their peers — and compared to Gen X, the preceding generation. They've also made strides in money compared to their parents: Millennial women are earning more than their mothers, and millennials overall are more open talking about money.

Here, six facts that show millennials will probably be okay, even if you think otherwise.

SEE ALSO: 6 financial problems plaguing millennials through no fault of their own

DON'T MISS: 17 ways life is different for millennials than for baby boomers, from crushing student loans to a disappearing middle class

Millennials are more open about money than their parents

If there's one thing millennials have going for them that their parents don't, financially speaking, it's that they're talking about money.

Thirty percent of millennials share financial info with their friends, compared to just 9% of boomers; 25% of millennials share financial info with their siblings, but 12% of boomers do the same; and 12% of millennials talk to their colleagues about money, whereas only 2% of boomers do.

When it comes to sharing their finances with family, millennials are also more likely to do so — 46% talk to their parents about it, while 24% of boomers talk to their kids about it.

Millennial women are more likely than their mothers to out-earn their partners

Millennial women have progressed when it comes to income earnings. Only 18% of baby boomer women said they make more money than their partner or spouse, while 35% of millennial women reported making more money than their partner or spouse, Business Insider's Liz Knueven reported. That means millennial women are twice as likely as their mothers to earn more than their partners.

However, 25% of the 1,068 survey respondents people who identified as women said that they made more than their spouse or partner, while 75% of those who identified as men said the same. That goes to show the gender pay gap is still in effect; men make more money as they advance in their careers.

Note that the survey did not distinguish between respondents in same-sex and different-sex relationships.

Millennials may have credit-card debt, but they have less than the previous generation

While more than half (51.5%) of millennials said they have credit-card debt, it's not out of the norm. In fact, it's less than the percentage of Gen Xers who have credit-card debt: 54.5%

And when you narrow the scope of the picture, you'll find that of those millennials who have credit-card debt, the majority don't owe a lot. More than half (54%) said they owed less than $5,000.

Most millennials think they have less debt than their peers

Nearly half of millennials (48%) think they have less debt than their peers (17% said they didn't know).

It's likely many are right. As we've seen, of those with credit-card debt, the majority owe less than $5,000. And only about 28% of millennial respondents have a mortgage, so most millennials aren't carrying the debt of homeownership. 

Around 28% of millennial respondents have undergrad student-loan debt, meaning the majority aren't faced with this burden. If millennials are reading anything about the student-debt situation, those who don't have it are likely to think they have less debt than the rest of their generation. 

And more millennials than not think they're financially better off than their peers

More millennials are positive when comparing themselves to their peers  — 46% think they're much better or somewhat better off than their peers. That's compared to 37% of millennials who think they're doing worse than their peers (the remaining 17% said they didn't know).

These perceptions might be because millennials are reading their own press about their generation's financial woes — like how they're suffering from stagnant wages, struggling to afford staples like housing, and dealing with staggering student-loan debt.  

If millennials are overall thinking they're doing better than their peers, the situation on the ground may be better than we believe. Though things may be rough for the generation, the fundamentals may not be as bad as the story they're told.

Millennials are more positive about their finances than Gen X

The percentage of millennials who think they're financially worse off than their peers (37%) is also notable because it's lower than the percentage of Gen X who think they're financially worse off than their peers — 43%.

And when asked how they would rate their financial health, slightly more than 41% of Gen X said it's not very good or not good at all. That's worse than millennials, 37% of whom said the same.

While millennials may face some financial problems specific to their generation, they may not be doing as poorly as it seems — at least compared to Gen X.

6 tips for a painless return flight home after the holidays


Thanksgiving Holiday Travel Airport

SEE ALSO: Airlines are joining in on Black Friday and Cyber Monday with major flight sales — here's how you can save

1. When leaving for your trip, choose a suitcase with some extra room.

Somehow, you always end up returning home from your trip with more stuff than you brought, whether it's the sweater you forgot at your parents' house last time, Black Friday purchases, gifts, or just the mysterious extra bulk that seems to appear out of nowhere.

Instead of tightly packing everything you need for your trip into the smallest bag you can, bring a slightly bigger bag with some extra space for that return flight (the exception is if you're flying an airline that strictly enforces bag size).

2. Don't worry about folding dirty clothes.

If your clothes are headed into the wash when you get home, you don't have to worry about folding them for the flight back. But to save room in your suitcase, you don't just want to throw them in haphazardly, either.

Try rolling clothes, instead. Or, if your suitcase has a laundry bag like the above pictured suitcase, put dirty clothes in there, and then just squeeze the laundry bag into your luggage.

3. Use packing cubes.

I almost always use packing cubes when I pack. It helps me fit more in bags and stay organized.

Plus, when I'm coming home, I can use the cubes to keep anything I didn't end up wearing separate from my dirty laundry.

You can see Business Insider reporters' favorite packing cubes here.

4. Get to the airport early.

Airports and highways in the days after the holidays can be even busier than in the days leading up to them.

For Thanksgiving 2019, the Sunday after Thanksgiving is expected to see more travelers than the Wednesday before the holiday, which is usually thought of as the busiest day.

Make sure to get to the airport early so you have enough time to deal with traffic, and get checked in and through security.

If it doesn't end up taking too long, find somewhere in the airport to get a cup of coffee or a drink. You may even be able to use an airline lounge, depending on what type of ticket you have or what perks you get from your credit card.

5. Think ahead when taking leftovers on a flight.

Bringing leftovers home is always a nice post-holiday treat, but keep in mind that some foods are considered a liquid, and therefore can't be taken through security in a carry-on bag.

If you're bringing things like gravy, cranberry sauce, wine, jam, or preserves home from the holidays, pack them securely in a leak-proof container, and put them in your checked bag. "Foods that can be spilled, spread, sprayed, pumped or poured should be packed in a checked bag," the TSA says.

Most solid foods like pies, cakes, stuffing mix, casseroles, turkey, and potatoes, are good to go in your carry-on.

6. Plan ahead with pets.

If you're flying to Thanksgiving and planning to bring your pet, make sure to plan ahead.

Each airline has different policies about pets, but in all cases, you'll need to call ahead to make sure that either an in-cabin pet is added to your reservation, or that you can arrange for your bigger furry friend to travel in a safe crate in the cargo hold.

Even if your pet is considered an emotional-support animal, or ESA, many airlines require you to call ahead to register the animal.

Even if you made it to your holiday destination without calling ahead or encountering any problems, that may not be the case coming back. Airlines also tend to limit the number of pets and ESAs brought on board because of safety considerations, so it's definitely worth calling ahead.

The exception is trained and certified service or therapy animals, including seeing-eye dogs, PTSD-support animals, and service animals that are trained to help with a variety of other situations or conditions.

Bartenders reveal 9 of the best ready-to-drink cocktails you can buy


canned cocktails

  • Insider asked a group of bartenders to share some of their favorite ready-made cocktails.
  • One bartender said they like the lemon and honey flavors of Fishers Island Lemonade.
  • On The Rocks' premade cocktails, like the Old Fashioned and Cosmopolitan, received praise from the pros.
  • One former bartender said she loves the freshness of Candid Cocktails' canned drinks.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Although many of the best cocktails are whipped up by bartenders on the spot, some can be taken on-the-go or enjoyed at home in bottles and cans.

Here are nine of the best premade cocktails out there, according to bartenders. 

This NYC-based bartender recommends serving Hochstadter's Rock and Rye over ice.

Ryan Gavin, a former bartender who currently works as a bar manager at Gran Tivoli in New York City, said his premade drink of choice would be Hochstadter's Slow and Low Rock and Rye, which he suggests pouring over ice. 

Hochstadter's version is 84 proof and is sold in 100-milliliter cans. 

"It's great in a pinch and it's like a slightly sweeter Old Fashioned," he told Insider. "The Rock and Rye is essentially a mix of rye and rock candy."


The Ramona Ruby Grapefruit Wine Spritz is a favorite for some.

Kenneth McCoy, bartender and chief creative officer at The Rum House in New York City said he recommends a fizzy drink that's not overly sweet.

In particular, he told Insider that's he's a big fan of the Ramona Ruby Grapefruit Wine Spritz, which is a mix of Sicilian Brut (a type of sparkling wine from Italy) and grapefruit flavors.


Fishers Island Lemonade received praise for its lemon and honey flavors.

Eric Bieber, a Brooklyn-based bartender and bar manager for Sea Wolf, Gemelli, and JJ's Hideaway, said his top pick wasn't even sold in cans until a few years ago. 

"Fishers Island Lemonade is my favorite canned cocktail — it's made with vodka, whiskey, lemon, and honey," Bieber told Insider. 

This Miami-based bartender recommends a ready-made Moscow Mule from Russian Standard.

Adam Beech, a bartender at Toro Toro at Intercontinental in Miami, Florida, said his favorite premade cocktail contains vodka, ginger, and mint. 

"A ready-to-drink cocktail that I've been drawn to lately is Russian Standard's Moscow Mule, as it's made with real vodka, which is different from many of the other popular canned cocktails out there that are largely malt-based," he told Insider. 

The brand Cutwater Spirits also got a shout out for its range of canned cocktails.

Chris Burmeister, lead bartender at Citizen Rail in Denver, Colorado, said he's partial to premade cocktails from the San Diego-based brand Cutwater Spirits.

"They make a ton of expressions, but my favorites are the Paloma, the Bloody Mary, and the cold-brew cocktail," he told Insider. "They all taste amazingly fresh for being canned, and they are great no-fuss options for the beach or camping, when you don't want to haul separate ingredients or mixing tools."


This self-taught bartender said her go-to premade drink contains bourbon.

Samara Rivers, a self-taught bartender and founder of the Black Bourbon Society, said her favorite premade drink is On The Rocks' version of an Old Fashioned, which contains Knob Creek, a small-batch bourbon whiskey. 

"They're travel-sized which makes it the perfect inflight cocktail. Perfectly balanced and delicious," she told Insider. 



Some of On The Rocks' other premade cocktails also received praise from the pros.

Natalie Migliarini, home bartender and cocktail blogger at Beautiful Booze, said she likes ready-made drinks from On The Rocks because they're easy to travel with and come in a wide selection. 

"I love the packaging and colorful selection from On The Rocks, who have a great range of cocktails you wouldn't necessarily expect to find in bottles," Migliarini said.

In addition to selling a ready-made Old Fashioned, On The Rocks has drinks like the Aviation, the Cosmopolitan, and the Mai Tai.


This former bartender said she loves the freshness of Candid Cocktails' drinks.

Natasha Krefft, a former bartender who works as an expert mixologist at Bésame in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, said she enjoys Candid Cocktails' offerings.

In particular, she likes the vodka, elderflower, cucumber, mint, and lime juice concoction from the brand because it tastes so fresh

"It is so refreshing to find a canned cocktail that is crisp, clean and not just a punch of sugar to your face," she told Insider. "If you poured one [sic] over ice in a nice glass, you could easily tell someone you just whipped it up in the kitchen."

1220 Artisan Spirits offers a range of canned cocktails that this bartender enjoys.

Austin Franco, a bartender and mixologist who works at 101 North Eatery & Bar in Westlake Village, California, said the Missouri-based brand 1220 Artisan Spirits"has something for everyone" and its canned-cocktail flavors are deliciously simple. 

"The Lemonade and Lavender is particularly refreshing and by far the best can in the lineup," Franco told Insider. This canned variety contains ingredients like vodka, lemon, and lavender.

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Take a look inside an abandoned 14th-century church that's filled with 'ghosts'


ghost church czech republic

  • In the tiny Czech town of Lukova, there is a church that has stood for hundreds of years.
  • It's been abandoned since 1968 when the roof fell through during a funeral.
  • The people of Lukova avoided the church because they believed it was haunted, so a young art student created an exhibition inspired by that belief.
  • Now the abandoned church is occupied by 32 life-sized "ghosts."
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Do you believe in ghosts?

If not, you might change your mind after visiting the tiny town of Lukova and its long-abandoned church filled with eerie white figures. They sit solemnly in the pews, congregate at the altar, and stand at the doorways, as if to beckon you inside.

Keep scrolling to learn more about the ghosts of St. George's and their abandoned home.

St. George's church, which was built in the 14th century, sits atop a hill in the Czech village of Lukova.

Lukova is a small town 2 1/2 hours outside of Prague. It has a population of 708.

St. George's was consecrated in 1352, according to Atlas Obscura.

The church has stood for hundreds of years, but was abandoned in 1968 after the roof collapsed during a funeral.

This contributed to locals believing the building was haunted— or even cursed. The congregation began holding mass outside.

The church was left to rot, until the community decided to try and save it. However, no one could come up with the money.

Understandably, this town of just 700 people did not have the resources to completely refurbish a church from the 14th century.

But in 2012, a local artist had an idea ...

Playing off its haunted history, local artist Jakub Hadrava created 32 life-sized "ghosts" to live inside the church.

Hadrava used his fellow classmates as models, covering them in sheets and creating plaster casts for the eerie effect.

They sit in the pews and other locations around the church, giving the entire space a spooky atmosphere.

At first glance, they could be congregants in shawls.

The statues represent the Sudeten Germans, or German Bohemians, an ethnic group that used to live in the area.

The Sudeten Germans were ethnic Germans expelled from the Czech Republic (then Czechoslovakia) after World War II. There were believed to be as many as 3 million Sudeten Germans in the Czech Republic and, once expelled, they moved to Germany and Austria.

Visitors from all over the world have come to see the ghosts of St. George's church.

The church's popularity saw a boost in 2013, when a stylized video was uploaded to YouTube. It has over 220,000 views today.

Tourists have donated thousands of dollars to help repair the church's roof.

The church's caretaker, Petr Koukl, told Lonely Planet in September 2018 that tourists had raised more than 600,000 koruna, or almost $26,000, for renovations.

While most visitors are excited to see the ghosts, "we had two or three visitors that refused to enter," said caretaker Petr Koukl.

We can see why.

"They peeked through the door, but didn't enter because they didn't feel well about it."

Think you're brave enough to meet the ghosts of St. George's?

The church is open every Sunday for a few hours, though you can always peek through the window to say hello to — and keep your distance from — the ghosts.

The 17 best Christmas movies on Hulu that you can stream right now


Best Christmas movies on hulu 4x3

If you can't wait to start trimming your tree, putting up twinkly lights, and jamming to Jingle Bell Rock, you're probably ready to curl up with a cup of hot cocoa and watching your favorite Christmas movies. There's a ton of holiday content to stream, so you might as well get started now to get it all in before it's New Year's Day before you know it.

We've rounded up the best holiday offerings on Hulu to help you cut down on tedious decision making so you can get down to that warm and fuzzy, feel good, deck-the-halls Christmas movie binging.

Don't have Hulu yet? We've got you covered. While a Hulu Basic subscription might serve you ads, it's by far the cheapest streaming service on the market at just $5.99 a month. Since I can't stand ads, I recommend upgrading to Hulu Premium, so you can stream uninterrupted. It's a bit of a price jump at $12.99 a month, but I've never regretted it. If you're still not sure which level of service is right for you, check out this complete price breakdown of everything Hulu has to offer. Once you're ready to get streaming, sign up for Hulu here.

Now back to the Christmas content.

Read more about Hulu on Insider Picks:

SEE ALSO: The best Christmas movies that Prime members can watch for free right now on Amazon Prime Video

I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown

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Linus and Lucy's little brother ReRun is feeling the holiday blues when it seems everyone has plans for Christmas but him, even his pal Snoopy. ReRun enlists the help of Charlie Brown to find him his own dog for Christmas. Is Snoopy's brother Spike the answer?

Jingle Bell Rocks!

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Everybody knows "Deck the Halls" and "White Christmas," but what about the Christmas songs that never hit it big? "Jingle Bell Rocks!" is a documentary that follows the collectors who are obsessed with finding the weirdest, wackiest, and most obscure Christmas music they can find, featuring commentary by Rev Run, Dr. Demento, John Waters, and more.

A Very Terry Christmas: Terry Crews’ Yule Log

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Most know Terry Crews as the Old Spice guy or Lieut. Jeffords on "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," but the hilarious muscle-bound comedian also has a soft side. In "A Very Terry Christmas," he shows off his painting skills in this cross between a Bob Ross special and an ASMR video. Keep this one on in the background while you sip hot cocoa and trim your tree.

Saturday Night Live Christmas Special

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This collection of SNL's best holiday sketches will get you laughing and keep those winter blues at bay. It includes Alec Baldwin talking about his favorite holiday treat, Schweddy Balls; Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake singing about the best Christmas gift of all time — you know the one; a TV Funhouse sketch that shows what it's like to be Jewish during Christmastime; and so many more.

12 Dog Days Til Christmas

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A troubled teen sentenced to community service at a dog shelter helps find homes for unadopted strays and, in the process, discovers romance, family, and responsibility for himself.

A Very Brady Christmas

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Getting any family together for the holidays is a difficult task, but with six kids, the Brady's have it even tougher. But "A Very Brady Christmas" sees the now adult Marsha, Jan, Cindy, Greg, Peter, and Bobby back home for the holidays in spite of all their personal drama. The entire original cast — sans Susan Olsen, the original Cindy — reunited in this 1988 family film.

Daddy’s Home 2

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Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell play a father and step-father who've finally figured out how to coexist. But when their own dads, played by Mel Gibson and John Lithgow, come to town for Christmas, their routine is turned upside down.

Second Chance Christmas

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Unhappy in her marriage, Caroline is on her way to file for divorce when an accident causes her to lose her memory. Her husband Jack, with the help of some holiday magic, helps her fall in love with him all over again.

Krampus Unleashed

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If you like a side of gore with your Christmas cheer, this so-bad-it's-good B-horror flick is based on the European folklore that the half-goat, half-demon Krampus punishes naughty children at Christmas. In "Krampus Unleashed," a group of treasure hunters awakens the Krampus after centuries of imprisonment, and he's out for blood.

Saving Christmas

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When his sister decides she doesn't believe in Santa Claus anymore, Danny and his friends launch a bumbling investigation to prove that Santa Claus is real. The legendary Ed Asner stars as Santa Claus — I mean Rick, the head of the NorPole Toy Company.

Every Other Holiday

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Tracie allows her ex-husband back into the house for the holidays to fulfill her children's wishes of one more Christmas together as a family. But as the magic of the season brings the family closer together, she discovers that maybe the spark of their relationship isn't extinguished after all.

Deck the Halls

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Eight-year-old Ben notices that his new neighbor moves in with a sleigh and a red suit. Suspecting him to be Santa Claus, he tries to set up his widowed mother who is working for a toy business with the big man himself.


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A struggling actor gets hired to wear a plush suit to promote Pooka, the hottest toy of the Christmas season. But as he spends more time in the suit, it slowly takes over his personality until it possesses him entirely. This holiday thriller is a Hulu Original.

The Wiggles: Go Santa Go!

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It's Christmas Eve and The Wiggles are helping Santa prepare presents for the big night. Join them as they sing traditional Christmas carols and a few of their own new originals.

Home for the Holidays

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After their parents are killed in a car accident weeks before Christmas, three children move in with their aunt. As she struggles against the foster system to adopt the children, she must rely on the help of a kind social worker and some Christmas angels to help keep her family together.

Christmas Belle

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After their parents are killed in a car accident weeks before Christmas, three children move in with their aunt. As she struggles against the foster system to adopt the children, she must rely on the help of a kind social worker and some Christmas angels to help keep her family together.

Holiday in Handcuffs

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It's days until Christmas and Trudie has just lost her job and been dumped by her boyfriend. Desperate to save face and please her overbearing parents, she kidnaps a handsome gentleman and forces him to pose as her boyfriend for the holidays. Melissa Joan Hart and Mario Lopez star.

The 17 best TV shows that you can stream on Hulu right now


Best Shows on Hulu 4x3

  • Hulu subscribers can gain access to its entire catalog of TV shows, movies, and original series for just $5.99 a month (ad-supported) or $11.99 a month (ad-free).
  • If you're new to Hulu, take advantage of Hulu's Black Friday deal running through December 2. Your first year's subscription will cost just $1.99 a month.
  • Many currently airing TV shows on Hulu are available to stream the day after they air on cable, unlike Netflix where it can take months.
  • Standout hits like "This Is Us,""Killing Eve," and "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" are all available for streaming. Throwbacks like "Lost,""Buffy the Vampire Slayer," and "The Golden Girls" also make our list.

Since Hulu's inception in 2007, it has excelled at bringing on-demand TV series, both old and new, to its viewers. With other streaming services like Netflix, you'll often have to wait several months or longer after a season has ended for it to be available to stream. With Hulu, many of the current TV shows it offers are available to stream episode by episode, within 24 hours of airing on cable. Hulu offers a staggering catalog of complete series as well as currently airing shows from every major broadcast network, not to mention its vast catalog of original series and movies.

I've found Hulu to be the best way to keep up with the shows I want to watch. I'm often not home in the evenings, so I miss things as they air live, and I'm always in need of a way to catch up. So I usually watch my favorites like "Brooklyn Nine-Nine,""Bob's Burgers," and "Saturday Night Live" the next day or whenever I have some free time. Plus, if I were to watch them live, I'd have to sit through commercials, and since I pay for the ad-free service — which I've found to be worth the couple extra bucks a month — I get to watch the same show ad-free.

If you're not yet a Hulu subscriber, it couldn't be easier to start streaming. Most smart TVs already come with the Hulu app installed, so it's as simple as signing up for an account, logging in, and picking a favorite show to start watching.

If you're in need of a suggestion, we've compiled some of the best series on Hulu currently available to stream. Check them out below.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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"Brooklyn Nine-Nine" made headlines last year when it was canceled by Fox after five seasons. A huge outpouring of fans, including celebrities Mark Hamill and Lin-Manuel Miranda, took to Twitter to try to save the show, and it was picked up by NBC the next day. The hilarious cop sitcom follows NYPD detective Jake Peralta — played by the inimitable Andy Samberg — and the rest of the 99th Precinct as they try to clean up the mean streets of Brooklyn. Season 7 is slated to premiere sometime this fall.

Bob's Burgers

This animated series just started its 10th season on Fox. The Belcher family runs a restaurant together, but business isn't always great. The health inspector is always dropping by, their landlord is a nuisance, and their biggest competition is the jerk across the street. But they've always got each other's backs even when they drive each other crazy. Bob is voiced by H. Jon Benjamin, whom you may also know as the voice of the title character of "Archer," also available on Hulu.

Fresh Off the Boat

The Huang family has just moved from Washington, D.C.'s Chinatown to suburban Orlando to follow their dad's dream of opening a restaurant. This humorous look at immigrant life in the suburbs and what it means to follow the American dream is entering its sixth season. The show is based on celebrity chef Eddie Huang's popular memoir about his childhood growing up as an Asian-American kid in a not so diverse neighborhood and finding solace in food and hip-hop.

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

A group of self-absorbed, scheming friends try their worst to run the failing Paddy's Pub in South Philadelphia. The first 13 seasons of this beloved long-running sitcom starring Charlie Day and Danny DeVito are available to stream on Hulu. Though season 14 just began on FXX, it won't be available to stream next-day on Hulu like many other series. Hulu + Live TV subscribers, however, get access to FXX and the new season of "It's Always Sunny." So if you're a die-hard fan of the gang, you'll want to upgrade if you haven't already.


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"Seinfeld"— a sitcom long billed as "a show about nothing"— follows the lives of four friends, including Jerry Seinfeld who plays a fictionalized version of himself, as they navigate their daily lives in New York City. Created by Seinfeld and Larry David, it is widely regarded as one of the greatest sitcoms of all time. All nine seasons are available to stream on Hulu, but your time to watch is limited. It was recently announced that "Seinfeld" will make the jump to Netflix in 2021.

The Handmaid's Tale

For many, "The Handmaid's Tale" is the reason they got a Hulu subscription in the first place. It's Hulu's most successful and critically acclaimed original series by far, with a whopping 14 Emmys and 44 total nominations. This drama starring Elisabeth Moss centers around a dystopian society in which women have been subjugated into servitude. The first season closely followed the plot of Margaret Atwood's novel of the same name, and she has consulted on the subsequent seasons since.

Killing Eve

This British thriller follows a highly skilled assassin and the MI5 agent who's been assigned to hunt her down, their cat-and-mouse game ever-increasing in intensity as they become obsessed with one another. The first season of this BBC drama starring Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer is available to stream now. Season 2 has already aired in the UK, and if it follows the same Hulu release pattern as the first season, you can anticipate it dropping in early December.


"Lost" begins with a jet airliner crash-landing on a mysterious island in the South Pacific and ends with one of the most talked about series finales of all time. It's a series that defined nearly a decade of television, gathering upwards of 16 million viewers per episode at the height of its popularity. All six seasons of this cult sci-fi, supernatural mystery starring Matthew Fox and Evangeline Lilly are available to stream now.

Saturday Night Live

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Saturday Night Live is the longest running sketch show in the United States, and with alumni like Eddie Murphy, Bill Murray, Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Maya Rudolph, and Andy Samberg, it's easy to see why. This weekly late-night live variety show premieres on Hulu the day after it airs, complete with performances from musical guests, the host's opening monologue, and the often politically charged cold open. While all 45 seasons aren't available to stream, seasons 1 to 8 are, so you can relive the shows glory days with the original cast. Season 30 all the way through to present are also available to stream.


Lucious Lyon is the head of a hip-hop empire, but when he's diagnosed with a terminal illness, he must decide which of his sons will gain control of his business. When his ex-wife is released from prison, her return to the fray complicates things as she too fights for control of both the business and her kids. Terrence Howard and Taraji P. Henson both give critically acclaimed performances as Lucious and Cookie. The sixth and final season has just begun, and each episode will stream the day after it airs on Fox.


In this acclaimed sitcom, Anthony Anderson stars as Dre, an upper-middle class black father who wants to ensure his kids experience enough black culture in their highly white suburban environment. Tracee Ellis Ross has received several awards including two Emmys for her role as the matriarch, Rainbow. Season 6 has just begun, and it's available to stream along with all the preceding seasons. The popular spin-off "Grown-ish"— which follows eldest daughter Zoey as she goes off to college and finds independence to be tougher than she anticipated — is also available to stream. 

This Is Us

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"This Is Us" follows the intertwining lives of the Pearson family in several different time periods: three siblings in the present, and their parents in the '80s. Milo Ventimiglia and Mandy Moore star as the older generation in their younger years, while Justin Hartley, Chrissy Metz, and Sterling K. Brown star as the present-day siblings. Season 4 has just started and is available to stream next-day. This season is the first of three additional seasons for which "This Is Us" has already been renewed, so there's plenty of Pearson drama still to come.

American Horror Story

This grim and gory horror anthology series took TV by storm when it first premiered in 2011. Eight years later, it's still going strong with season 9 recently beginning on FX. It's first eight seasons — each a standalone miniseries with a new cast and story — is available to stream on Hulu. If you want to keep up with season 9, you'll need to upgrade to Hulu + Live TV, but there's no reason to believe it won't eventually make its way to Hulu once the season fully airs.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy is your average teen, dealing with school, family, and a complicated love life. Oh, and she's also been chosen to destroy the vampires and demons that emerge from the Hellmouth her hometown sits on top of. No big deal. Sarah Michelle Gellar plays the title character who with the help of her best friends and the surprisingly vampire-savvy high school librarian must defeat the forces of evil that plague her world. "Angel,"  the popular Buffy spinoff that follows a vampire with a human soul — is also available to stream.

Cowboy Bebop

Believe it or not, Hulu has a great anime collection. "Cowboy Bebop" follows a gang of futuristic bounty hunters in the year 2071 and is commonly cited as the series that unlocked anime's popularity in the United States. All 26 episodes are available on Hulu, both dubbed over into English and in the original Japanese with English subtitles, so you can choose your preference. Some of Hulu's other anime standouts include "Bleach,""Naruto,""One-Punch Man," and "Death Note."

Golden Girls

Four older women navigate the trials and triumphs of their older years in this beloved '80s sitcom, proving that your retirement years can still be full of love, lust, and life. The legendary — and hopefully immortal — Betty White stars alongside Bea Arthur, Rue McClanahan, and Estelle Getty as the title gang. All seven seasons of this quick witted comedy are available to stream. Thank you for being a friend.

Hey Arnold!

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Arnold's a football-headed kid figuring out school, friendships, and crushes in the big city. His hijinks with his best friend Gerald; his odd friendship with Helga, the bully who is secretly in love with him; and the antics of all his neighbors in his grandparents' boarding house are hugely nostalgic for '90s kids all over the country. Several other '90s and early 2000s Nickelodeon hits are also available to stream, so invite all your millennial friends over for a nostalgia night and add "Rugrats,""Doug,""Jimmy Neutron," and "Invader Zim" to your list as well.

Read more about Hulu on Insider Picks:

The 19 best movies on Hulu that you can stream right now


Best movies on Hulu 4x3

  • For $5.99 a month (ad-supported) or $11.99 a month (ad-free), you'll gain access to Hulu's entire streaming catalog of TV shows, original series, and movies.
  • If you're new to Hulu, take advantage of Hulu's Black Friday deal running through December 2. Your first year's subscription will cost just $1.99 a month.
  • While movies often aren't the main draw of Hulu, their collection of over 2,500 titles is nothing to sneeze at.
  • Standout new releases include "Sorry to Bother You,""Annihilation," and "A Quiet Place."
  • Cult classics like "Pretty in Pink,""The Goonies," and "The First Wives Club," also make our list of top picks.

Though Hulu originally launched as a platform aimed at bringing TV series to streamers, over the years it's built a sizable movie catalog, with over 2,500 titles across genres. I've often viewed it as a nice supplement to my Hulu subscription rather than what drives me to the platform, which is still its collection of my favorite shows and its host of original content. But as I was browsing their film selection, I kept finding myself saying, "I didn't know Hulu had this," and adding it to my watch list. It's become clear to me that I have to turn my attention away from watching "30 Rock" over and over again and start streaming some of Hulu's vast movie collection. Clearly, I have a lot of content to catch up on.

If you don't yet have a Hulu subscription, the ad-supported option remains the most affordable streaming service on the market at $5.99 a month, or you can upgrade to the ad-free option — which I think is well worth it— for $11.99 a month. Each tier gives you access to Hulu's entire movie catalog as well as the entire collection of shows and Hulu Originals. And it couldn't be easier to stream. The Hulu app already comes installed on most smart TVs, so all you have to do is log in and start streaming. If you don't have a smart TV, any streaming box or stick will have Hulu available as an app as well. Or you can always stream on your phone or laptop.

Once you get set up, here's our list of the best movies available for streaming on Hulu. Now that it's getting cold, you have the perfect excuse to stay in and get cozy. There's just too much good content to go outside.

Pretty in Pink

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Andie sticks out like a sore thumb at her upper-class high school, but when the rich, popular heartthrob asks her to prom, their romance is met with suspicion from her best friend and ridicule from his clique. Molly Ringwald, Jon Cryer, and Andrew McCarthy star in this 1986 "Brat Pack" cult classic film written by John Hughes.

A Quiet Place

John Krasinski is most prominently known as Jim from "The Office," but "The Quiet Place"— which he co-wrote, directed, and starred in — is one of the films that helped him break away from his lovable goofball sitcom persona. This critically acclaimed thriller sees him alongside his real-life spouse Emily Blunt trying to survive in a world where monsters with ultrasensitive hearing attack anything that makes noise. Watch this one now before the sequel comes out in March 2020.


This Oscar-winning coming of age comedy written by Diablo Cody follows a quirky, independent teen as she navigates pregnancy. Though largely recognized as the breakout film for both Ellen Page and Michael Cera, the supporting cast is also stacked with notables like Allison Janney, Rainn Wilson, Jason Bateman, and Jennifer Garner.


In the past several years, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has undergone a transformation from legal expert and Supreme Court Justice to the Notorious R.B.G. — an unlikely pop culture icon and feminist superstar. This critically acclaimed documentary tracks the groundbreaking, revolutionary career of a political powerhouse and her rise to prominence as the second-ever female Supreme Court Justice.


This 2001 animated movie has spawned pop culture references and memes by the dozen. Mike Myers voices the angry ogre who becomes a reluctant hero when he's tasked with saving a kingdom of fairy tale characters from its evil, overbearing king. Eddie Murphy plays Donkey, the lovable but dumb sidekick that Shrek definitely never asked for.


The Shimmer, a quarantined zone where all life inside it is violently mutating, is expanding, and scientist Lena is tasked with determining why. But her secondary mission might be more pressing: discover what happened to her husband inside the mysterious area. This sci-fi thriller starring Natalie Portman and Oscar Isaac is a visual and auditory intellectual roller-coaster ride.

The Goonies

If you're looking for '80s nostalgia exemplified, this is the movie for you. A group of misfit kids discovers an ancient treasure map and sets out to find the bounty, but they have to outwit a group of hapless criminals who want the fortune for themselves. This cult classic stars young Corey Feldman, Sean Astin, and Josh Brolin.

Training Day

It's Jake's first day on the police force, and he's assigned to partner with decorated veteran narcotics officer Alonzo Harris. But as they try to take down the gangs and dealers of South Central LA, Jake quickly discovers Alonzo's tactics are unsavory at best and highly illegal at worst. Denzel Washington's portrayal of the corrupt cop earned him a Best Actor Oscar, while Ethan Hawke's turn as the LAPD rookie earned him a Best Supporting Actor nom.

The Matrix Trilogy

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It's safe to say that "The Matrix" trilogy changed the face of pop culture forever. I bet you've tried to dodge something thrown at you like Keanu Reeves dodged bullets, or you've referred to something weird as a "glitch in the matrix." All three films in the acclaimed sci-fi trilogy from the minds of the Wachowski sisters are available to stream.

Ocean's Eleven

Danny Ocean is a criminal mastermind, and on the day he gets out of prison, he's already orchestrating his next grift. He assembles a crack team of expert con artists to pull off a huge casino heist, and he only steals from those who deserve it. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Matt Damon lead a star-studded cast in this first in a trilogy of heist films. The sequels — "Ocean's Twelve" and "Ocean's Thirteen"— are also available to stream.

Child's Play

A young boy receives an innocent doll for his birthday. Little does he know, it's possessed by the soul of a serial killer who's out for revenge on his enemies. The first in a franchise that spawned six sequels, a comic book series, and countless merch, this classic '80s horror film will leave you side-eyeing any creepy toys you might have lying around.

I, Tonya

This dark comedy mockumentary follows the infamous scandal in which Tonya Harding's ex-husband hired a goon to attack and injure rival ice skater Nancy Kerrigan prior to the 1994 Olympics. Harding's involvement in the plot ruined her career and got her banned from ice skating competitions for life. Margot Robbie earned an Oscar nomination for her portrayal of Harding, and the great Allison Janney took home the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Harding's mother

The Color Purple

This critically acclaimed film based on Alice Walker's novel of the same name follows Celie, a Southern black woman in the 1920s, as she deals with racism, sexism, and abuse throughout her life. It's Shug Avery, a strong and independent lounge singer, who shows Celie her self-worth and empowers her to stand up to her abusers and find strength of her own. Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey, and Danny Glover star in this incredibly moving and powerful film.

Julie & Julia

Two true stories intertwine in this charming comedy. Julia Child is the iconic TV chef credited with bringing French cuisine to the American masses; Julie Powell is the blogger who's undertaken the daunting project of cooking all 524 recipes in Child's famous cookbook in 365 days. Meryl Streep and Amy Adams star in this last movie made by Nora Ephron, the legendary filmmaker behind hits like "When Harry Met Sally" and "Sleepless in Seattle."


This over-the-top parody from the mind of Mel Brooks follows a space ranger's quest to kidnap a princess and hold her hostage in return for her home planet's air supply. When he falls in love with her, he must choose where his loyalties lie. Starring Bill Pullman, John Candy, and Rick Moranis, this goofball film lampoons "Star Wars,""Star Trek,""Alien," and other beloved sci-fi films, making it one of Brooks's most popular movies.

Sorry to Bother You

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Cash is finding his job as a telemarketer to be nearly impossible until his coworker lets him in on the secret to success: "white voice." When he excels at the skill, he rises quickly through the ranks only to discover the company he's working for has a freakish dark side. This sci-fi satire takes on race, class, and labor themes in a truly unique way.

The First Wives Club

After their friend's suicide, three best friends are reunited after many years apart. After realizing that all three of their husbands have left them for younger women, and that their friend took her life after learning her own husband did the same, they decide to team up to get revenge on their exes. Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn, and Diane Keaton star as the jilted ex-wives in this hilarious and empowering comedy.

Disney's Hercules

Baby Hercules is stolen from Mount Olympus and grows up on Earth without realizing he's an immortal demi-god. After losing his inmortality, he must earn it back along with his right to live on Mount Olympus by defeating a series of mythical monsters. With Disney+ on the horizon, this animated musical may not be on Hulu for long, so watch it while you can.

Four Weddings and a Funeral

This charming British rom-com follows a group of friends through a tumultuous year in which they attend — you guessed it — four weddings and a funeral. Hugh Grant stars as the lovable but awkward Charles, as he chases love interest Carrie through a series of missed connections, one-night stands, marriages, engagements, and breakups.

16 must-see Hulu original TV shows to add to your streaming queue


Best Hulu originals 4x3

  • Hulu is making waves with its original content like its wildly successful "The Handmaid's Tale."
  • Other standouts include "11.22.63" starring James Franco, "Shrill" starring Aidy Bryant, and the true crime thriller "The Act."
  • All of Hulu's original programming plus its entire streaming catalog are included at every subscription level.
  • Hulu Basic (with ads) is $5.99 a month, while Hulu Premium (ad-free) is $11.99 a month.
  • If you're new to Hulu, take advantage of Hulu's Black Friday deal running through December 2. Your first year's subscription will cost just $1.99 a month.

While Netflix was the pioneer of original content and still leads the pack in quantity, Hulu has made a successful effort in the last few years to join the ranks of quality original content providers. Its bread and butter — the must-see, multiple-Emmy-winning series "The Handmaid's Tale"— makes it worth the price of a subscription alone.

But that's not the only series that's gained Hulu its must-subscribe status. Other standouts include the Emmy-nominated "Pen15,""Shrill" starring SNL-alum Aidy Bryant, and the true-crime-chronicling series "The Act." In my experience, Hulu has a much higher success rate than Netflix when it comes to their productions, meaning there's a higher likelihood that the Hulu original series you take a chance on will actually be binge-worthy. But still, there's a lot of content to weed through, so we've gathered the best of Hulu's original content below.

If you're not a Hulu subscriber yet, it couldn't be easier to start streaming. Most smart TVs already come equipped with the Hulu app, and it's as simple as registering here and signing in. If you're looking to upgrade to a smart TV, check out our guide to the best 4K Smart TVs on the market. If you're not sure what level of Hulu service is right for you, here's an extensive breakdown of all they have to offer and what it'll cost. Once you're all set up, we suggest you start with one of the shows below to really get a taste of how Hulu is innovating.

"The Handmaid's Tale"

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Hulu Originals' bread and butter, this series based on Margaret Atwood's novel of the same name is set in a dystopian future in which women have been forced into sexual servitude. Elisabeth Moss has won two Emmy Awards for her outstanding and emotional performance as June. Three seasons are currently on Hulu, and it's been renewed for a fourth.


Comedians Maya Erskine and Anna Konkle star as their 13-year-old selves in a show that captures all of the awkwardness of middle school in the year 2000. The rest of their classmates are portrayed by actual teenagers adding a hilarious twist to this clever comedy. Season 1 is currently available to stream, and Season 2 is on the way.


"The Act"

In 2015, the murder of Dee Dee Blanchard captured the nation's attention after it was revealed to be orchestrated by her daughter in an attempt to escape Dee Dee's abusive Munchhausen syndrome by proxy. "The Act" chronicles all the twists and turns of this captivatingly complex true crime story.

"Wu-Tang: An American Saga"

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Based on the true story of the rise of the Wu-Tang Clan, this miniseries follows Bobby Diggs aka The RZA as he tries to lead his group of friends away from the drug- and crime-riddled streets on New York. The music they create together chronicling their daily struggles and triumphs eventually leads them to meteoric success. Four episodes are currently available to stream with a new one being added weekly.


Aidy Bryant stars as Annie, an overweight woman who, despite societal pressures, has no interest in changing her body. But she's out to make improvements in other areas, namely her career, love life, and family life, but of course having it all is never easy. Season 1 of the comedy from executive producers Lorne Michaels and Elizabeth Banks is streaming now and has been picked up for Season 2.


In 18th-century London, Margaret Wells butts heads with a rival brothel owner as they vie for control of the city's underground. Plus, she's got daughters to raise amidst her dangerous business dealings. This British drama's three seasons are currently streaming on Hulu.

"Marvel's Runaways"

These six teenagers couldn't be more different, except one important commonality — their parents are all evil. Now they must find a way to work together to take down their parents' criminal enterprise. Based on a Marvel Comics series of the same name, the two seasons of "Runaways" are available to stream. Season 3 premieres on December 13.

"Difficult People"

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Billy Eichner and Julie Klausner star as best friends navigating life in New York City. They're both struggling comedians, but their careers aren't the only thing they're struggling with. They're, well, difficult people, and they can't stand anyone but each other. Al three seasons of "Difficult People" are currently streaming.


Valerie has just gotten a divorce, and now she and her teenage daughter must move in with her bachelor brother, Alex. With Valerie ready to get back on the horse, Alex must help her navigate the craziness of the dating scene — using the dating app he's invented. All four seasons of "Casual" are currently streaming.

"The Bisexual"

Leila has identified as a lesbian her entire adult life, but when her 10-year relationship with Sadie ends, she finds herself attracted to men for the first time. Her new roommate helps her navigate dating both men and women and deal with the upheaval of her entire life and identity. The first season of "The Bisexual" can be streamed now.


James Franco stars as Jake, a high school English teacher faced with the opportunity to travel back in time to change the past. His task: prevent the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and discover the answers to one of the most persistent conspiracy theories in American history. The entire 8-part miniseries executive-produced by J.J. Abrams is streaming now.


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Hugh Laurie stars as Dr. Eldon Chance, a forensic psychiatrist drawn into the orbit of an alluring patient struggling with multiple personality disorder. After he vows to help her escape her abusive husband, Chance learns that her husband is a high-ranking police detective, and now he's in his crosshairs. Both seasons of this thriller based on the novel by Kem Nunn are available to stream.


Produced by George Clooney and based on the novel by Joseph Heller, this 6-part miniseries follows an army pilot during World War II who's furious that the army keeps increasing the number of missions he must fly before he's discharged. Ever-trying to find a way out, he shirks his duties by injuring himself, feigning illness, and forging the results of his missions. Fun fact: The novel this is based on is where the phrase "catch-22" originated.

"Castle Rock"

If you're a fan of Stephen King, you're familiar with the town of Castle Rock, Maine. A geographical anchor in many of King's works, it's the setting of "Cujo" and "The Dark Half" and is referenced in "IT,""The Mist," and many more. This series gives the town a life of its own, exploring the darkness that continues to plague it, making nods to many of King's novels and short stories along the way. Season 1 is streaming now, and season 2 is set to premiere on October 23, just in time for spooky season.

"The Path"

Aaron Paul stars as Eddie, a member of a new-age religion. He's steadily rising to the top of the ranks and is slated to become a prominent leader, but during a retreat, he has a vision about the religion's founder that leads him to question everything. Is this religion that's given him a new beginning actually a cult? All three seasons of "The Path" are streaming now.

"The Wrong Mans"

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Sam and Phil, two hapless city employees, are caught in a criminal mastermind's web when Sam answers a cell phone he finds at the site of a fatal car accident and receives a threat that was never meant for him. Created by and starring James Cordon and Mathew Baynton, both seasons of this British comedy-drama co-produced by BBC TV are available to stream.


SoulCycle's CEO stepped down this week. Here are the 31 most dramatic exits in a record-breaking year for CEO departures.


Melanie Whelan CEO of SoulCycle speaks onstage during Sound by SoulCycle at Milk Studios on March 22, 2019 in Los Angeles, California.

More than 1,000 CEOs stepped down during the first three quarters of 2019, according to a report published by the staffing firm Challenger, Gray, & Christmas— 1,160 executives, to be exact.

Departures in the first nine months of this year exceeded the number of CEOs who stepped down during the first three quarters of 2008 (1,132), which was the height of the Great Recession. This is also the year with the highest CEO turnover in the first three quarters that Challenger, Gray, & Christmas has seen since the firm began tracking departures in 2002.

The tech sector has the second-highest number of CEO departures, at 154, including the high-profile departures of Adam Neumann from WeWork and Kevin Burns from Juul.

On October 22, the heads of Under Armour and Nike announced within hours of each other that they were stepping down. On November 1, the McDonald's board voted to fire CEO Steve Easterbrook over his relationship with an employee. Gap CEO Art Peck stepped down on November 7 after 15 years at the company. 

Most recently, SoulCycle CEO Melanie Whelan resigned from the company on Tuesday, which a spokesperson told Business Insider was a "mutual agreement" between the board of SoulCycle and Whelan. Whelan originally joined the company in 2012 as its COO and rose to CEO in 2015.

Of the CEOs who left their positions during the first three quarters, 438 remained at their respective companies in different roles, 292 retired, and 103 moved to other companies, according to the report, which listed several other reasons for departures as well.

Here are the 31 most noteworthy CEO departures of 2019 thus far: 

SEE ALSO: The WeWork IPO fiasco of 2019, explained in 30 seconds

DON'T MISS: The cofounders of Juul have both lost their billionaire status after less than 10 months in the 3-comma club

31. SoulCycle — Melanie Whelan

Read more: SoulCycle CEO Melanie Whelan has resigned, marking the end of a tumultuous year for the boutique fitness company

30. Gap — Art Peck

Read more: Gap CEO Art Peck is stepping down from the company

29. McDonald's — Steve Easterbrook

Read more: McDonald's CEO Steve Easterbrook was fired over a relationship with an employee

28. Wells Fargo — Tim Sloan

Source: Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan is retiring

27. David's Bridal — Scott Key

Source: Wall Street Journal

26. Overstock — Patrick Byrne

Read more: Overstock founder Patrick Byrne was seemingly involved in a web of intrigue that involved a Russian spy and the FBI


25. Under Armour — Kevin Plank

Read more: Kevin Plank is stepping down as CEO of Under Armour

24. Care.com — Sheila Lirio Marcelo

Source: Wall Street Journal

23. AutoNation — Carl Liebert

Read more: AutoNation replaces new CEO with a new CEO

22. PG&E — Geisha Williams

Read more: PG&E says CEO Geisha Williams steps down

21. Kraft Heinz — Bernardo Hees

Read more: Kraft Heinz CEO stepping down, Patricio named successor

20. Blue Apron — Brad Dickerson

Read more: Blue Apron is soaring after its CEO steps down

19. HP — Dion Weisler

Read more: The CEO of HP is stepping down 'due to a family health matter,' and will be replaced by an exec who started at the company as an intern

18. UnitedHealthcare — Steve Nelson

Read more:Interview with Retired UnitedHealthcare CEO Steve Nelson

17. Guess — Victor Herrero

Read more: Guess CEO Victor Herrero to step down


16. Mozilla — Chris Beard

Source: TechCrunch

15. Boingo Wireless — Dave Hagan

Source: Yahoo Finance

14. REI — Jerry Stritzke

Read more: REI leader resigns over undisclosed relationship

13. Bed, Bath & Beyond — Steven Temares

Read more:Bed Bath & Beyond has a new CEO 5 months after activist investors released a brutal presentation slamming the company's leadership

12. Mattress Firm — Steve Stagner

Read more: Mattress Firm Board of Directors Announces the Resignation of Chief Executive Officer

11. Warner Bros. — Kevin Tsujihara

Read more: Warner Bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara is stepping down following a report alleging he had a sexual relationship with an actress and promised to help her get roles

10. Rite Aid — John Standley

Read more: Rite Aid CEO John Standley To Step Down, Shares Up

9. Burlington Stores — Tom Kingsbury

Source: MarketWatch

8. Best Buy — Hubert Joly

Read more: Best Buy CEO Hubert Joly steps down

7. New York Post — Jesse Angelo

Read more:News Corp Appoints Sean Giancola As CEO of New York Post

6. Colgate-Palmolive — Ian Cook

Source: Financial Times

5. MetLife — Steven Kandarian

Read more: MetLife names Khalaf CEO, Kandarian to retire

4. eBay — Devin Wenig

Read more: eBay CEO abruptly steps down as the company considers selling off assets

3. Juul — Kevin Burns

Read more:Juul's CEO steps down as the e-cig company says it will stop all advertising in the US

2. Nike — Mark Parker

Read more: Nike CEO Mark Parker steps down just hours after Under Armour's chief executive leaves his role

1. WeWork — Adam Neumann

Read more: The WeWork IPO fiasco of 2019, explained in 30 seconds

Meghan Markle's trainer reveals 6 tips for avoiding holiday weight gain


Meghan Markle

  • The holiday season is notorious for breaking up otherwise healthy eating and exercise habits. 
  • But strong habits and good planning can help prevent holiday overindulgence, according to Sebastien Lagree, personal trainer to A-List stars like Meghan Markle, Michelle Obama, and Kim Kardashian.
  • Eating before your big meal, drinking plenty of water, and making time for just five minutes of exercise a day can help keep you healthy and fit.  
  • And, if you're generally healthy, a day or two of festivities won't do any lasting harm to diet or exercise goals, so don't stress. 
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more. 

Between the cold weather and an abundance of meal-based gatherings, holiday season can wreak havoc on your healthy habits. But it doesn't have to, according to Sebastien Lagree, founder of Lagree Fitness and personal trainer to a long list of A-list stars, including Meghan Markle, Michelle Obama, Rihanna, and Kim Kardashian. 

It's still possible to stay on track with healthy eating and exercise goals from Thanksgiving to New Year's, Lagree told Insider, if you follow a few simple tips. Here's his advice.



Don't lie to yourself.

Lagree said one of the biggest problems is that people aren't realistic or honest with themselves about their holiday plans. It's easy to say you'll work out tomorrow, but facing a snowy, possibly hungover, trek to the gym after Thanksgiving is daunting. 

"People live under false promise of 'I will do it tomorrow,' but that never happens," Lagree said. "That's why unfortunately every year, there's an accumulation of weight gain. A lot of people still haven't lost the weight they gained last year."

But going in with clear goals and a plan for sticking with them can prevent that. 


Plan to eat something before the big feast.

Don't hold off on eating before the holiday meal because you plan to "save" all your calories for one sitting, Lagree said. That will only make you hungrier, and more likely to overdo it once the meal is finally served. 

Instead, have a healthy, filling meal before you leave for the celebration. Something less calorie-dense but with a lot of volume and nutrition is ideal, Lagree said. Leafy greens and veggies or complex carbs like whole-grains could work. 

Drink water between servings.

With buffet-style gatherings, it can be easy to overdo it, but plan to stick to reasonable portions. 

Drinking plenty of water can help give your body a break to assess how full you really are before you go back for another serving, Lagree said. 

Enjoy the meal.

Don't stress if you spend Thanksgiving enjoying a hearty meal with family or friends.

Lagree said that for most people with healthy lifestyle, one big day of partying or eating won't cause significant issues. 

"If it's a one-time thing, that's OK. Nothing bad is going to happen; your body will bounce back," he said. "The problem is the reptative habit." 


Exercise daily, even if it's just a few minutes at home.

On a cold winter day, especially after a big meal, it can be tempting to skip the snowy trek to the gym in favor of cozying up indoors. But Lagree said it's still possible to get in a solid workout, even without equipment or much time. 

He recommended slow, isometric workouts — exercises that hold tension through the movement — like lunges, wall sits, planks, tricep dips, and crunches. 

Pick five and do each for a minute, in any order. "Move so slow you can feel gravity pulling your body to the floor, feel your body fighting gravity," Lagree said.

For an added challenge, add a "pulse" movement to static holds. In a squat, for instance, hold the position, then very slowly move up and down a tiny amount, still maintaining a low squat. For plank, lower into a partial push-up position and back into plank. 

"You don't have to do it for hours," Lagree said. "Just a few seconds will get your heart rate up."

Don't rely on quick fixes if you do fall out of your healthy habits.

The last mistake people make regarding post-holiday fitness is expecting to make huge changes overnight by falling for social media promises or slick marketing campaigns, Lagree said.

"If the promise seems really far-fetched, it probably is," he said. 

He recommended giving yourself the same amount of time to get back in shape as you spent getting out of shape. For instance, if you gain a few pounds during a month of holiday celebrations, a full month of consistent exercise and healthy eating is a realistic goal to burn it off.

If it's been a little longer since you've worked out, like a months or even a few years, expect is to take a proportionately longer amount of time to reach your fitness goals. 

"You want to go slow, do things in moderation, don't try anything weird, so you don't hurt yourself," Lagree said. "There's no magic pill, it's just hard work, discipline, and consistency. The slow and steady approach is best."

Read more:

Halle Berry's trainer reveals 6 exercises you can do at home to sculpt your abs and entire body

The science behind Adele's 'sirtfood' diet and 24 other bizarre celebrity weight-loss plans

People are using everything from bloody Marys to herbal supplements to treat hangovers. Only some of the remedies actually work.

Best Buy's early Cyber Monday deals include $300 off Vizio TVs, $100 off Jabra headphones, and more


Cyber Monday Best Buy Deals 4x3

Updated 11/30/19 at 2:24 pm ET

Cyber Monday is here. We're compiling all the top Best Buy Cyber Monday deals on TVs, headphones, streaming sticks, and more. 

We'll be updating this page as more Best Buy Cyber Monday deals drop, so be sure to check back as the day goes on. 

The top Best Buy Cyber Monday deals: 

  1. Vizio 65-inch P-Series Quantum, $899.99 (originally $1,199.99) [You save $300]
  2. Vizio 75-inch P-Series Quantum, $1,499.99 (originally $1,999.99) [You save $550]
  3. August Smart Lock Pro + Connect, $149 (originally $279) [You save $130] 
  4. Jabra Elite 65t True Wireless Earbud Headphones, $109.99 (originally $169.99) [You save $60] 
  5. Jabra Elite 85h Wireless Noise Canceling Over-the-Ear Headphones, $199 (originally $299.99) [You save $100.99] 
  6. Roku Ultra, $49.99 (originally $99.99) [You save $50] 
  7. Sennheiser PXC 550 Noise-Canceling Headphones, $199.95 (originally $349.95) [You save $150] 
  8. Withings Body+ Body Composition Wi-Fi Scale, $69.95 (originally $99.95) [You save $30] 
  9. Facebook Portal Mini, $79 (originally $129) [You save $50] 
  10. Facebook Portal TV, $99 (originally $149) [You save $50] 

What makes these deals great buys: 

  1. Vizio 65-inch P-Series Quantum, $899.99 (originally $1,199.99) [You save $300]: Vizio's P-Series is one of our favorite affordable TVs. For $899.99, you'll get an impressive display that supports a wide range of HDR content and a 120Hz panel that's great for gaming.  
  2. Vizio 75-inch P-Series Quantum, $1,499.99 (originally $1,999.99) [You save $550]: This is the same TV as the one described above, but it's 10 inches larger. 
  3. August Smart Lock Pro + Connect, $149 (originally $279) [You save $130]: This is our favorite smart lock currently on the market, and it's never sold for less. It works with Nest, SmartThings, Alexa, Google Assistant, and HomeKit, and it offers geofencing and a number of other advanced features.   
  4. Jabra Elite 65t True Wireless Earbud Headphones, $109.99 (originally $169.99) [You save $60]: If you're eyeing true wireless earbuds, but don't want to shell out for AirPods, try these. They look nice, provide a balanced sound, and can last five hours on a charge.  
  5. Jabra Elite 85h Wireless Noise Canceling Over-the-Ear Headphones, $199 (originally $299.99) [You save $100.99]: These are some of the best noise-canceling alternatives to Bose and Sony out there. You can use them to make calls, and they come with Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri built right in.   
  6. Roku Ultra, $49.99 (originally $99.99) [You save $50]: This Roku is our favorite streaming device. It supports 4K video and HDR content and can connect to any streaming service you need, including Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO, and more. 
  7. Sennheiser PXC 550 Noise-Canceling Headphones, $199.95 (originally $349.95) [You save $150]: These are excellent noise-canceling headphones with customizable touch controls, comparable to Bose's QC35. They're cheap because they're a couple of years old, not because they're bad. 
  8. Withings Body+ Body Composition Wi-Fi Scale, $69.95 (originally $99.95) [You save $30]: The Withings Body+ (formerly Nokia Body+) is one of the best smart scales out there. It measures a number of stats, including weight, body fat, muscle, and bone mass, and displays them all in a convenient smartphone app.    
  9. Facebook Portal Mini, $79 (originally $129) [You save $50]: If you're interested in the Facebook Portal but the price holds you back, consider the Portal Mini, which comes with most of the same features as the big Portal for $50 less.   
  10. Facebook Portal TV, $99 (originally $149) [You save $50]: This streaming device can turn your TV into a giant Facebook portal, which you can use to video call, play with AR effects, and more. 

How we selected the best deals at Best Buy:

  • We only chose products that meet our high standard of coverage, and that we've either used ourselves or researched carefully.
  • We compared the prices against other retailers like The Home Depot and Amazon and only included the deals that are the same or better (not including promotional discounts that come from using certain credit cards).
  • All deals are at least 20% off, with the occasional exception for products that are rarely discounted or provide an outsized value.

Shop more of the top Best Buy Cyber Monday deals below. 

Cyber Monday VR deals at Best Buy


Cyber Monday headphones deals at Best Buy

Cyber Monday smart home deals at Best Buy

Cyber Monday TV deals at Best Buy



Cyber Monday wearable deals at Best Buy

  • Withings Move, $55.15 (originally $69.95) [You save $14.80]: A hybrid smart watch doesn't need to break the bank — and the Move is one of the cheapest ones you can get. It tracks steps and workouts, and can also log your sleep. 






Cyber Monday streaming deals at Best Buy


Best Buy Cyber Monday FAQs

vizio p series tv

Will Best Buy have Cyber Monday deals?

Yes, Best Buy does offer Cyber Monday deals. Keep an eye on this page for up-to-date listings. 

What time does Cyber Monday start?

Best Buy's Cyber Monday sale starts online at 12 a.m. on December 2. 

Is Cyber Monday online only?

Cyber Monday is online only. While you'll find many online deals on Black Friday, you're unlikely to find Cyber Monday deals in a physical Best Buy store. If you want to shop Best Buy on Cyber Monday, your best bet is to visit Best Buy's website.  

august smart lock pro

Shop Best Buy Cyber Monday deals by category: 

See more Cyber Monday deals

Walmart extended its Black Friday sale — deals you can still shop include $80 off Bose earbuds, $133 off a Roomba vacuum, and $101 off an Xbox One S


IP Black Friday Walmart Deals 4x3

Updated on 11/30/2019 at 2:50 p.m. ET.

Black Friday was yesterday, but many deals are still available at Walmart. If you missed out on shopping, there's a chance to score great deals on all the products you need for holiday gifting and personal use. These are the best Walmart Black Friday deals to take advantage of today. We are updating the list throughout the day as new deals emerge, so stay tuned. 

The best Walmart Black Friday deals of 2019: 

  1. Best TV deal:Vizio 60-inch Class V-Series 4K Smart TV, $448 (originally $568) [You save $120]
  2. Best soundbar deal:LG 2.1 Soundbar, $99 (originally $199) [You save $100]
  3. Best speaker deal: JBL Xtreme 2 Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker, $250 (originally $350) [You save $100] 
  4. Best headphones deal: Bose Soundsport Free Wireless Earbuds, $169 (originally $249) [You save $80] 
  5. Best tablet deal: Apple iPad (6th Gen) 128GB Wi-Fi, $349 (originally $429) [You save $80] 
  6. Best smart home deal: Google Home Mini, $19 (originally $49) [You save $30]
  7. Best kitchen appliance deal: KitchenAid Classic Plus Series 4.5 Quart Tilt-Head Stand Mixer, $199 (originally $279) [You save $80] 
  8. Best coffee maker deal: Keurig K-Compact Single-Serve K-Cup Pod Coffee Maker, $40 (originally $67) [You save $27] 
  9. Best vacuum deal: iRobot Roomba 670 Vacuum, $197 (originally $330) [You save $133] 
  10. Best game console deal: Xbox One S 1TB All-Digital Edition 3-Game Bundle, $149 (originally $250) [You save $101] 
  11. Best mattress deal: Slumber1 by Zinus 8-inch Mattress, $149 (originally $209) [You save $60] 
  12. Best toy deal: Hover-1 Maverick Hoverboard, $98 (originally $128) [You save $30] 

What makes these deals great: 

  1. Vizio 60-inch Class V-Series 4K Smart TV, $448 (originally $568) [You save $120] The affordable TV features free and unlimited TV with WatchFree, built-in Chromecast, compatibility with Google Assistant and Siri, and more. 
  2. LG 2.1 Soundbar, $99 (originally $199) [You save $100] This soundbar instantly enhances your entertainment viewing experience, for just under $100. With a compatible LG HDTV, it links up easily and wirelessly via Bluetooth. 
  3. JBL Xtreme 2 Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker, $250 (originally $350) [You save $100] There are certainly more affordable portable Bluetooth speakers you can buy, but they often compromise on sound. The rugged JBL speaker has immersive stereo sound and impressive bass that make the $250 price worth it. 
  4. Bose Soundsport Free Wireless Earbuds, $169 (originally $249) [You save $80] Despite the MSRP, the average price of these earbuds is actually $199. Still, you get to save a little extra today on these lightweight, secure, and durable earbuds. 
  5. Apple iPad (6th Gen) 128GB Wi-Fi, $349 (originally $429) [You save $80] Best Buy and Target are also selling this 2018 model, sixth-generation iPad, but you'll get the best Black Friday price at Walmart. It may not be the newest iPad, but it's still the best one you can buy because it has nearly all the same features as the more expensive iPad Air — just an older processor. The sixth-gen iPad features a sharp screen, high-end metal design, Apple Pencil support, a Touch ID fingerprint sensor, and a generous 128 GB storage. 
  6. Google Home Mini, $19 (originally $49) [You save $30] The Google Home Mini is the most affordable way to incorporate Google Assistant into your home, and it's even more affordable today. You can get news updates, check the weather, stream music, and much more. Even if you already own one, it's worth adding another to a different room in your house at this price. 
  7. KitchenAid Classic Plus Series 4.5 Quart Tilt-Head Stand Mixer, $199 (originally $279) [You save $80] If you're a beginner baker on a budget, we recommend this mixer because it's versatile, dependable, and quiet. Compared with other stand-mixer models (many of which are also on sale), it has the least powerful motor.
  8. Keurig K-Compact Single-Serve K-Cup Pod Coffee Maker, $40 (originally $67) [You save $27] A reliable, efficient, and compact coffee maker under $50 is hard to come by. If there's any coffee maker brand you can trust, it's Keurig. 
  9.  iRobot Roomba 670 Vacuum, $197 (originally $330) [You save $133] The iRobot 670 is one of the brand's best-sellers for good reason: It works on all types of surfaces, cleans thoroughly and efficiently, can be tracked through the corresponding app, and self charges. Compared with other robot vacuums, it's on the lower end of the price spectrum, but it's certainly well equipped. You can save $132 on it during Black Friday.
  10. Xbox One S 1TB All-Digital Edition 3-Game Bundle, $149 (originally $250) [You save $101] This is the lowest price you'll see anywhere, and the deal is all the better because the bundle includes three must-own games: "Minecraft,""Fortnite," and "Sea of Thieves."
  11. Slumber1 by Zinus 8-inch Mattress (Queen), $149 (originally $209) [You save $60] You'll be hard-pressed to find a comfortable under-$200 Queen mattress anywhere else. Zinus specializes in affordable bedroom essentials, so we're not surprised one of the best home deals this Black Friday comes from the brand. The mattress ships in a box so you don't have to worry about inconvenient shipping or assembly. 
  12. Hover-1 Maverick Hoverboard, $98 (originally $128) [You save $30] Your search for a Christmas gift is over thanks to this toy. Both parents and kids love its ease of use and durability, though you'll also love it for its more affordable sale price. 

How we selected the best deals at Walmart:

  • We chose only products that meet our high standard of coverage and that we've either used ourselves or researched carefully.
  • We compared prices with those at other retailers like Target and Amazon and included only the deals that were the same or better (not including promotional discounts that come from using certain credit cards).
  • All deals are at least 20% off, with the occasional exception for products that are rarely discounted or provide an outsize value.

Shop more of the best of Walmart Black Friday deals below. 

TVs: Up to 60% off

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Wearables: Up to 30% off

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Smart home: Up to 50% off

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Laptops and tablets: Up to 40% off

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Speakers: Up to 50% off

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Headphones: Up to 30% off

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Video games and consoles: Up to 40% off

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Kitchen: Up to 40% off

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Home: Up to 45% off

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Walmart Black Friday 2019 FAQs:

What should you buy at Walmart on Black Friday?

According to shopping experts, the best deals will be on the following products: TVs, smart home devices, gaming consoles, video games, and kitchen appliances. 

Here's where you can find the top brands in each of those categories on Walmart's website: 

Learn more about Black Friday deals and shopping tips: 

See more Black Friday sales and deals

Amazon's deep discounts on Echo speakers and devices are likely to continue through Cyber Monday 2019 — here's every Echo on sale right now


echo 3rd gen

Updated on 11/29/2019 at 3:25 p.m.

Cyber Monday is finally here, and Amazon is discounting its devices. You'll find Kindles, Fire TV Sticks, and plenty of Echo speakers on sale, including devices there were just recently released a couple of months ago.

Besides controlling your smart home, an Echo speaker lets you play music, make voice calls (and video calls on Echo Show devices with displays), and more — all by using the Alexa voice assistant.

If a smart speaker is what you're looking for, check out these Cyber Monday Echo deals below. The biggest savings are on the Echo, Echo Show 5, Echo Show 8, Echo Show, Echo Dot, and Echo Dot Kids Edition.

Best Echo Cyber Monday deals in 2019:

  1. Echo (3rd gen), $60 (originally $100) [You save $40]
  2. Echo Show 8, $79.99 (originally $129.99) [You save $50]
  3. Echo Dot, $22 (originally $50) [You save $28] and Echo Dot with Clock, $34.99 (originally $59.99) [You save $25]
  4. Echo Show 5, $50 (originally $90) [You save $40] 
  5. Echo Dot Kids Edition, $39.99 (originally $69.99) [You save $30]
  6. Echo Show (2nd gen), $150 (originally $230) [You save $80] 
  7. Echo Sub, $109.99 (originally $129.99) [You save $20]
  8. Echo Flex, $19.99 (originally $24.99) [You save $5] 
  9. Echo Input, $14.99 (originally $34.99) [You save $20]
  10. Amazon Smart Plug, $5 with purchase of select Echo devices (regularly $25) [You save $20] * It's just $5 when purchased as a bundle with Echo Dot, Echo Dot with Clock, Echo, Echo Show 5, or Echo Studio. To get the deal, go to the product page for any of these devices and choose the "with $5 Smart Plug" configuration.

Learn more about these Amazon Echos to decide which one is right for you:


Echo (3rd gen), $60 (originally $100) [You save $40] 

The third generation of the original Echo speaker has improved sound quality, thanks to Dolby technology. It also comes in more colors and has a softer design that makes it look nice in any home. Check out our review.

Echo Show 8

Echo Show 8, $79.99 (originally $129.99) [You save $50]

Not too big and not too small, the brand-new Echo Show 8 is the perfect in-between size. With an 8-inch screen, this Amazon smart display does everything that the larger Echo Show does, including video and voice chat, play music from popular services, smart home control, and more, all through Alexa. The Echo Show 8 won't ship until December 8, but you can still purchase this great deal right now.

Echo Dot

Echo Dot, $22 (originally $50) [You save $28] 

Echo Dot with Clock, $34.99 (originally $60) [You save $25]

The most affordable Echo smart speaker gets even cheaper. At this price, you can stock up on a couple or more and spread them throughout the house. The Echo Dot is our pick for the best affordable smart speaker.

Amazon is also discounting the new Echo Dot with Clock. It's just like a regular Echo Dot, except it displays the time — no need to summon Alexa for that info. The LED can also show temperature and a countdown clock.

Echo Dot Kids Edition

Echo Dot Kids Edition, $39.99 (originally $69.99) [You save $30] 

The Echo Dot Kids Edition is based on the regular Echo Dot in terms of specs, but it has extra features designed for children to operate and a colorful exterior. There are parental and privacy controls, including the ability to set time limits and shut the mic off. The content is also streamlined for kids: Songs with explicit content are filtered, and Alexa picks age-appropriate music and stories when asked. It comes with a year of free access to FreeTime Unlimited, Amazon's library of kids' content.

Echo Show (2nd gen)

Echo Show (2nd gen), $150 (originally $230) [You save $80] 

The largest version of the Echo Show has a 10.1-inch display in a redesigned frame that looks sleeker. It's ideal for bigger rooms like the kitchen or living room. You can watch shows, listen to music, make video calls, see info like the weather report, and control your smart home devices. It's our overall pick for the best Alexa smart display.

Echo Show 5

Echo Show 5, $50 (originally $90) [You save $40] 

Part alarm clock, part smart speaker, the Echo Show 5 is the perfect bedside companion. You can do all the same things with the Show 5 that you can do with an Echo speaker, but it's also a smart display, so you can make video calls using the 5.5-inch screen, check on the baby monitor, or watch a show on Prime Video. It's our pick for the best budget smart display with Alexa.

Echo Sub

Echo Sub (2nd gen), $109.99 (originally $129.99) [You save $20] 

Want more bass out of your third-gen Echo speaker? Get two of them and add the new Echo Sub to create a 2.1 stereo setup. Now, you can listen to Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music, Amazon Prime Music, or whatever choice of music service you prefer, with better higher-quality sound. The Echo Sub also works with the third-generation Echo Dot and second-generation Echo.

Echo Flex

Echo Flex, $19.99 (originally $24.99) [You save $5] 

Some people like to show off their Echo devices, but if you would rather have something more inconspicuous, this plug-in Echo speaker is for you. The new Echo Flex is a speaker that plugs directly into a wall outlet but has all the speaker functions that a regular Echo would. You can also get it with a motion sensor or night light, which plugs into the USB port below.

Echo Input

Echo Input, $14.99 (regularly $34.99) [You save $20] 

The Echo Input is an easy way to turn any speaker into a smart speaker. Simply connect to a Bluetooth speaker wirelessly or by using the 3.5mm audio cable and connecting it to the headphone jack or auxiliary input. Then, just call up Alexa as you would with any Echo device.

Amazon Smart Plug

Amazon Smart Plug, $5 with purchase of select Echo devices (regularly $25) [You save $20] 

With Echo devices, you can use Alexa to control a smart home. But if your smart home device doesn't isn't Alexa-enabled, plug it into a smart plug. With an Amazon Smart Plug, you can turn any standard outlet into a smart one. Just plug in a lamp, for example, and you can tell Alexa to turn it on and off. At $5, you can smarten up any outlet quickly and easily.

* It's just $5 when purchased as a bundle with Echo Dot, Echo Dot with Clock, Echo, Echo Show 5, or Echo Studio. To get the deal, go to the product page for any of these devices and choose the "with $5 Smart Plug" Configuration.

See more Cyber Monday deals

Amazon's early Cyber Monday 2019 deals include $45 off Kindle Paperwhite, $440 off Coway Airmega 400, and more


IP Cyber Monday Amazon Deals 4x3

  • Amazon's Cyber Monday has started early, with some deals being dropped before Thanksgiving day is even over and more being announced as we get closer to Cyber Monday. 
  • So far, the best Amazon Cyber Monday deals include $50 off the Echo Show 8 and $89 off the eero Mesh WiFi System. We'll update this post with the best deals as they are announced.
  • We're also keeping tabs on Cyber Monday deals available online on Best Buy, Target, Walmart, and more stores. To potentially save more on Cyber Monday this year, visit Business Insider Coupons to find the most up-to-date coupons and promo codes.

Updated 11/30/19 at 3:10 pm ET.

Move over, Black Friday: Cyber Monday is now the biggest US shopping day of the year.

If you're an Amazon Prime member or plan on shopping for great holiday gifts, keep an eye on this page for all the best Amazon Cyber Monday deals

The 8 best Amazon Cyber Monday deals of 2019:

Deals marked with an asterisk (*) are not yet live but will be available sometime between November 30 and December 2, or at the date specified. All other deals are currently live and are available through December 2. 

  1. Best ebook reader deal: Kindle Paperwhite, $85 (originally $130) [You save $45, and earn $5 ebook credit]
  2. Best tablet deal: Fire HD 8 Tablet, $50 (originally $80) [You save $30] 
  3. Best streaming stick deal: Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote, $20 (originally $40) [You save $20] 
  4. Best music streaming deal: Amazon Music Unlimited: New members get four months for $1 (originally $32) [You save $31] 
  5. Best air purifier deal: Coway Airmega 400 Smart Air Purifier, $310.67 (originally $749) [You save $438.33]
  6. Best smart speaker deal: Echo Show 8, $80 (originally $130) [You save $50] 
  7. Best router deal: eero mesh WiFi system 3-Pack, $160 (originally $249) [You save $89] 
  8. Best kitchen appliance deal*: SodaStream Fizzi Sparkling Water Maker Bundle, $100 (originally $150) [You save $50]

Why we selected these particular deals:

  1. We ranked the Kindle Paperwhite (currently $85) as the top mid-range ebook reader in our buying guide. It's waterproof and has a sharp 6-inch screen, so you can easily read on the train or by the pool. This is the lowest price we've seen on this model and you'll also earn $5 in ebook credit too, so you'll save on your first book or two.
  2. The Fire HD 8 Tablet (currently $50) is our top affordable tablet pick in our buying guide. It's fully compatible with all things Amazon, so you can catch up on Prime Video or Audible within two minutes of unboxing the Fire 8.
  3. Streaming sticks are generally easy to use but the Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote (currently $20) makes it even easier with voice control capability. 
  4. If you're new to Amazon Music Unlimited, the first four months are just $1. This gets you unlimited ad-free access to thousands of titles.  
  5. We reviewed and loved the Coway Airmega 400 Smart Air Purifier (currently $310.67) for its ability to self-adjust depending on the air's pollution level while still being super quiet. It doesn't get discounted often and when it has, prices hover around $465, so this is really great deal. Coway also makes the top air purifier pick in our buying guide, so we know the brand is reliable.
  6. If you're looking for a smart speaker to round out the rest of your smart home accessories, try the Echo Show 8 (currently $80). It can video and voice chat, pull up weather info, and lots more. The 8-inch screen is also just big enough to see faces during video chats clearly, but not overwhelm your space. This is part of Amazon's extended Black Friday sale, but we're expecting the price on this to jump back up in a few days.
  7. Wi-Fi mesh systems can extend your internet range, and the eero mesh WiFi system (currently $160) is the most effective and best-looking one by far. In fact, it's the top pick in our buying guide and exceeds at providing consistent Wi-Fi without being unsightly and obtrusive in your home.
  8. The SodaStream Fizzi Bundle is an easy way to DIY sparkling water without buying more plastic bottles. This set comes with two Co2 cylinders, two carbonating bottles, and two fruit-flavored drops so you can make all the sparkling water you want. It will be $100 when the deal goes live, so we suggest waiting to buy.

How we selected the best deals at Amazon:

  • We only chose products that meet our high standard of coverage, and that we've either used ourselves or researched carefully.
  • We compared the prices against other retailers like Target and Best Buy and only included the deals that are the same or better (not including promotional discounts that come from using certain credit cards).
  • All deals are at least 20% off, with the occasional exception for products that are rarely discounted or provide an outsized value.

Shop Amazon deals by category: 

Shop more of the best Amazon Cyber Monday deals below. 

Deals marked with an asterisk (*) are not yet live but will be available sometime between November 30 and December 2, or at the date specified. All other deals are currently live and will be available through December 2. 

Amazon devices: Up to 50% off

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Amazon memberships

  • Amazon Music Unlimited: New members get four months for $1
  • Kindle Unlimited: New members get three months for free, or six months for $29.97
  • Get $10 in ebook credit when you spend $30 on ebooks
  • Audible: New members receive a bonus $15 Amazon credit and their first three months of an Audible membership at $6.95 a month, available through November 27
  • Prime Video: Prime members get 50% off rentals and purchases of new release movies 

TVs: Up to 45% off

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Laptops: Up to 40% off

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Check back soon for Cyber Monday deals.

Smart home devices: Up to 40% off

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Headphones: Up to 30% off

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Smartwatches and fitness trackers: Up to 33% off

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Check back soon for Cyber Monday deals. 

Kitchen appliances and tools: Up to 50% off

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Home goods: Up to 40% off

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Beauty and skincare: Up to 45% off

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Health and personal care: Up to 50% off

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Check back soon for Cyber Monday deals. 

Fashion: Up to 50% off

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See more Cyber Monday 2019 sales and deals

We tracked the poaching war between rival investment banks. Here are the 40 must-know hires and exits for 2019.


top investment banking hires 2x1

  • 2019 has been an unexpectedly competitive and vigorous hiring market for top investment bankers, building off an exceptionally active 2018, according to Wall Street headhunters.
  • With new leadership gripping the reins at top investment banks, turmoil enveloping others, and a still-scorching dealmaking environment, competition in the US for rainmakers remained at a fever pitch this year. 
  • We spoke with investment-banking headhunters and consultants who are in the trenches to determine the 40 biggest hires and departures of the year.

Last year was one of the most competitive and vigorous hiring markets in the US for senior investment bankers in recent memory. So it would only seem natural that the frenetic pace would slow in 2019. 

Except that it didn't, at least not by much, according to top Wall Street recruitment and executive search firms. 

With new leadership gripping the reins at top investment banks, turmoil enveloping others, and a still-scorching dealmaking environment, competition in the US for top rainmakers remained at a fever pitch this year. 

"In America, hiring is widespread and frighteningly competitive," Julian Bell, regional managing director for the Americas for executive search firm Sheffield Haworth, told Business Insider.

While senior dealmaker hiring has declined upwards of 30% in Europe and Asia, it's nearly level with 2018 in the US with one month remaining in the year, according to Sheffield Haworth's data. 

That's in part because the US has been the epicenter of the investment-banking action: While mergers-and-acquisitions deal volumes have cooled in recent months, US-targeted M&A stands at $1.75 trillion, already eclipsing the tally for 2018 and threatening to set a full-year record, according to Dealogic

Investment-banking revenues in North America fell slightly to $11.1 billion across the industry through the first three quarters, according to Dealogic, whereas in Europe they fell 26% to $4.2 billion and in Asia (not including Japan) they declined 22% to $1 billion. 

But new regimes and other trends factor in as well:

  • Bank of America and Citigroup each announced new investment-banking leadership toward the end of 2018, and have made concerted efforts to stamp their respective imprints and staff up with top dealmakers.
  • The turmoil at Deutsche Bank has left the firm vulnerable, and competitors have seized the opportunity to snatch more than 15 managing directors from the firm's investment bank in the US. Barclays and Lazard have also been fertile poaching grounds as they deal with shakeups of their own. 
  • Goldman Sachs is culling its partner ranks, making it a propitious time for bankers to jump to a competitor. 
  • Firms are increasingly using the vice chairman role to lure veteran bankers with key relationships who want the client impact and big-ticket deal flow of a senior post without all the bureaucracy.

"It's a pragmatic approach to getting senior access to client relationships," Albert Laverge, head of Egon Zehnder's banking and markets practice, told Business Insider. "It gives banks more flexibility, especially since some bankers would rather focus purely on clients than necessarily managing others, and the vice chairman role avoids where to put them in the pyramid."

While technology and healthcare remain the most competitive hiring grounds, mirroring deal activity, other areas are growing in prominence, including activism-defense groups, which provide close access to top brass at major corporations. 

"When an activist situation arises, you don't have a lot of time and have to have a rapid response," Laverge said.  "Additionally, it's a good way to have an ongoing dialogue with clients."

Like we did last year, Business Insider has put together a guide to the most notable moves of 2019. We worked with senior headhunters and consultants who are in the trenches and tracking all the moves to narrow a list of more than 200 hires and departures down to the 40 biggest.

Some caveats: While seniority, title, and platform matter, they aren't the only criteria in play. Well-respected and impactful managing directors may trump investment bankers with more seniority and responsibility. Additionally, only bankers based in the US were included — we didn't consider moves in Europe and Asia. Lastly, our list encompasses only professionals who oversee or work directly in investment banking — senior executive departures like Tim Throsby at Barclays, Jamie Forese at Citi, and Tim Sloane at Wells Fargo, while notable, don't make the cut. 

Read on for Business Insider's list of the 40 most significant and noteworthy hires and departures in investment banking in 2019.

Have thoughts? Think we missed somebody obvious or important? Shoot us a message at amorrell@businessinsider.com.

Steven Barg: Goldman Sachs to Elliott Management

Old role: Partner, global cohead of M&A shareholder advisory

New role: Global head of corporate engagement

Month: August

Barg is switching from protector to predator: At Goldman, he was the top banker defending companies against would-be corporate raiders and other investor antagonists. Now he's teaming up with Paul Singer and Elliott Management, the most feared and prolific activist hedge fund on Wall Street. 

While Goldman has been shedding partners in 2019, Barg was a top player in one of the most influential and in-demand corners of investment banking. His poaching reportedly caught Goldman executives by surprise — and was closely guarded internally at Elliott — and competitors rushed to steal the investment bank's clients after the departure was announced, according to the FT. Goldman lost another top activist banker, Tyler Brooke, to Centerview earlier in the year. 

A long-time capital markets banker, Barg spent a decade at Goldman, largely in Asia, coheading its investment bank for Southeast Asia from 2012 to 2013 and later co-leading ECM operations in the region. 

Eric Bischof: Bank of America to Morgan Stanley

Old role: Global head of financial institutions investment banking

New role: Chairman, investment banking

Month: May

After only two years away, Bischof has returned to Morgan Stanley. The insurance specialist split in 2017 from the Wall Street giant, where he burnished his reputation and spent almost all of his more than two-decade career, to cohead Bank of America's financial institutions group.

Now he's back as a chairman of its investment bank, where he'll have more time to focus on relationships that have helped him execute deals like Ace's $28 billion buyout of Chubb in 2015 and Fortress Investment Group's $3 billion sale to SoftBank in 2017. 

Bischof is also known for co-leading a team of 30 bankers that advised the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on its bailout of AIG during the financial crisis. 

Tyler Brooke: Goldman Sachs to Centerview

Old role: MD, M&A and shareholder activism

New role: MD, M&A and shareholder activism

Month: May

After a five-year run with Goldman Sachs, Brooke joins Centerview Partners amid a ramp up in demand for activist-defense bankers. His resignation landed several months before Goldman's top activist-defense banker, Steven Barg, left to join the industry's most notorious activist, Elliott Management. 

Among Brooke's recent mandates, according to Reuters: ILG in its $4.7 billion sale to Marriott in 2018 and Tribune Publishing in its defense against a hostile bid from Gannett in 2016.


Andrew Callaway: Bank of America to RBC

Old role: Global head of life sciences investment banking

New role: Head of US healthcare investment banking

Month: January

After building out its investment-banking roster in 2018, RBC added senior Bank of America healthcare banker Andrew "Cal" Callaway in early 2019. He brings more than 100 M&A and financing deals worth of experience in biopharma, including previous senior roles at Wells Fargo and Deutsche Bank.

Thanks to veteran hires like these, the surging Canadian bank has raced into the top-10 in US M&A deal volume, hitting a goal it had set nearly a decade ago


Kristin DeClark: Deutsche Bank to Barclays

Old role: Head of tech ECM

New role: Cohead of US ECM, global head of tech ECM

Month: March

Barclays poached a pair of high-profile bankers to run equity capital markets in the US this year: Taylor Wright and Kristin DeClark.

DeClark, who also moonlights as a competitive ultramarathoner, joined first in March from Deutsche Bank and specializes in hot tech initial public offerings. Among the IPOs she's worked: Dropbox, Snap, Fitbit, Square, and GoDaddy.

Wright, a 24-year veteran of Morgan Stanley and head of its US financial institutions ECM group, joined a couple months later as her cohead. He's worked on public listings for AXA Equitable Holdings, Citizens Financial, Moelis & Company, Tradeweb, and Yext.

Lee Einbinder: Barclays to FinServ

Old role: Vice chairman and head of financial institutions group, Americas

New role: CEO

Month: August

The most senior among a cadre of senior financial institutions investment bankers to all quit the British firm within a month of each other this summer. 

Einbinder, who joined Barclays in 2008 after 12 years with Lehman Brothers, led the firm's investment banking coverage of financial companies in the US. Now, he's running a special-purpose acquisition vehicle called FinServ — a blank-check investment firm that raised $250 million in its November public offering and is looking to buy stakes in financial services companies.

Onur Eken: Barclays to Guggenheim

Old role: Global head of capital goods investment banking

New role: Senior MD, industrials investment banking

Month: June

Guggenheim roped in a pair of senior industrials bankers from Barclays in June: Onur Eken and John Welsh.

Eken, who joined Barclays from Lehman Brothers in 2008 and was the global head of capital goods, will continue on with a similar mandate in his new shop. 

Rahm Emanuel: City of Chicago to Centerview

Old role: Mayor of Chicago

New role: Senior counselor

Month: June

The biggest name hired in investment banking in 2019 comes not from finance, but from politics: Following an eight-year tenure as Chicago's mayor and a 30-year career as a Democratic political bulldog, Rahm Emanuel announced this summer he was joining boutique powerhouse Centerview Partners

Emanuel is in charge of launching the firm's Chicago office, where he'll build off a deep well of established connections — including the likes of area billionaires J.B. Pritzker, now Illinois' governor, and Citadel founder Ken Griffin. 

The foundation for the hire was laid in the late 1990s, when Emanuel spent two years at boutique Wasserstein Perella after leaving the Clinton White House in 1998. While there he reportedly met Robert Pruzan, who cofounded Centerview with Blair Effron in 2006. 

John Eydenberg: Deutsche Bank to Citigroup

Old role: Chairman, investment banking, Americas

New role: Vice chairman, investment banking

Month: June

Few have capitalized on Deutsche Bank's mass exodus of bankers as favorably as Citigroup, which nabbed a trio of senior rainmakers this summer: TMT cohead Mark Keene, global IB chairman and capital markets head Mark Hantho, and North America IB chairman John Eydenberg. 

Eydenberg, who'd been with Deutsche since 2001, reportedly has close ties to top-tier private equity clients like Apollo Global as well as Japanese investment giant SoftBank.

Jim Forbes: UBS to Morgan Stanley

Old role: Vice chairman, healthcare investment banking

New role: Vice chairman, healthcare investment banking

Month: July

In Forbes, Morgan Stanley acquired one of the top bankers in one of the hottest M&A sectors. The healthcare dealmaker has a track record with private-equity giants as well, running Bank of America's Global Principal Investments Group for three years before departing for UBS in 2012. 

Forbes has advised clients including Anthem, Ventas, Bain Capital, and KKR, according to The Wall Street Journal

He helped orchestrate one of the largest leveraged buyouts in history: Hospital Corporation of America's $33 billion take-private deal in 2006 with a consortium of investors including Bain, KKR, Merrill Lynch, and the Frist family. 


Jeremy Fox: Deutsche Bank to Credit Suisse

Old role: Head of ECM, Americas

New role: Cohead of real estate investment banking, Americas

Month: August

Fox is one of a handful of senior bankers to decamp not long after Deutsche Bank's monumental investment banking overhaul this summer.

The equity capital markets banker already has a stable of real estate relationships — he worked on IPOs for companies including Hilton Worldwide and Blackstone's Invitation Homes — but now he's pivoting to full-time coverage banking as the cohead of the group in the US for Credit Suisse. 


Robert Giammarco: Bank of America to The Amynta Group

Old role: Head of financial institutions investment banking, Americas

New role: Chairman and CEO

Month: April

One of the industry's top insurance dealmakers, Giammarco left Bank of America this spring after two decades for a corporate role in a company he had a hand in creating. 

Giammarco, the head of the financial institutions group in the US at BofA since 2014, advised AmTrust Financial in its 2017 sale of a majority stake in one of its US businesses to Madison Dearborn Partners, according to Bloomberg. He now is chairman and CEO of the new company, an insurance distribution and insurances company called The Amynta Group. 


Jean Greene: Lazard to Bank of America

Old role: MD

New role: MD, industrials M&A

Month: August

After two decades at Lazard orchestrating monster deals, Greene left for Bank of America this summer amid the firm's investment-banking hiring blitz.

Among Greene's deal trophies: Tyco's $16.5 billion sale to Johnson Controls and Anheuser-Busch InBev's more than $100 billion acquisition of SAB Miller, both in 2016. 

Celeste Guth: Deutsche Bank to PJT Partners

Old role: Global head of M&A

New role: Partner

Month: October

Guth lasted all of four months as Deutsche Bank's global head of M&A before ditching the troubled bank for calmer waters at advisory boutique PJT Partners.

Guth was named to the high-profile post this summer amid a massive overhaul that saw the German lender split its investment bank into three divisions and lay off thousands of employees. 

She previously ran the firm's global financial institutions group and was poached in 2015 from Goldman Sachs, where she spent nearly three decades and was made partner in 2002.


Mark Hantho: Deutsche Bank to Citigroup

Old role: Chairman of global capital markets and global head of ECM

New role: Vice chairman, investment banking

Month: June

Few have capitalized on Deutsche Bank's mass exodus of bankers as favorably as Citigroup, which nabbed a trio of senior rainmakers this summer: TMT cohead Mark Keene, global IB chairman and capital markets head Mark Hantho, and North America IB chairman John Eydenberg. 

After 13 years at Deutsche, the Montreal native Hantho — who has spent long stints in both London and Hong Kong— will continue coordinating capital underwriting for large corporates from New York as a vice chairman at Citi. 

Gary Howe: Lazard to Bank of America

Old role: Head of financial institutions investment banking, North America

New role: Cohead of financial institutions investment banking, Americas

Month: October

After an eight-year run, the long-time financial institutions dealmaker left Lazard, which is revamping its merger-advisory business amid declining revenues — cutting jobs and closing several offices. 

He joins a Bank of America dealmaking unit that's been on a hiring spree in 2019 and appears to be on the other side of its own investment-banking overhaul.

Zaheed Kajani: Citigroup to Evercore

Old role: Head of internet and digital media investment banking

New role: Senior MD, internet and digital media investment banking

Month: January

One of the industry's top internet investment bankers, the nearly two-decade veteran Kajani reportedly has more than 100 transactions under his belt, ranging from M&A deals, to IPOs, to private capital injections. 

The Menlo Park-based banker has advised companies including Alibaba, Bonobos, GrubHub, Roku, The Trade Desk, Wayfair, and Zillow. 

Michal Katz: RBC to Mizuho

Old role: Cohead of global technology investment banking

New role: Head of banking, Americas

Month: August

Katz, one of Wall Street's most powerful women, surprised many this summer when she vacated the top technology investment banking role at RBC, which has been gaining momentum and is one of the top tech IPO performers in 2019

Now, she has the top banking job in the US at Mizuho, and she'll be responsible for boosting the Japanese giant's relevance in the largest investment banking market. Her ambitions were larger than just technology, but her expertise will be essential as tech disruption redefines companies across sectors.

She told American Banker in September that her experience "has put me in a very unique position to think through this. Whether it be technology as a sector, where my old world used to be, or in my new role, which is going to be touching across nine or 10 industry groups that are being impacted by technology across the board."


Mark Keene: Deutsche Bank to Citigroup

Old role: Global cohead of technology, media, and telecom investment banking

New role: Global cohead of technology investment banking

Month: June

Few have capitalized on Deutsche Bank's mass exodus of bankers as favorably as Citigroup, which nabbed a trio of senior rainmakers this summer: TMT cohead Mark Keene, global IB chairman and capital markets head Mark Hantho, and North America IB chairman John Eydenberg. 

Keene, a 13-year Deutsche veteran and semiconductor expert, will co-run technology investment banking at Citi alongside Herb Yeh. 

Sam Kendall: Departed UBS

Old role: Head of investment banking, Americas

New role: Unclear

Month: October

Another year, another head of investment banking in the US for UBS. Last year, it was Joe Reece who left as head of Corporate Client Solutions in the Americas only four months after replacing Ros Stephenson, who stepped back into an executive vice chairman role.  

Kendall outlasted Reece in the role — during his tenure he also made headlines for cobbling together a handy staff reading list for uncertain times — but it was a brief reign as well. The two-decade UBS veteran stepped down from the role in September amid yet another organizational shakeup at the Swiss giant's investment bank, and in October Kendall reportedly departed to pursue other interests

Stephenson, meanwhile, is back on top, coheading the firm's dealmaking unit alongside Javier Oficialdegui. 

Sam Kumar: Citigroup to Bank of America

Old role: Global cohead of software investment banking

New role: Cohead of emerging growth and regional coverage investment banking

Month:  August

As part of its investment banking overhaul, Bank of America is on a mission to chase more middle-market deals in regional locales like Portland and Nashville, as well as provide coverage of emerging, rapidly growing tech firms.

The firm poached Kumar, Citi's head of internet investment banking in North America and global cohead of software, to jointly run the new group alongside Brendan Hanley, a BofA veteran. Kumar's client roster includes heavy hitters like Alibaba, SoftBank, Uber, and Fitbit.  

Amy Lissauer: Evercore to Bank of America

Old role: MD, shareholder defense

New role: Global head of activism and raid defense

Month: August

As investor activism proliferates, investment bankers who can step in and mount a quick and effective defense for companies have become a hot commodity on Wall Street. Lissauer worked alongside star raid-defense banker Bill Anderson at Evercore; now she'll be running the show herself at Bank of America.

At just 35, Lissauer has already advised more than 150 companies facing activism campaigns, according to a Bank of America memo announcing her hire, including Bristol-Myers Squibb, Envision Healthcare, and WageWorks. She also worked with Whole Foods in its defense against Jana Partners and eventual industry-rattling sale to Amazon in 2017.

Kathleen McCabe: Morgan Stanley to PJT

Old role: Head of marketing and business development in investment banking

New role: Partner, strategic advisory group

Month: August

The long-time Morgan Stanley investment banker has most recently held senior posts in investor relations and business development at the firm, but now she's back in an advisory role as a partner in boutique PJT's strategic advisory group. 

During her 21 years at Morgan Stanley, McCabe held relationships with some of the firm's largest clients, especially within the private equity world. 

Umi Mehta: Bank of America to Morgan Stanley

Old role: Head of US internet investment banking

New role: Global cohead of internet investment banking

Month: August

Bank of America has poached talented bankers over the past year, but they haven't been immune to competitors luring away their own: RBC claimed healthcare specialist Andrew Callaway; US FIG head Robert Giammarco left to run an insurance company; and Morgan Stanley hired standouts Eric Bischof, an insurance expert, and Umi Mehta, one of the top internet bankers and nearly 10-year vet of the firm.

Morgan Stanley further bolstered its prodigious tech-banking practice with the hire of Mehta, who will cohead global internet banking in the Menlo Park office alongside veteran Kate Claassen. Mehta has advised the likes of Uber, Carvana, Rent the Runway, and Zynga, according to Bloomberg.



Elizabeth Milonopoulos: Goldman Sachs to Citigroup

Old role: MD, head of digital media and advertising investment banking

New role: Global cohead of internet investment banking

Month: June

Tech is the most competitive sector for talent in investment banking, so landing a top internet banker is a tall order. Citigroup poached two of them this summer amid a flurry of senior hires: Elizabeth Milonopoulos from Goldman Sachs and Brian Yick from Barclays. 

Milonopolous started her career in consulting with Accenture, then she joined Goldman as an associate in 2008 after business school, earning a promotion to managing director in 2015.

She'll now co-run Citi's global internet group alongside Yick.

Gregg Polle: Moelis to Bank of America

Old role: MD

New role: Vice chairman of M&A

Month: June

Polle — a 25-year Citi vet who coheaded M&A and ran the industrials group before retiring in 2008— was part of a slew of senior bankers hired by boutique Moelis & Company in the early 2010s. Now, he's headed back to bulge-bracket investment banking world, where he'll cover industrial giants, as well as other sectors, for Bank of America.

He's part of a wave of splashy, senior hires amid the firm's investment-banking turnaround.  

Michael O'Donovan: UBS to PJT

Old role: Head of ECM, Americas

New role: Partner, strategic advisory group

Month: May

O'Donovan joins PJT as partner after three years running IPOs, private placements, and other equity transactions as UBS' head of ECM in the Americas. 

Before UBS, O'Donovan worked in KKR's capital markets unit, and also had stints with Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan, and Bear Stearns. 


Glenn Riedman: RBC to Jefferies

Old role: Cohead of industrials investment banking

New role: Vice chairman, global head of capital goods

Month: June

Jefferies adds depth to its industrials coverage with the hiring this summer of Reidman, who spent eight years at RBC looking after industrial giants, as well as those focused on building products and metals and mining, among others. 

Before RBC, Reidman spent time at JPMorgan and more than a decade at Bear Stearns.


Rick Sherlund: Perella Weinberg to Bank of America

Old role: Partner, cohead of technology investment banking

New role: Vice chairman, technology investment banking

Month: May

The top-ranked-software-research-analyst turned investment banker has been making the rounds since leaving Goldman Sachs in 2007 after a quarter-century at the firm. After a couple hedge fund stops, the ex-Goldman partner spent four years at Nomura before moving on to short stints at Barclays in 2015 and Perella Weinberg in 2017, where he was tasked with building out their tech-investment-banking practice. 

Now, it's on to Bank of America, where Sherlund — along with fellow newcomer Johnny Williams, who joined from UBS in August — will bolster the firm's Palo Alto office with veteran tech expertise. 

Karen Simon: Retired from JPMorgan

Old role: Global head of director advisory services

New role: Retired

Month: August

In her 36 years at JPMorgan, Simon held a number of senior roles, including top jobs at the bank overseeing coverage of oil and gas, debt capital markets, and buyout firms. Up until 2016, she oversaw a team of 25 bankers that advised more than 120 private-equity finds as a vice chairman and head of financial sponsors. 

The past three years she ran the firm's director advisory services group, a Jamie Dimon brainchild launched in 2016 that advises and facilitates connections for corporate boards. Under Simon's leadership, the group recommended more than 700 candidates to 70 companies in its first year, according to The Wall Street Journal.

But after nearly four decades at the firm and its precursors, Simon, one the most senior female investment bankers on Wall Street, retired in August

Terry Sullivan: Victory Capital to UBS

Old role: Chief financial officer

New role: Global cohead of financial institutions investment banking

Month: March

Sullivan returns to bulge-bracket investment banking with UBS after nearly two years on the buy-side as CFO for Victory Capital, a Cleveland-based private-equity giant with nearly $150 billion in assets.

He was a regular advisor to Victory's leadership even prior to joining in 2016 from Morgan Stanley, where he spent nearly 15 years as a financial sponsors banker. 

Now, he'll co-run the financial institutions coverage globally for UBS. 


Rob Sweeney: Goldman Sachs to Sycamore Partners

Old role: Global head of consumer and retail investment banking

New role: President

Month: April

A 22-year company veteran and consumer-retail banking heavyweight, Goldman Sachs' Sweeney split for the buy-side this spring, joining private-equity giant Sycamore. He's part of a wave of departures among the partner ranks at Goldman Sachs in 2019. 

Among the clients Sweeney advised during his time at Goldman: Bed Bath & Beyond, Best Buy, Campbell's, J. Crew, Lululemon, Target, Under Armour, and Yum! Brands, the corporate parent of Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut.

As president at Sycamore, he'll continue to work relationships with the CEOs and board members of those firms and others to win business for the investment firm. 



Stephanie Sze: Barclays to Credit Suisse

Old role: MD, M&A

New role: Cohead of sell-side M&A

Month: October

Part of the wave of senior departures in Barclays investment bank in 2019, Sze left for Credit Suisse, where she'll run the firm's sell-side M&A practice, specializing in scenarios where companies — or their private-equity owners — put themselves up for sale or divest assets. 

Sze spent more than a decade at Barclays, joining from Lehman Brothers in 2008. 


Joe Todd: Goldman Sachs to Evercore

Old role: Partner, financial institutions investment banking

New role: Senior MD, financial institutions investment banking

Month: September

Amid Goldman Sachs' efforts to thin its partner ranks, longtime finance dealmaker Todd jumped ship to Evercore — and reportedly secured a six-year contract from the boutique in the process.

Todd started his career with Goldman in 2001 and made partner in the 2014 class

Janis Vitols: Barclays to Bank of America

Old role: Global head of asset management investment banking

New role: Global head of asset management investment banking

Month: July

Vitols, a Barclays vet of more than a decade, was among a cadre of senior financial institutions investment bankers to all quit the British bank within a month of each other this summer. 

While Barclays has seen an outflow of talent amid a shakeup to the investment bank and compensation cuts, Bank of America has been snatching senior bankers left and right. Vitols will handle the same remit at BofA that he did at Barclays.  

John Welsh: Barclays to Guggenheim

Old role: Cohead of global industrials investment banking

New role: Senior MD, industrials investment banking

Month: June

Guggenheim roped in a pair of senior industrials bankers from Barclays in June: Onur Eken and John Welsh.

After joining Barclays from Lehman Brothers in 2008, Welsh ascended the ranks and coheaded Barclays' global industrial group prior to joining Guggenheim

Johnny Williams: UBS to Bank of America

Old role: Vice chairman, strategic clients and partnerships

New role: Vice chairman, technology investment banking

Month: August

Yet another vice chairman hire for Bank of America, Williams returns to the firm after a six-year stint with UBS, bringing with him more than two decades of tech banking experience. Williams has worked on more than 150 IPOs during his career and has advised clients including Dell, IBM, Workday, Atlassian, and Palantir.  

He'll join forces with Rick Sherlund, who joined the firm on the West Coast as a tech vice chairman earlier in the year from Perella Weinberg. 

Taylor Wright: Morgan Stanley to Barclays

Old role: Head of financial institutions ECM

New role: Cohead of US ECM

Month: May

Barclays poached a pair of high-profile bankers to run equity capital markets in the US this year: Kristin DeClark and Taylor Wright.

Wright, a 24-year veteran of Morgan Stanley and head of its US financial institutions ECM group, joined in May. He's worked on public listings for AXA Equitable Holdings, Citizens Financial, Moelis & Company, Tradeweb, and Yext.

DeClark, who also moonlights as a competitive ultramarathoner, joined a couple months earlier from Deutsche Bank and specializes in hot tech initial public offerings. Among the IPOs she's worked: Dropbox, Snap, Fitbit, Square, and GoDaddy.

Brian Yick: Barclays to Citigroup

Old role: Cohead of internet investment banking, Americas

New role: Global cohead of internet investment banking

Month: June

Tech is the most competitive sector for talent in investment banking, so landing a top internet banker is tall order. Citigroup poached two of them this summer amid a flurry of senior hires: Elizabeth Milonopoulos from Goldman Sachs and Brian Yick from Barclays. 

For Yick it's something of a homecoming. He started his career at Citigroup in 1999, leaving in 2006 to join Lehman Brothers and then joining Barclays in 2008, where he rose to become the head of the internet group in the Americas. 

He'll now co-run Citi's global internet group alongside Milonopoulos.  


Tommaso Zanobini: Deutsche Bank to Moelis

Old role: Global head of fintech investment banking

New role: Managing director, fintech investment banking

Month: September

Yet another senior Deutsche defection, Zanobini's departure for Moelis leaves a hole for the firm in the simmering financial technology sector. 

Zanobini, who joined the German bank in 2017, has 25 years of tech investment banking experience, holding senior roles at Jefferies, Barclays, and Lehman Brothers during his career. 

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